Racing at P1 1-2-2010


Active Member
Thought I would start a new thread hoping you guys will read it.

There is still Racing tomorrow at P1, Charlie knew nothing about Death Race being canceled and he was expecting us.

Charlie said riders meeting at 11:00am

If no one else shows up me and my friends will get 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Charlie said as long as we have two bikes tomorrow the RACE IS ON!
Re: Racing at P1 TODAY!!!

Bump up....

Hope we have at least a few riders show up.

I think Charlie is giving out trophy's and champagne to hose each other down after the race. If we dont get enough riders he may not do it.
Re: Racing at P1 TODAY!!!

i will be there with carl for sure, maybe johnny. my newest 63.5cc motor is running pretty good, i'm hitting 40 with a 41t sprocket, better watch out david! unless charlie added some obstacles.
I want to Thank Charlie from Mussleman Honda Circuit for allowing us to race at his very nice facility. The super moto guys Southwest Supermoto
are such welcoming guys and seem to really enjoy sharing the track with us.

They are so nice and helpful, offering to loan us gear, helping with the technical lines on the track and anything else we need. They are a pleasure to watch on the track with some awesome racing and what kind people off the track.

And a big Thanks to Foureasy, Carl and Johnny for coming out and racing. Would have been kinda boring with me and just Alex.

Charlie wants more Motorized bicycle racing at Mussleman Honda Circuit and plans for future racing includes a Brand new bike for the winner.

Allright, back to todays racing............

We ran one 6 lap heat race and a 8 lap main event.

Foureasy and his Frankenstein motor by far was the fastest bike out today. In the Heat Race it was me, foureasy and Alex racing for 1,2,3.

Alex, and foureasy pulled out 1 & 2 in the first turn with me in 3rd. Coming out of turn 2 me and Foureasy was able to get around Alex before turn 3. Foureasy pulled out in the lead with me right on his rear tire. I figured I would follow foureasy for a while and then make my move. Then I realized I may have no move to make lol.

Foureasy bike was really fast, I could not catch him on the straightaways but could close the gap on the corners. Figured I would stay on his rear tire and pressure him into a mistake. This went on for several laps with Foureasy in front, me on his rear tire and Alex a little distant behind.

I noticed foureasy really slowing down on the corners and as fast as he was I figured I'd better go around him while I had the chance.

I finished 1st, Alex finished 2nd, I believe foureasy pulled off the track before the heat raced finished with motor problems.

The Main Event............

In the main event Alex pulled out to a early lead with me and foureasy 2nd and 3rd. I passed Alex before turn 3 and that was pretty much all I saw, I had nothing but the beautiful track in front of me.

I did notice Alex and foureasy battling for 2nd a few times. Then foureasy would disappeared and Alex all by himself for 2nd. Then foureasy would appear again, then disappear again. I later found out foureasy crashed twice and was so fast he would catch back up to Alex.

I won the main, foureasy came in second even with a broken pipe, Alex got third and Carl finished fourth. I believe Johnny pulled out of the race before the race was finished.

It was lots of fun and can't wait to do it again with hopefully more riders.


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Foureasy pipe broke during the heat race but it really did not slow him down, if he had not crashed twice in the main I think I would have had a hard time taking the win.

Foureasy was able to do a little repair before the main event....


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Here is some action from the Heat race, apologize for the pics it was the first time my camera man used this camera and he was not very good at it.

First pic is me

Second is Alex

Third is Johnny

Fourth is Foureasy

Fifth is Foureasy holding me off going into turn 13


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Some random pics..............

1) the Blue Fox

2) the new Zero electric motorcycle

3) Crew members pit bike made out of tire irons

4) Foureasy had to leave before the podium but here is me and Alex getting ready to pop the champagne to celebrate our day of racing. My camera man missed me giving the Blue Fox a Champagne shower.

*working on the videos*


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i must be getting old because my body hurts so bad right now, from my three wrecks. i welded up my pipe when i got back to the shop yesterday evening, and i got my powerband back. that's right david, if i knew how to ride a bike, and wasn't riding such a piece, i shoulda woulda coulda
Man I should have video taped the Heat Race, there was a lot more side by side action with me and foureasy. Oh well, I did not think I had enough battery to do both heat and main.

I realized after putting the video together we only ran 7 laps, think the flag man got confused. Anyways here is the helmet cam of the main event. Took out lap 4 to make the video fit in the time allowed with You-Tube.

YouTube - Motorized Bicycle Racing 1-2-2010