For Old Guys Only

The dearth of shoestrings is a source of considerable vexation
for me. Oh yeah, like I'm so flexible in the morning it take 3 trys
just to fasten the velcro on my tennies. I don't mind shoestring
potatoes. Do they still make those? (p)
Has anyone been out shopping for shoestrings lately? Well, it's a sad state of affairs! You used to be able to find a plethora of, it's a wonder if you can even find the size you need.
You must not have caught the news this morning, NIKE plans to roll out the self-tying sport shoes Michael J. Fox wore in Back to the Future 2 set in 2015 next year, not so ironically 2015.

Brilliant marketing move if they pull it off but you won't catch me in a pair, I don't wear anything close to real shoes if anything at all if I can help it but motorized bicycle riding is always an exception, got's to wear good shoes for riding.
I'm always amazed at NIKE with the shoes they offer. A couple/few years ago, the announced they were designing a special pair of tennies to fit Native Americans..
Yes, we do have feet that are shaped different and getting a pair of shoes that fit is a chore..
Anyway, the did all the research and made the shoes and released them with much publicity.. Only problem was that their price is out of reach of the average NDN, so very few pairs were sold to their target market!
Too bad, Cosmo,
I can't find comfortable shoes to save my hide. moccasins are
the only things that feel right. Only takes a couple hours to make
a pair, but they wear out so fast. hard to get good back leather.
$9 cloth walmarts are cheaper, but they're killin' my feet.
So... what rez? Lame Deer? Ignacio? Jamestown Clallam?
I take a wide fitting shoe, and a few years ago here, everything on sale appeared to have been made for people with their entire collection of bones missing from the out side of their feet.
I'm from the White Earth Rez.
When I made Mocs, I'd attach an extra layer of Moose hide on the soles.
Moose hide isn't an option any longer, so next pair I make will have
bull hide for the extra layer.
the moose population in Mn. is down to around 1000 statewide. On my Reservation, we have not allowed Moose hunting for quite a few years now.
Many of the fox news types want to blame the reintroduction of the Wolf in Mn. for the decrease of the moose numbers, but the reality is that climate change & mad cow disease are the main culprits.
So, no Moose hunting, no Moose hides for making Mocs.
Too bad, It's been 30 years since I have a pair from moose hide, real comfy.
Elk hide's too soft, cowhide's too stiff until it's about to wear out. It's warm
winters that's done it. Instead of the usual freeze kill, There's been a thousand
ticks for every moose. They're already weak come spring; The ticks just finish
'em off. Ticks are outa control here east of the cascades.
Got a pair of store-bought moccs today; not too bad. nothin' works well
anymore; I'm getting bone spurs on the balls of my feet from having
frozen them so many times.
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the moose population in Mn. is down to around 1000 statewide. On my Reservation, we have not allowed Moose hunting for quite a few years now.
Many of the fox news types want to blame the reintroduction of the Wolf in Mn. for the decrease of the moose numbers, but the reality is that climate change & mad cow disease are the main culprits.
So, no Moose hunting, no Moose hides for making Mocs.
Thanks, Cosmick. That explains it.

Cosmic.. have you considered a huntng trip north of the border? I'm pretty sure you can still hunt moose (in season) in this country.
Just looked up eBay and there is a large amount of moose hide available. Mostly from Canada it seems. The prices were from $200 for a smaller piece to $1,500 for a large hide and most were $600 to $800 for a small full hide.

Most were tanned by the First Nations People in Canada in their traditional ways the ad's say. Not inexpensive for sure but available.

Here is a link to a company that is selling smaller pieces more reasonably but it looks like some of it was skinned off with a chain saw. Not sure what grade or part of the hide is best for what you want but this may work for you.,d.aWc&cad=rja

next Mocs will be made of Buffalo hide.
I could probably buy a buffalo on the hoof & raise it for meat & hide for what a hunting trip to Canada would cost.

Plural of Moose is Moose.

Fast Eddy..
I don't do E-vil Bay-ou.

When I'm ready to make Mocs again, I'll put a word out on the Moccasin Telegraph
that I'm in need of hides & someone will provide...
