re: Dave31 scsw BoXer
I ran Continentals tires that looked a lot like that rear tire Fair. They seemed good in the sand. When I lived in Austin Texas if it rained or even drizzled no tire on a bicycle would hold the ground. I slid through a intersection once in the rain during rush hour in the morning avoiding one heck of a pot hole. Just riding through a neighbourhood during a casual turn I could feel the whole bicycle drift over. [ It was rummered that the asphalt had ground sea shells in it I think it was oils and humidity]
I knew a guy his tires were bald on a ford truck, if it rained there was a stop light on a hill by his house, if the light caught him the truck did not move he had to back it down the hill. Lots of fun when the folks behind him did not catch on right away. Another person I knew of could not get there car into the drive way. No kidding!
I had to resort to the biggest tires I could find with tread on them to survive. They were the only thing that could hold the asphalt. 26x2.3 and up. 26x2.7 my favourite so far. [ really have had great luck with down hill World Cup competition tires their even on my city peddle bikes]. I think a 26x1.75 tire is dangerous to this day.
Here in N.M. its not bad until there's a patch of sand or ice. I never new how slick a road could get the best of me until Austin, and it did good only once it had to be a sight! I was at attention after that! I put my faith into the rubber sponging down and gripping more. I like them big fatter tires. Just saying

I found bigger tires smooth out the ride and protect my rims from bending too.
That tire you got in that pict looks frig-gen awesome cool bad to the bone street tire!
Watch the traction test it out to know its limits!! Kinda like when it snows bad here. I would play with the car peel out and what not just to get my bearings and limitations straight before the main road