For Old Guys Only

Looks like San Fran and Napa are getting some rain, good news for you guys, bummer for So Cal though, the high pressure sitting between there and here is diverting the jet stream around us.

Looks like I'm going to have to go out and shovel sunshine in just my shorts and shoes again ;-}

That's comforting; that leaves only 80% drought. Your glass
isn't empty; it's 1/5 full. So. Cal. won't be getting much water
from Colorado. Since bug kill got so many trees, the upland
water table is shot, no residual evaporation to entice snowfall.
Denver & Colorado Springs have sucked the Frying Pan/Arkansas
project & the San Luis Aquifer dry.
Hey, it's our water! It comes from the COLORADO river. It belongs to us, not California. Get your own river and leave ours alone. :)

As for the "bug kill". If they'd stop putting out forest fires to save rich people's homes the fires would have taken care of the pine beetle. But, no. They stop the fires then can't figure out why the beetles are killing all the trees. Let nature do what it wants and things would be okay.

I have been saying that for a looong time.
I know that Monsanto must hate me by now. :D
LOL< but then you have a quote from a former governor of Alaska.
"You just can't let Mother Nature run wild". Next to "I'm in charge now" probably the dumbest thing a politician ever said, in public.

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Dang KC rub it in, I rode about 6 miles today and that was enough for me. I blew a mag side crank seal again so its time to tear down my first build and replace the bearings.
Yeah, wass up Otero? Cat crap in your slippers?

Yeah, sorry to get excited about our rain.

Better to be miserable about the 80% eh?

And then when we are up to 80% I should be miserable about the lack of 20 I guess.

I' m with you on Colorado water. 2door, but as an expatriot Coloradan,
I'd blame for the changes in east/west slope climate & water tables on
the influx of flatlanders & the politicians who sold a huge percentage of
Colorado runoff to Disneyland of all places in the 50s. That has since been
parcelled off piecemeal to a number of interests. The 'Pan/Ark' project
effectively drained the primary snow fields to water the lawns in Denver.
Over the years this completely altered western slope climate and with it
creating the sort of drought conditions that hit the southwest between
800 & 1100 A.D.
If this thing last as long as that, Phoenix & L.A. will be ghost towns just
like Chaco Canyon.
As for the fires, They're a symptom of a depleted water table. The evaporation
from a healthy water table is what cooled the mountains and attracted snowfall.
without that the winters were warmer allowing more pine beetle larva to survive.
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It was a nice afternoon here so riding would have been fun, but since I had help I decided to cut a little fire wood. I'm getting too old for this, we cut two loads.


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That's what I did also cut fire wood or actually one large tree . Had to tie a rope on it way high up and use a tractor to keep it from hitting the house . I would have used the excuse of being to old for this also but it was my dad who is 87 running the chainsaw . I will get to go riding tomorrow at least for a few miles just to keep the motor from rusting up from not being used . Good excuse to grab a couple of six packs and celebrate the tree being down or something .
At one point, many years ago, I cut wood for a living, but now
I've come to hate the wood burners that surround me on all sides.
In winter I can't go outside without choking on secondhand smoke
& it makes for really unhealthy riding conditions as well. I haven't
used my fireplace in 20 years. I just wear an extra layer or two of
At one point, many years ago, I cut wood for a living, but now
I've come to hate the wood burners that surround me on all sides.
In winter I can't go outside without choking on secondhand smoke
& it makes for really unhealthy riding conditions as well.
I haven't
used my fireplace in 20 years. I just wear an extra layer or two of

Don't say that! Now California will want to ban all fireplaces!
I don't have neibors that close and my heater doesn't some like what you are saying, the key is using wood that has been cut and kept dry for a year for me. Very little smoke is emitted from the new type heaters with baffle systems that burns more of what used to go out of the flue. Ours is a hearthstone soapstone heater, it burns very clean.
I'll grant there is a proper way to build a fire. Here they bank it way up before
going to bed & by 3 a.m. it's smouldering away, so that when I get up in the morning
there's this thick cloud of smoke hanging over the whole valley. It's worse by far than
auto emissions in L.A. Another down side is that it sucks all the oxygen out of their
homes so their bodies can't burn calories. This makes them cold, so they go right
ahead & build another fire. It's the 'Amityville Horror' all over again.
It sounds like more folks need to learn about rocket stoves and their uses for home heating.
Not only are they alot more efficient, burning far less wood and providing more heat output than a traditional heating stove or fireplace, they also have nearly no distinguishable smoke or ash output.
Love the 'second-hand smoke' when I'm doing a brisket.........or ribs..........or pulled pork............hmmmm, I think I need to check if the light is still on in the frig...........
We have 'no burn' winter days here, usually around Christmas when everyone with a fireplace wants to light a fire just for the ambiance of it.

There are really not that many wood fireplaces in Phoenix, natural gas works great, but when we have stale cold air this valley can fill up with smoke pretty fast.

Love the 'second-hand smoke' when I'm doing a brisket.........or ribs..........or pulled pork............hmmmm, I think I need to check if the light is still on in the frig...........

Now you are talking my kind of second hand smoke.
I BBQ two or three times a week year-round, in short if it is better BBQ'ed it gets BBQ'ed and most anything protein is.
I was just reading a story on yahoo about the Cali drought. It
posted a very disturbing sattelite pic of what's happening to the
vegetation there, worst drought on record. This not only affects
those in Cal.,but a lot of us are going to be paying thru the nose
for produce we took for granted, especially in the west. But don't
worry; just keep pumping out those greenhouse gases.
Has anyone been out shopping for shoestrings lately? Well, it's a sad state of affairs! You used to be able to find a plethora of, it's a wonder if you can even find the size you need. I guess in this disposable 'society', you shouldn't need to purchase shoestrings........a new pair of shoes is what drives the new economy -- not shoestrings.