For Old Guys Only

This is for the old bucks reading this because they will understand.

Sitting down to Dad's day with my brother and his family and my nieces have 1950/60's music playing on the computer as we eat and I mentioned to my bro that the only thing missing was the high school gym and the crepe paper and balloons put up by the decorating commitee.

My 25 year old niece muttered under her breath, boy are you old.

I had the unfortunate duty to inform her that she was on the threshold of old but she didn't realize it.

Seems I was wrong. One of her pals is a teacher and they saw a student of her friend who was thrilled to see his teacher out side the school room. My nieces only comment was OMG I'm old. I'm a friend of the teacher and so life rolls on.

Happy Fathers Day Fellas. We've earned it.

Fasteddy, who once was young.
"When the light is gone, and the land is dark, and the moon is the only light you see.
No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid Just as long as you stand, stand by me..."

Sorry to you youngsters but I just put in a DVD and was watching the great old movie based on a novel by Stephen King, 'Stand by Me'.
The right time, the right generation and it always brings back some very strong mermories.
Only those who were there can appreciate the music and times as we old guys do.
Enjoy the memories, my old friends.

Do you think if I put lit sparklers in the rear spokes of a two-smoker MB, it would also maybe light up some of the unburnt air-fuel mix coming out of the tail pipe? Now that'd be a cool light show too.
Perhaps it would. You'd want to jet the carb to run rich though.
If I tried to do that around here, I would attract a red and blue light show behind me.
In 1957 my Grandfather gave me his prewar Western Flyer and it had all the bells and whistles. My dad made him quit riding it because he couldn't hear vehicles coming behind him (he was in his 80's). I promptly removed the fenders, rack, and basket and made a pair of the axle polishers from a couple of hightop shoe tongues (that will date me) and man I thought that it was the coolest bike ever. The end of the bike came a couple of years later when I was riding it down a steep hill on a gravel road pedaling as fast as I could. I hit a bump and one of the fork legs broke off at the crown. There was road rash from head to toe and I still carry a scar on my left shoulder from a piece of broken bottle that stuck in my left shoulder. Yep those were the good old days when we were indestructible.
"When the light is gone, and the land is dark, and the moon is the only light you see.
No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid Just as long as you stand, stand by me..."

Sorry to you youngsters but I just put in a DVD and was watching the great old movie based on a novel by Stephen King, 'Stand by Me'.
The right time, the right generation and it always brings back some very strong mermories.
Only those who were there can appreciate the music and times as we old guys do.
Enjoy the memories, my old friends.


Stand By Me was a real good movie, but did you ever notice in the old movies be it a romantic scene or high drama scene everyone would light up a cigarette? Reminds me of something that happened to me the other day, I was told to go down to one of the office buildings with my crew, and clean up the smoking areas, (cigarette butts) They were such a mess they would cause a health hazard, one of the big shots came out and thanked us for doing our job, I told him we were doing this because we received a lab report that the butts were giving the cockroaches cancer. The look on his face was priceless.
I wish there was a place where you could go to watch old cigarette commercials.
Remember the sweet looking chick in the rowboat with a Salem between her fingers? How about the young couple setting, reading the Sunday paper and both enjoying their Winstons and morning coffee? How about the L&M commercial: "Start fresh, stay fresh with L&M." Now if that wasn't an obvious seduction I don't know what was.

Virginia Slims: "You've come a long way, baby." Every teenage girl in America wanted to start smoking after those came out.

And who could forget that epitome of the American male, The Marlboro Man ?

Ah, smoking. They were less than $.50 a pack and available everywhere. You could smoke on elevators, busses, commercial airplanes, taxi cabs, office buildings and even funeral parlors. No one ever complained and everyone did it. I was watching an old 60s vintage movie on TCM a few nights ago. There was a scene with nine guys and one girl in a hotel room. Everyone had a cigarette.
How about the 'Rat Pack' ? What would 60s Vegas have been without smoking?
Sammy, Dean, Frank...everyone smoked, probably the whole audience too. LOL
Today's yuppies would be screaming and running for the exits with napkins held over their noses and their personal injury lawyers on their cell phones LOL :)

God, I love it that I'm this old............................
I remember all that stuff and also tassels out the grips and mud flaps. I never had any of that, lucky to have a 24" Schwinn.
I was watching 'Serpico', the 1973 movie the other day and there was a scene where the cops were smoking in the ER waiting room.
I got a kick out of that :D
Good grief 2door you are driving me back to smokes. lol When I was in the military it was LSMFT Know that one???
YUP, Dean Martin couldn't walk a straight line without a cigarette in his hand. By the way George Burns and his cigars....till his death at almost 100. Like I said before, the first 60 years were the hardest. Now its all down hill, coasting all the way and enjoying every mile I can.
I've said this many times: I'm glad I'm as old as I am.

With today's technology, stress and bleak outlooks for the future at least I can look back on and enjoy the memories of a more innocent time. I don't sit around and lament about the past, but I sure do like the fact that I was there. :)
Whatever good happens from here on out is just the icing on the cake.
Fast Eddy
You seem to have a lot of info on the handle bar gun - marble thru the store window!! lol

This would be cool on a mab, if it does not draw the po po. 1955 bought a 1949 Harley 74cid, it had 3 lights clipped in the front spokes where they crossed, red yellow and blue. The bulb`s were spaced to have 3 separate rings of fire.

Thinking a hocky puck was used as an insulator, hole bored into it to press over axle spacer then turned on lath to press fit inside approx 2" piece of copper tube for a commutator. The bulbs were in small sockets with a tab that was wedged between the spokes. The wires went to brush holder (it held a spring loaded carbon brush) fastened to the wheel hub. The brush ran on the copper sleave that had a wire that went to a switch . It must have grounded thru the bearings. Rode it for years and never had any brg problems. It shur was purdy!!

Remember only one bicycle. Painted it green with "Hardware Hank" 24 hour enamel, could not wait that long to ride so the top bar paint rubbed off on my jeans. This is the bicycle that the nabor helped me make it into a mab 61 yrs ago (a great helper, he did most of the thinking etc) I got to drill the holes with a hand brace and and bit with the square-tapered ends, I remember every hole!! ha ha

Ron _______cvlt1
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When I was growing up there was a Guaranty Auto at the shopping center a block away- and they stocked all the kids bike stuff like hub shiners and horns and decals-

I still know the approximate prices of most things- I think hub shiners were about a 59 cent item in the early 60's- now they start on ebay- the source of all ridiculous bike gear pricing- at $8.99

Some kids had decals on their bikes of skeletons, or wildcats or fire streaks- I had one on my cruiser fender of a little cartoon man in a toilet pulling the handlle that said "Goodby Cruel World"
Just finished watching Forest Gump with my wife. She's 10 years younger and can't appreciate the music and the memories. My all time favorite is Jackson Brown's, 'Runnin' on empty'. "sixty five I was seventeen"........yes I was and waiting for my birthday so I could join the Air Force. Oh my, but that was so long ago but the memories are still there.Forest Gump - Running on Empty - YouTube
