For Old Guys Only

I happened to take one with me one night ,,,,,,,accident. lol Just kept dirving. Hooked to my radio in my room later on. It was supposed to go with me,,,,,,right? gphil
I officially hit "old guy" status today.

Our youngest finished college this past June. This morning, I helped her pack up her car and she's off to the big city to start her life, in Deerfield Beach Fla., about a looooong mile from here in Ashtabula county, Ahia.
I know of a Mom and Dad who were not to proud of their son after he took the drivers window out of their brand new (3week old) 1960 Impala but there were reasons beyond my control.

Ever wonder where the young ladies in your life went?

There was a drive-in in Miami back in the 60s, early 70s that tried 'air conditioning'. On the speaker poles were two hoses, about 3" diameter. The hose poked in your window and hooked over the glass like the speaker. There was a central chiller in the projection/refreshment booth and a high velocity fan, or fans, that forced air out to the lot and those hoses. There was supposed to be a diffuser on the end of the hose but they were plastic and most of them were broken off leaving the end of the hose open.

One hot night a girl friend and I were watching the movie, or sort of watching it, and a mouse popped out of the air conditioning hose into the car. She wasn't impressed. Certainly ruined the mood.

Insects got into the hoses too. It wasn't uncommon for wasps and flys to come out right in your lap. People would also put their trash down the hoses; wadded up hamburger wrappers, cigarette butts, whatever. I think the drive-in did away with the air conditioning idea after a year or so.

re: broken window. I guess that's not as embarrassing as driving away with the gas pump handle. lol.

There is still a drive-in theatre open in Texas.
Galaxy Drive In info and show listings

LOL Happy, I have been trying for yrs to have a gas cap made like that. Just as a goof/cheap plastic gag thing.

How funny would it be to ask your spouse "Any thing you want to tell me?" then bring them out to look.

Friends keep talking me out of it saying I will get sued. Same with the mistletoe belt buckle.
I drove off with the pump handle still in the tank once, as I drive 18 wheelers, and there are 2 tanks. Some bum had hassled me or something to distract me, and I forgot to unhook the passenger side nozzle from under the tarp strap on the steps. When I drove off, I heard this whizzing sound, and a bang as it slapped the window, but luckily everything was intact and I just had to apologize to the station staff for the small mess.
So who remembers where they were when they heard that the archduke was shot?

Actually this thread makes me wish I was born a few years (decades?) earlier.
He was a one of a kind and a defining light to our generation. I saw that his truck ,the Henway, was for sale a while ago.
Always a shame when talent like that is taken away but nothing is forever.

RIP Norm. So long as T-Buckets cruise the streets in summertime, they'll be a few of us who'll remember why they're so popular.
my gf at the time did the same thing in my 1993 fox body mustang luckily it pops off now and they just pop it back on . she came home and said i think the car has a flat its making some flopping noise i go out side ''she didn't even bother to look'' yes she was a blond there was the gas nozzle sticking out of my baby i couldn't help but laugh my ass off minimal damage to the stang. her and I lasted about as long as that tank of gas did.
You youngsters all go take a break now. We old guys are going to enjoy a little rock and roll history. I saw GFRR at the Dinner Key Auditorium, Miami, Florida back in 1970. 3 guys, a wall of amplifiers and music that they don't make anymore.
May I present, Grand Funk Railroad and Inside Looking Out >

Turn the speakers up and sit back and listen.

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speakers? no! slam on a pair of headphones!
a tick before my time but absolutely awesome nonetheless.
thats music.
My many thanks,Tom.
something like this is what i grew up listening to.i have my older siblings to thank for that.
wanted to learn guitar,never did.
now my hands are so beat up i dont think i will ever be able to.
i keepin the guitar and amp out and keep tryin.

just got over a bout of food poisoning,put me down for 10 days,Twenty years ago it might have slowed me down for two days.

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That brings back memories, my brother is three years older and had a Hugh tape case full of eight tracks. The Beatles, ccr, bto, steeping wolf, to name a few I remember.
Once in a while I dig out the old 1955 Fender Jazz Bass, plug into my old Kingston Amp, set up the Akia reel to reel and see if I can still play some of the bass lines on the old R&R tapes I've got. Some of my favorite songs were Long Train Running and Waiting for the Midnight Hour. The old fingers don't quite hit the licks like they used to. But its a lot of fun playing the old stuff.
PS Tooljunkie take care of yourself