re: Dave31 scsw BoXer
Im with filestyle i dont like mr enforcer theire only around when nothing bads ever happening, the only reason i started riding these bikes is becouse i cant afford insurence being 20 and living in Toronto with a slightly bad driving record they want 1200 bucks a month to insure my ass i cant afford that so i turned to these bikes wich at first were a lil pain in the rear as i didint know to much about two strokes and now i just love them, well besides the point ive had a cop try to follow me one time luckly i live in the concrete jungle and theres tooooooo many curbs for theire cruisers to hop and theire trails everywere so its quite easy to lose them and theyre never seem to get down my plate number
I would get myself in some seriouse trouble if i had one of those boxers its a good thing i just bought a morini for my next build i cant wait cant lecture me if you cant catch me
Im with filestyle i dont like mr enforcer theire only around when nothing bads ever happening, the only reason i started riding these bikes is becouse i cant afford insurence being 20 and living in Toronto with a slightly bad driving record they want 1200 bucks a month to insure my ass i cant afford that so i turned to these bikes wich at first were a lil pain in the rear as i didint know to much about two strokes and now i just love them, well besides the point ive had a cop try to follow me one time luckly i live in the concrete jungle and theres tooooooo many curbs for theire cruisers to hop and theire trails everywere so its quite easy to lose them and theyre never seem to get down my plate number

I would get myself in some seriouse trouble if i had one of those boxers its a good thing i just bought a morini for my next build i cant wait cant lecture me if you cant catch me

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