For Old Guys Only

There was a story on the news last week (link to article) regarding an older lady who nearly died during knee surgery.

What they ended up doing was separating some of her own stem cells from some surplus body fat (as the doctor said, "Unfortunately most of my patients have the fatty tissue to spare") and injecting them into her knee. They took x-rays weekly, and you can see the cartilage increasing week by week. After about 8 weeks she could put her cane away and move around with minimal discomfort.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go work on adding some 'stem cell carrying' surplus to this coat-tree of a body I've got.... ;)
Well, If I'm still fit enuff to ride or fish, I might go for 85.
people on both sides of my family seem to make a habit
of being thoroughly obnoxious well into their 90s. If I last
that long science can likely turn me into an immortal cyborg
with nuclear powered limbs & a 'Back to the Future' floating
Well, If I'm still fit enuff to ride or fish, I might go for 85.
people on both sides of my family seem to make a habit
of being thoroughly obnoxious well into their 90s. If I last
that long science can likely turn me into an immortal cyborg
with nuclear powered limbs & a 'Back to the Future' floating
I come from pretty good stock as well, my pops made his 80th birthday before passing but it was brutal to watch knowing how he hard he treated his strong body being reduced to little more than a vegetable that still didn't want to go.

I feel pretty good that modern medicine is going to help me and much sooner than I thought, in the next couple of months actually.

As you might expect a lot of baby boomers sick (cancer) or in pain tend to move here so my area has a Mayo Clinic and tons of pain clinics with all kinds of treatments for guys just like me and we have good insurance.

I want my body back.
I didn't meant that way, in a young persons mind anyone over 40 is old. Any vehicle that has survived 25 years qualifies to me. But like my dad would say " if the shoe fits wear it " .
Time is relative, my friends, just ask Einstein. Or, just remember the last time you spent time with relatives; there were hours that went on for days.
A friend that I worked with for almost 20 years before he retired has a saying he uses regularly, if your body don't hurt now just keep on living , it will. Caution it does not work on women, my wife told me that she didn't know why her foot hurt and I told her it had never been this old before. Sleeping on the couch is not fun!
When we were first together my wife used to say sweetly, "I want to grow old with you"
It's been almost 30 years and now that reality has set in I think she's having second thoughts

I could tell my wife that, 58, but she wouldn't
remember the next day. Living with her is like
that movie, 'Fifty First Dates'. Believe me, that's
a good thing, no simmering leftover anger.
And be able to stand up without making noises like pistols going off.

Or sounding like two bricks being rubbed together.

...sounds like two full bags of marbles each time I bend my knees. joints go *pop*pop*pop*.

Wait a sec... I think we might be on to something here.... based on today's standard of "music", I think we could come up with something..
Many of you've no doubt encountered a vehicle (or leakage from someones ears) going "Ooomph!Ooomph!Ooomph!-THUDTHUD-Ooomph!Ooomph!Ooomph!-THUDTHUD" or similar at some time in the last half decade.
Mix in the assorted grunts and other sounds of effort we probably all make (guilty) getting up and sitting down with our own percussion. ;)

"Getting up to get the Remote Control"
"Five old guys sitting down"
"Darn it, I've gotta pee again" (might need the explicit label ;))
"How many stairs?"
Among my family, we go by number of innocent people felled or by distance from emission to furthest comatose victim, depending on number of available targets and crowd density.
Occasionally we award points for trick shots as well, like calling a single victim across a crowded room before emission, or bank shots into another room.
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For me it's usually the number of thumbs up after the victims had sufficiently recovered.

As for the ladies in my life it was judged by the length of time I found my half of the bed covers on the chesterfield.

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If my eyes start to water and my lungs are on fire from the next room
creating a panicked sprint for the out of doors.