Dave31 BoXer

re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

That makes two of us David. I hate riding on the streets with knobbys especially for the front tire.
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Man after looking at the pics I should have taken the time to do it right lol. I just slapped them on, oh well I guess I can re-do them.


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re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

:-|| On a post how is your Morini doing ? i have written some previous posts--Well today itook off the 19mm carb just couldnt get it set up --so i gave up and am selling it for $105 us was $203 because it has the K&N filter real good filter including shipping--it does not seem to work well in low range--we tried moving the needle clip twice -no- my friend thinks you may be able to drill the tank and put a bigger line in--the other thing is it eats fuel and i do a lot of distance so i went back to old proven 12 mm stock carb-i dont want to carry 6 fuel bottles !!-no patience any more Spring is here i have to ride!!!!
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Man after looking at the pics I should have taken the time to do it right lol. I just slapped them on, oh well I guess I can re-do them.
Where can i get those stickers ? today i had to put on a new cartridge bearing hub so i also went to the 26 in. wheel and new tire High roller Maxis. $325
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

On a post how is your Morini doing ?
It's doing great, I have had no problems other then some loose spokes but took it to JJ Bicycles and he gave me a lesson on tuning my wheels and so far so good.

the 19mm carb just couldnt get it set up
I think you need to change the jet and not the needle clip. What does your plug look like?

so i gave up and am selling it for $105
If I could afford it, I would jump on it but it is not to be.

Where can i get those stickers ?
Arts and Craft Store
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

hey, Fair and Easy, i recommend Kenda Kiniption tires, 26 x 2.3

they've got awesome traction, and a cool rounded look, like a motorcycle tire. they were designed for park riding, and have wrap-around, bead to bead tread, are super smooth, with low rolling resistance. nice price, too.

i've got them on my 24" and i love 'em. i got another 26"set, just waiting for my next bike...

i think they'd fit your bikes really well.

check em out: BikeSomeWhere.com | Tires / Tubes | Mountain Tires | Kenda Kiniption K1016 Mountain Bicycle Tire - Black/Black - 26 x 2.3 - 054X4N91
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Cool bairdco, I've run my tires down with all the laps at the track I have done and gonna need some new ones soon. Gonna keep those in mind.

Here is some pics of the tire I am running now. They are the sticky-icky if you know what I mean lol.


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re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

just noticed those are 24's. i've got the kiniptions in a 24 x 2.3

i was thinking about them for the death race. with the sidewall tread, they corner amazing.

just realized i might be giving away too many secrets. one of these times i'm gonna make it to the race...
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

I ran Continentals tires that looked a lot like that rear tire Fair. They seemed good in the sand. When I lived in Austin Texas if it rained or even drizzled no tire on a bicycle would hold the ground. I slid through a intersection once in the rain during rush hour in the morning avoiding one heck of a pot hole. Just riding through a neighbourhood during a casual turn I could feel the whole bicycle drift over. [ It was rummered that the asphalt had ground sea shells in it I think it was oils and humidity]

I knew a guy his tires were bald on a ford truck, if it rained there was a stop light on a hill by his house, if the light caught him the truck did not move he had to back it down the hill. Lots of fun when the folks behind him did not catch on right away. Another person I knew of could not get there car into the drive way. No kidding!

I had to resort to the biggest tires I could find with tread on them to survive. They were the only thing that could hold the asphalt. 26x2.3 and up. 26x2.7 my favourite so far. [ really have had great luck with down hill World Cup competition tires their even on my city peddle bikes]. I think a 26x1.75 tire is dangerous to this day.

Here in N.M. its not bad until there's a patch of sand or ice. I never new how slick a road could get the best of me until Austin, and it did good only once it had to be a sight! I was at attention after that! I put my faith into the rubber sponging down and gripping more. I like them big fatter tires. Just saying:eek: I found bigger tires smooth out the ride and protect my rims from bending too.

That tire you got in that pict looks frig-gen awesome cool bad to the bone street tire!(^)

Watch the traction test it out to know its limits!! Kinda like when it snows bad here. I would play with the car peel out and what not just to get my bearings and limitations straight before the main road:)
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re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Quick and simple bike stand. The base is part of a truck bed rack, all I did was weld the chain stays from a old frame to cradle the rear wheel.

Now I don't have to lean the bike against something or hang it to work on.


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re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Have the street tires back on the BoXer. Did a complete check over of the bike and adjusted the suspension a little. Then went for a nice long ride and had a great time.

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re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Hey Dave, me and Jared went for a ride down town last night and stopped by those jumps off of Broadway, man those things have gotten sick!!!! They have double the size of that place since our rally just a few months ago, might have to pick up another BMX and get my skills back!!!
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

I have decided to sell myMorini 5.8 Boxer bike from SCSW in California--the reason i think it's too fast for me--i have the begining of Parkinson's disease and when i go fast on the bike my right side shakes. The bike has the upgraded 26" rear wheel with a heavier duty setup than it came with . It now has a Mavic 325 rim-36 spokes heavy duty-Formula rear hub with cartridge bearings--new High roller downhill tire--bike has few miles on it -run from last July to November and sat all winter--also have included 19mm carb and Kand N filter (not on)-2000 dollars total you pay freight.write at [email protected]
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer


Be sure to check that the dirt is not too soft before you hit it at 35mph trying to climb up mound of dirt. My front wheel sunk in and I went flying over the bars, now my shoulder hurts real bad!


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re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Someone was asking how big the BoXer is..................

It is no bigger then a regular MT. Bike. As you can see in the pic below my Specialized Rockhopper is bigger then the BoXer. I believe the frame of the Boxer is 19" my rockhopper is 23"


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re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Looks like I lost a seal on my marzocchi bomber forks.... :( It's horrible to ride now on real bad roads.


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