re: Dave31 scsw BoXer
To be honest... I am scared. Scared of getting stopped and having some MB hater cop take it away from me. It attracts a lot of attention.
The local law enforcement has found a loop hole to confiscate your MB if they want to even if you have broken no laws. They will ask you to prove you own the bike and if you cannot produce anything. They confiscate and hold it for a mandatory 30 days. Well, after 30 days it will cost you more then $1000 to get it out of impound. And receipt's dont count! They want you to prove that the state of AZ acknowledges that is your bike. Which there is the problem! We dont have any registration for bicycles that I know of, and the cops dont care. All they care about is to get us off the streets.
I am hearing more, and more Tucson Mb'rs running into this problem. One of our local vendors is considering getting a registration for our MB's to combat this problem. I am all for it!
And even though this is a (cough, cough 48cc motor) it is huge and stands out. No cop will believe it's 48cc.