For Old Guys Only

I am put in mind that lions indulge in wild passionate sex for 24 hours at a time. This will undoubtedly be disappointing to anyone who has just joined Rotary International.
next Mocs will be made of Buffalo hide.
I could probably buy a buffalo on the hoof & raise it for meat & hide for what a hunting trip to Canada would cost.


Ah, well. Too bad. My wife's father used to hunt moose every year. Never tried it, but I'm told it's a pretty tasty critter if you prepare it right.
Too bad, Cosmo,
I can't find comfortable shoes to save my hide. moccasins are
the only things that feel right.
Only takes a couple hours to make
a pair, but they wear out so fast. hard to get good back leather.
$9 cloth walmarts are cheaper, but they're killin' my feet.
So... what rez? Lame Deer? Ignacio? Jamestown Clallam?
I don't know why some of this Old Guy ever chaining topics draw me in other than I am an old guy too, but footwear is even more important to me than the weather (80F today by the way).

To spare us all TMI, suffice it to say I really should go see a local Native Indian custom shoe/slipper maker as my beat up 'pussy like' feet soles can't take anything, and screw buffalo, I want some slip on shoes with Lama inside padding, gel padding under it, and Rhino skin lowers custom fit to each foot with maybe some Shark accents (for water protection for under $100 ;-}

Crude and crass you bet, but then when you have bare feet like mine even a kibble or bit or even a 10mm nut on carpet drops me, and god forbid the dreaded legos and other small hard sharp crap my son used to leave laying around.
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Shoes, particularly sneakers, to me are like my favorite old jeans or flannel shirts. I find a pair that fits and feels good and I'll wear them until they fall apart. I have a couple of pair of dress shoes, which I wear about twice a year and two pairs of cowboy boots and three pair of sneakers. One pair of sneakers is brand new, never worn. The other pair isn't new, they've been worn a few times. The third pair are about two years old. They are sad looking; but they feel great! I wear them every day unless it rains. They leak like a sieve. And they don't have laces, but the Velcro is worn out so the straps flap when I walk.

Jeans too need to have some miles on them. I'm wearing a pair today that my wife won't let me leave the house in. They have a few holes, I'll admit but, darn, they feel so good. The problem is a couple of the holes are strategically where they might reveal parts better left covered. But I'm no slave to fashion. I just want comfort.

I can remember my grandmother yelling at grandad about his clothes. She was always telling him to change shirts because so many of his had little burned holes down the front where his pipe had dropped hot ashes. He never seemed to mind. If I smoked a pipe, I'd probably have holes in my shirts too to go along with the rest of 'the look' of maturity. :)

What is it about aging to some men that they stop worrying about appearance? I'm certainly there.

I'm about the same for sneakers, when I find a pair that fits, I wear em till they fall apart.

My Tony Lama's(cowboy boots to the uninitiated) I had to try on every boot they had in the same style/size to make a pair that fit.. still wearing them 17 years later, almost due for resoling & new heels.

Jeans = Levi 501's. I get 2 new pairs every 3 or 4 years when the old ones reach cutoff stage. I do hate the new ones tho, they don't last as long as the old ones did.

I'll take the 5th on the burn holes in my T-shirts & flannel shirts....

After 60+ years of playing the game, I've reached the point of not giving a rats' patootie about what someone thinks about what I'm wearing.

I have my "goin' to town" Redwings, jeans and t-shirts and I have the same set-up for work. And I won't take the 5th, I still have some concert t-shirts from 40+ years ago with burn holes in them. Just turned a few over to my oldest daughter, but kept the Fillmore East shirt here in the cedar chest. Those were the daze?

Be glad you don't have size 14 feet. I'm not sure what that is in
metric sizing. According to my dad, it;s size #2 1/2, two hides,
half a keg of nails.
been away from the site for a while, had one of those senior moments and forgot my password thanks to Paul I'm back on the site.
When you're as old as I am dress code don't mean a whole lot. I still got clothes hanging in my closet from the 60s. Dug in an old foot locker today dug out some old Viet Nam gear. My old boony hat and field jacket believe me they still fit. Took my pellet gun sniper rifle with a 4x16 35 scope and went out in the back yard and took shots at pop cans. The old eyes are still pretty good. Love that old hat.
So good to see you again. I wish I'd have kept some of my old stuff. I didn't keep anything and I regret it today. The only thing I have left from our era is one pair of brand new aviator sunglasses that they used to issue us. They're still in the original case. Maybe they'll be worth something some day.
Anyway, thanks for checking in with us. I've missed your input on affairs of the aged.

These are the kind of shoes this old fart wears.......Clarks Bushacres 2. Found 'em on sale today!

The 'boss' had to inspect the new arrivals. I think she may have been a customs agent in a prior life........:D


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Those are still pretty pricey aren't they "X". I think we called them Desert Boots in Ohio in the 60's. Very comfortable.

Those are still pretty pricey aren't they "X". I think we called them Desert Boots in Ohio in the 60's. Very comfortable.


Got 'em on sale for $79. The Desert Boots have a real crepe sole while these have a rubber/simulated crepe sole. The Desert Boots also sell for about $40 to $50 more. Out of the 6 pairs of Clarks I've bought, only 1 pair has been 'retired'. Great shoes for being on concrete all day!!
Thanks, they are a lot more affordable than I thought. For some reason I thought they were in the $200 range. Oh well, when you get this age you know how it is. Being the fashion trend setter I am I'll have to take a look. Thanks, Dan
Yeah, not too awfully bad. Now I do cringe at the price of sneakers these days!! Saw some Addidas Blades for $179!! Looked like they'd last a month or so.............
No wonder, I don't wear desert boots any more. I love the old
crepe soles, great for climbing on sandstone, used to get 'em for
about $20 at K-mart. My wife thought she was getting ma a pair,
But they came with gawdawful hard rubber clutter soles, like
walkin' on nails.
Just had a vision.........we were all sittin' in a circle talking about shoes and sippin' tea like a bunch of snooty ladies.


I wish I had a pair of the original Vietnam era 'jungle boots'. I used to have some but they were 'a few years old' and finally wore out. Mine were the real McCoy with the steel inserts in the soles so they couldn't be penetrated by 'pungy stakes'.
They were from the 60s. I guess nothing lasts forever.
