For Old Guys Only

Now in my old age you guys are making me LMAO. Growing up with severe hearing loss I never knew the lyrics of the songs and still don't, but it never really mattered. Still listen to the 60's-70's stuff and enjoy it as much as the rest of you guys who don't know the words either.
I looked all over this town for those old style reflectors with the mounting screws on the back like they held license plates on with. I was about to give up when I found they still make them and I bought both red and amber from Tom Sawyers' to install on old salvaged leather dog collars. I plan to put them on the front and rear of my bicycle and on the front only on the motorbicycle. I'm glad I ran across them and I bought some spares. I am just as happy as if I had good sense.
Monday was both good and bad for me, I sold my last dirtbike meaning I'm too old to ride it but it also frees up a good bit of $ to spend on my 1950 ford. I guess it just another stage of life, it is strange that when you are young and in good health you don't have the money to spend on toys and when you do you are not young enough to play with them.
I finally retired from my cheap formula bike racing last year, it's freed up a lot of time and money. I think I'll try world domination or something easy kike that.
I finally retired from my cheap formula bike racing last year, it's freed up a lot of time and money. I think I'll try world domination or something easy kike that.
I tried world domination. It was okay but I was always dealing with some guy named Bond, James Bond. He took all the fun out of it.

You must have been better at world domination than I was . I only ever had Derek Flint come after me . I didn't even interest Matt Helm . .... D.J.
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Do you remember the tuninmg fork belt buckle that Flint had?

I was in Bangkok Thailand back in 67/68 and in a men's store I bought a belt with the exact style of buckle. The tuning fork came off and it was in fact a real tuning fork as well as a complicated buckle.

I had that belt for years and finally gave it to my nephew. I talked to him just recently and he told me he still has that belt.

I always wanted a car with a tail light like Matt Helm's that would scroll a message.

They just don't make movies like those anymore. How about 'Modesty Blaze'?
Thanks for the memories.

I'm partial to Tom Swift, hey the "Repelatron Skyway"!

If you don't have rights to ride your motor bike on the road, make your own?

She was indeed the reason I raced home from school every day. Another part of our youth that has passed on like so many others.

So long Kid. We'll see you at the beach.

I went windsurfing today on SF Bay, cause it was going 30's gusting 40's! In ways I keep my youth. If I could have been in California in the 70's at Jamala Beach where it was happening back then, that would have been a blast.

Did Jane Hudson scare the bejesus out of you too. I just rewatched "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?" it holds up well. ... D.J.

annette was what was all good and from what i've heard was as sweet in real life as she was on film. plus she had those boobies that we all liked. R.I.P. you will live on in film. god bless.
Sorry dude, the picture you have up is Betty Davis, look at the eyes.
...yeah man, he wasn't suggesting that that was Annette, just that he is an old guy, ...old enough to remember Betty as Jane Hudson from back in '62, sadly, so do i, lol. (the movie was re-run last week which is why he mentioned it i'm sure)

oh, and R.I.P. Annette, the world is a lesser place without you.

peace, bozo
Dude. You can't be an old guy. You would know that the word DUDE is a derogatory term . The modern equivalent is the word POSER. ... D.J.
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