For Old Guys Only

It seems that cold weather makes bone and joint much more noticeable , winter has just started and I am tired of it already . Now that I am not going outside I stay in the house watching reruns on TV , or playing games on the computer . I am just allergic to the cold it makes little bumps appear all over my body and in extreme cases I shiver so much my teeth chatter . This month I have raised 2 cows , 3horses ,5 chickens , and lot of crops on my FV2 farm . I've won and lost thousands playing zynga poker . How does everyone else cope with the winter months ?
Fredric, you need to move bout 200 miles south, my friend. This is the coldest winter I can remember in over a decade, global warming at work!
You're not alone Fredric. Not that cold here, but combined with
the damp everything aches. I'm still defiantly riding but I feel as if
I've aged 10 years in the last month. I'm headed out, putting on my
helmet. Perhaps I'll be mercifully dispatched by a teenager driving &
texting at the same time....or not.
It's a few degrees above freezing here, but bone eatingly damp. Britain's had twice the normal rainfall for January, and the highest amount for over 100 years.
It's been either cold and rainy or cold and foggy for me for days.. The temp hovers around freezing overnight (freezing fog, what a treat) and only gains a few degrees over the day. It's the kind of cold damp air that sucks the heat right out of you. My knees are full of metal shavings and broken glass. Oh, if only I could send a message to my 14 year old self to take better care of my knees!
I just sit in my bedroom staring at the wall and go over and over in my mind how I'd like to tell Al Gore and David Suzuki what I think about Global Warming and them.

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Same here, CTripp, I'm just 60 mi. SSW of Vancouver. My knees
ain't too swell either. Right now I wanna move somewhere warm
& flat.
Or sounding like two bricks being rubbed together.

The house is quiet and I'm climbing the stairs to go to bed. That's when I hear something that sounds like two full bags of marbles each time I bend my knees.
What's that all about?

I would say this thread is appropriately named. I won't add to the misery karma going on here, but I do understand.
Steinbeck had it right. This has surely been, "The winter of my discontent".
Too much cold, too much snow and not enough to keep me busy. Thank heaven for this forum and good books or I'd go mad.

I'd made the following comparison before, and my girls thought it was funny enough to remember. So sometimes when I get up out of a chair, one of my daughters will hear me and say "Look! Dad's being Orville Redenbacher again!" as my joints go *pop*pop*pop*.

*sigh* Well, it makes them happy.
Right now I wanna move somewhere warm
& flat.
My wife caught me yesterday (1/29/2014) afternoon at about 4PM 'lowering my blood pressure' when she came home an hour early.


Ya I look like **** with my 'winter beard' and beat up old body but that is the point, we can't go back in time and warn ourselves how our careless abuse of our bodies that seemed to heal up dandy at the time come back to haunt us with constant pain when we get old and most especially in the cold.

I haven't been able to live in cold for a decade or so and now I don't even like to visit it and why I have been living in Phoenix, AZ most of my life.

But back on track, it has been national news this week especially here in local news that some researchers have finally figured out how direct skin exposure to the sun is actually lowers blood pressure and overall a really good thing for your body!

I won't go into the details but your skin has a compound in it the sunlight breaks down that goes into your blood stream and relaxes your blood vesicles thus lowering blood pressure AND just the warmth and extra blood flow makes all the things that hurt, hurt less.

The big debate here in the desert SW is the whole skin cancer thing and always wearing sun screen outdoors thing which pretty much blocks the suns rays that do all the good.

The findings were pretty simple, something like 100 times more people die of blood pressure related issues than from skin cancer every year.

So ya, that's me getting in some direct rays in 78F sunlight in the back yard playing fetch with the dog just a few days before Super Bowl (it was 80F here today) and the Super Bowl is going to be in frigg'n New Jersey's open stadium with expected <0F temps and snow.

That's OK, next years Super Bowl will be back here in Glendale AZ in our killer dome and the home town Cardinal's will be in it ;-}

In short, direct sunlight is good for you, get some and screw the sun screen.
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If only the Netherlands was closer to the Equator. If only I hadn't
broken as many bones as Evel Knievel. Who ever thought I'd get
this old. I shudda bin dead a long time ago, but no, life was just
beginning to thrust indignity, humiliation, and pain upon me.
Survival....what a dirty trick. I probably cudda had two or three
fresh incarnations by now with youthful bodies. It's true; only the
good die young. That's it if I hit 75, I'm outa here. No hoveround for
this kid. I'm not waiting for diapers & a hospital bed with tubes in all
my orifices. I wanna go in a blaze of glory. Maybe I'll jump the Grand
Canyon with a three speed Huffy, or go sky diving without a chute.
Maybe I'll just try some improperly prepared Fugu. I hear ya get a
really good buzz on the way out. The legacy of our children is being
gobbled up by medical industry & nursing homes. It's my duty to die
before I let that happen.
The house is quiet and I'm climbing the stairs to go to bed. That's when I hear something that sounds like two full bags of marbles each time I bend my knees.
What's that all about?


Well imagine that.........I guess we really don't lose our marbles --- they just move south to our knees. At least that's the story I'm gonna tell people when they give me that wth look. :D
KC... Showing that pic to all of us shivering old guys is just... Well, it's... Oh, I hope that dog walked over and took a pea on your leg.
If only the Netherlands was closer to the Equator. If only I hadn't
broken as many bones as Evel Knievel. Who ever thought I'd get
this old. I shudda bin dead a long time ago, but no, life was just
beginning to thrust indignity, humiliation, and pain upon me.
Survival....what a dirty trick.
I agree Otero but as long as I have my mind, eyes and hands I have things do, money to make, and a legacy to leave.

I just hope we can get enough money put away before we 'retire' to live comfortably and pay others to do my man work.
KC... Showing that pic to all of us shivering old guys is just... Well, it's... Oh, I hope that dog walked over and took a pea on your leg.
(SMiles at moto pope) I know it seems mean but you kinda have to feel good about a fellow motorized bicycler that can build and ride year round.

Naw, I was just rubbing it in, naw naw ne naw naw hehehe ;-}