For Old Guys Only

We just had an accident down here yesterday killing 5 teens and burning a truck driver pretty bad. All the teenagers were in the car. It makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck thinking about some of the stunts we pulled when I was but a youth.....
It is amazing how we got away with the stunts we pulled. Leaping a 15' high pile of dirt on my Villiers powered DOT scrambler/hill climber without looking to see what was on the other side was interesting. Nothing quite like looking down to see that your going to land in a brand new basement for a house.

On the other hand as a volunteer fire fighter you get a better idea of what could of happened.
Picking up five of your neighbours sons up off the side of the road, 11:30 at night is kind of sobering.

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I survived being young and stupid too. Not sure how either. Putting gasoline into a plastic rocket that was meant for water & air, then pumping it up and (with the aid of a long stick) launching over top of a fire pit - that was one of a handful of things that maybe should have shortened my lifespan. I don't feel comfortable talking about certain other things I did.

BTW: do NOT do the above! You might have to put out a small grass fire at the very least.
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Keilkraft plane fuel in a small bonfire was really intelligent. The can was at one end, and after the WHOOSH! it was at the other end. I'm glad now it didn't find it's way out.
I'm sure there will be other suggestions but is there any song that takes you back to the 70s better than Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks doing 'Riahonnon'. There was a lot of great music from that era but that song sticks in my mind and has some great memories attached.
I'll also admit that 'Sara' has some memories too. I knew a lady named Sara when that song was popular. Oh to be that age again :)

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Steve Miller Band, Fly Like an Eagle...I know, that's kinda modern.
I knew a guy who thought that song was about 'Snoopy' from 'Peanuts' You know, like when he's fighting the Red Baron, "Fly like a Beagle"..... :)

Then we had CCR singing about, "There's a Bathroom on the right".

How about Steve Miller Band, "Bingo jet had a light on"?
I laughed so hard I about hit the floor when I heard that!
I remember Thin Lizzy and Phil Lynott singing "there's a killer on the lose again" and thinking he was going on about a gorilla on the roof.