For Old Guys Only

All I can think of right now is Paul Hardcastle's "19".
Out of respect to those here who may get flashbacks from the video or have bad memories brought up by it I will not post a link.
For those who are curious, just do a search for it.
It speaks the truth.....
My wife, LadyG, is 13 years younger than me. She can talk about things I've completely forgot about and I can talk about things she doesn't even remember happening. Makes for interesting dinner conversations. We agree that Forrest Gump was a great movie. Have it in both VHS and DVD.
Sometimes when I'm overly tired I can hear those choppers coming in like it was happening in the present.
Some of the ways I know I'm getting old:

- I've heard of, and read, "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".

- I know that the old, air-cooled VW pancake fours didn't use head gaskets, and had Solex carburettors. And if the door seals are good, Beetles float.

- I remember going to a drive-in to watch Star Wars and having to hang a big, honking, cast-metal speaker on my car window. And I remember seeing other viewers drinking beer while there, and not getting busted.

- I remember custom vans with murals on the outside and boudoirs on the inside.
Did any of you guys ever have to buy tickets at the local movie theater before you went to the drive in so she could show her parents what movie you went to and prove that you weren't at the drive in.

We used to swap cars so when her Dad drove though the drive in theater he wouldn't see your car.

Ever show up at a girls house to pick her up in a 1939 LaSalle hearse.

The old man laughed so hard he darned near had a heart attack then he said nice try before he said get lost.

Bought it in 1965 for $150 with 24,000 miles on it.
I could spend the night telling you things that happened with it. One of two vehicles out of hundeds that I owned that I wish I still owned. The other one was a 1953 Porsche convertable I bought about the same time for $125.

My favorite was my Datsun 260Z. Most tempermental MFing SOB I've ever owned. Also ran faster than a wild turkey on Thanksgiving morning. Manual choke, Colt radio, no tape deck, & no power seats - heck, they barely adjusted at all. No power steering, no power brakes, no power windows, no power locks, no power mirrors. But it had, of all things, a power antennae (that must have been aftermarket, I think).
My son had a 280Z for a while and let me try it once. He sold it after about 3 weeks and I asked him why. All he said was. Dad I still have a drivers license.

Faster than a wild turkey is an excellent way of putting it.

I'm a little younger than some of you guys (but 40's quite a ways back and disappearing fast in the rear view). I've had fun with my share of beaters, but the one I never got my hands on was "Mom's Car" util I was near age to drive. It was a '75 Chevy Monza, a little yellow 2 door hatchback and nothing special to look at. It had a factory big-block V8, and it only ever ran right after a race driver tweaked the carb. He'd take it out to "burn the carbon out of it" once a month or so, do a 'round trip to another city 2 hours away by speed limit, and be back in under an hour, including fueling up at the other end and having a coffee.

Reading the last few posts though had me thinking of a song I hadn't heard in a while, "Power Windows".
I'm a little younger than some of you guys (but 40's quite a ways back and disappearing fast in the rear view). I've had fun with my share of beaters, but the one I never got my hands on was "Mom's Car" util I was near age to drive. It was a '75 Chevy Monza, a little yellow 2 door hatchback and nothing special to look at. It had a factory big-block V8, and it only ever ran right after a race driver tweaked the carb. He'd take it out to "burn the carbon out of it" once a month or so, do a 'round trip to another city 2 hours away by speed limit, and be back in under an hour, including fueling up at the other end and having a coffee.

Reading the last few posts though had me thinking of a song I hadn't heard in a while, "Power Windows".

Sounds like you describe a Monza TC. I knew a buddy of mine who had one. None of the rest of us would race him. There was no point.
I wish there was a place where you could go to watch old cigarette commercials.
Remember the sweet looking chick in the rowboat with a Salem between her fingers? How about the young couple setting, reading the Sunday paper and both enjoying their Winstons and morning coffee? How about the L&M commercial: "Start fresh, stay fresh with L&M." Now if that wasn't an obvious seduction I don't know what was.

Virginia Slims: "You've come a long way, baby." Every teenage girl in America wanted to start smoking after those came out.

And who could forget that epitome of the American male, The Marlboro Man ?

Ah, smoking. They were less than $.50 a pack and available everywhere. You could smoke on elevators, busses, commercial airplanes, taxi cabs, office buildings and even funeral parlors. No one ever complained and everyone did it. I was watching an old 60s vintage movie on TCM a few nights ago. There was a scene with nine guys and one girl in a hotel room. Everyone had a cigarette.
How about the 'Rat Pack' ? What would 60s Vegas have been without smoking?
Sammy, Dean, Frank...everyone smoked, probably the whole audience too. LOL
Today's yuppies would be screaming and running for the exits with napkins held over their noses and their personal injury lawyers on their cell phones LOL :)

God, I love it that I'm this old............................

Check out:

Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine

under their moving images tab they've got a lot of old commercials, tv series and movies available to view online.
not sure if anyone has posted this link, but it's a keeper.
I'm a qualified old guy! LOL and i sure do remember those leather rings and they did keep your hubs nice and clean and shiney, now im going to get and old leather belt and make a few up! Thanks for the memories!

I think you meant "certified" not "qualified" ya old buzzard :) LOL. I think you may have watched "The Worlds Fastest Indian" one too many times

"Spectacles , testicles , wallet..... I think I'm good to go"
You're not going anywhere till you get them suspenders on! The kind that button to the side of your pants. LOL
Sounds like you describe a Monza TC. I knew a buddy of mine who had one. None of the rest of us would race him. There was no point.

Yeah, probably. I can remember my Mom shutting down young guys at the green light when they were laughing at her "little car." Lots of fun.
I remember it, but just barely. It must be one of my first memories of television, next to Sesame Street and the Muppets, that is.
Ok, here's a bit of trivia.... NO CHEATING by doing a web search!
What was the very first music video aired by MTV.

Answer to follow later on or if someone recalls it.
I was there, glued to my dad's Zenith TV.