For Old Guys Only

Who was your least favorite actor from our generation?
There were some bad ones, no doubt. I'll start the list:

Red Buttons. :(
Ditto on Jerry Lewis. I had the misfortune to meet him once at a Muscular Dystrophy event in Miami back in the 70s. Without a doubt the most rude and arrogant person I've ever been around. I saw him call an old lady a "f***ing b**ch" just because she wanted to kiss him on the cheek. What a jerk!
Conversely, his old partner, Dino, Dean Martin, was a prince.

Good actors: Robert Duval, Michael Caine, Gregory Peck

Red Buttons? Our generations? Geez, I thought I was old.

Vincent Price, really bad, but in a good way. Least
Favorite: Hmmm, Fernando Lamas. He really wasn't
that "Marvelous". Or maybe Doug McClure.

I take it back, he hasn't done that much acting, but
Roger Daltry. All time rhymes with flick. Stiffed me
while I was driving cab in Aspen. Totally rude &
arrogant to boot.
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Ya got me started. Working in Asspen I dealt with a
lotta celebs.(no one who worked there could afford to
live there, we all commuted from down valley). I landscaped
John Denver's (Annie rhymes with witch), George Hamilton's,
( vainest man I've ever met, but in a good way. The interior
walls of his house are all mirrors) Jack Nickolson's,( enjoys
terrorizing cloying fans. Gave me a ride once in a '46
Chrysler when I was hitching, ended getting **** faced
in the Woody Creek tavern. I worked for him on a couple
occasions. Ran into him on Halloween; he was wearing a
Gorilla head & a pinstriped dbl breasted gangster outfit
with black shirt & yellow tie. Can't hide that voice.)
Had Clint Eastwood in my cab , quote: "Say...
just how many Jerome Hotels are there in this town?"
He's an avid fly fisherman. I took him up to
some of my secret holes on the Frying Pan river.
He gave me the hat he wore in 'Josey Wales', but someone
stole in the Paragon when I was drunk.
Jill St. John, she's an angel. Cher, the opposite: she
& my boss,( an unnamed Nazi hiding out in Aspen),
used go round & round, tooth & nail, when we landscaped
her place. I had some high old times back in the late
70s early 80s.
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Uh, could remove Jock Mahoney from the list, he was a friend
& a really great guy, oldest man to ever play Tarzan.
I won't go into the details but your skin has a compound in it the sunlight breaks down that goes into your blood stream and relaxes your blood vesicles thus lowering blood pressure AND just the warmth and extra blood flow makes all the things that hurt, hurt less.

The big debate here in the desert SW is the whole skin cancer thing and always wearing sun screen outdoors thing which pretty much blocks the suns rays that do all the good.

The findings were pretty simple, something like 100 times more people die of blood pressure related issues than from skin cancer every year.
You 100% spot on KCvale!!!
Sun creates vitamin D I do believe and a vitamin D deficiency has been linked to high bp as well as depression and several other stress causing ailments .

I bet they will find out in the coming years that the chemicals in the lotions people put on their bodies to ward off the uv rays is more harmful to them it than the sun is ..especially in kids Remember asbestos and how great that was back in the day .
Any guy trying to play Tarzan other than Johnny Weissmuller, Tarzan was the Saturday afternoon show we would watch. If the actor was not Johnny I would go out side and play.
I was the same way when the flintstones replace Barney rubble with some guy that "I guess " had a hard time drawing him ..he just wasnt the same barney rubble also the old black & white super man remember watching that as a kid & I'm only 46..


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Otero, I'm not knocking any actor but Johnny was the first Tarzan I remember. I did Google Jock, didn't know he was Sally Fields step dad.
Back in the early 70s I went to a service call at a house in Coral gables, Florida with a service tech checking a factory warranty situation on the air conditioning. A guy answers the door and let us in and while we were there I kept looking at the guy and finally told him he looked familar.
He said, "I've made a couple of movies. My name is Richard Widmark."

He was a little guy, about 5' 6". He was house sitting for a friend.
I read later that he wore lift shoes to make him appear taller in movies.
Makes me think of Farquad, from Shrek. :) But, Mr. Widmark was a heck of a nice man. Made me appreciate him in his movies.

I also read that Fred Astair was a real gentleman. He used to go partying with the troops during WWII after USO shows. By comparison, Bing Crosby was a jerk. He wouldn't sign autographs or even speak to anyone under the rank of colonel. I never watch his movies anymore.

I once had Andre The Giant as a cab fare. He was very nice and HUGE! His hands were so big he could easily hide a beer can with his palm. I found out later he was in severe pain from health issue related to his size.
I do remember he seemed very gentle and aware of how big he was.
My favorite wrestler by far.
It seems that cold weather makes bone and joint much more noticeable , winter has just started and I am tired of it already . Now that I am not going outside I stay in the house watching reruns on TV , or playing games on the computer . I am just allergic to the cold it makes little bumps appear all over my body and in extreme cases I shiver so much my teeth chatter . This month I have raised 2 cows , 3horses ,5 chickens , and lot of crops on my FV2 farm . I've won and lost thousands playing zynga poker . How does everyone else cope with the winter months ?

I go hiking - snoshoeing and sometimes kayaking had my bike out last week with studded tires -- great fun !
I was the same way when the flintstones replace Barney rubble with some guy that "I guess " had a hard time drawing him ..he just wasnt the same barney rubble also the old black & white super man remember watching that as a kid & I'm only 46..
I could never figure out why Lois Lane always fell for the same old routines by the bad guys. Her and Jimmy Olson were forever getting into trouble because 'they never learned'! If I'd been SuperMan, I would have warned them not to sneak into the bad guy's hidout. But then maybe he just liked rescuing Lois.

Otero I said Johnny was the first I remember, I know there were many before and after him. Who remembers when nothing on the TV in the evening was inappropriate for kids, bonanza was one of my favorite shows .
Sunday evenings with Disney , Bonanza , oh and those wonderful Saturday morning cartoons . I even remember party line telephones where every on had their own special ring . There was no privacy someone was always listening in . Now I don't leave the house without making sure I have my cell phone with me and according to the ad's on TV the Dick Tracy wrist phone is now a reality .