Resident Mad Scientist
Now that made my night.
Okay, I designed and built an electric mouse trap. It was a box with a tunnel made from a toilet paper roll mounted on a plywood base. It had two copper strips that the mouse had to step on going through the tunnel to get to the cheese bait in the box. I used an old lamp cord, soldered the wires to the brass strips and plugged it into a wall socket.
Yes, it worked, but, the mouse caught on fire, so did the box and the curtains that were hanging over the trap. It blew the fuse (this was before circuit breakers) and my dad went to see what the problem was and found the fire and put it out before it burned the house down...I was grounded and banned from making anymore 'electrical devices' .
It's all good, Tom. You just gave it the wrong name, see? It wasn't a "trap" at all. It was your "electric mouse cooker". Yeah, that's it.