Dave31 BoXer

re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Yeah it's too short even after I moved the brake lever to the left side of the handlebars, makes it hard to turn right. I might be able to get it to work on the right side if I re-route the cable.
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

I know it looks cheesy, but I need more fuel capacity. I plan on using both tanks. Just need some fuel line, filter and a three-way fuel valve. I went to several places but every thing seems to be closed so I will have to wait till later.


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re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Added a Bell battery operated light, I have had good luck with these lights with all my other bikes/builds and they are pretty bright.

I wonder if I can run a headlight off the motor?


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re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

The bike looks awesome with those street tires. Let me know how it rides with them. You should get a tank cover. I got one and the best part is I know Meyer or ADA in Az stocks them. I'm not sure if anyone here has seen my bike after I got it powder coated but here it is with the tank cover.
Time to destroy the competition on the 2nd but I'm gunning for you in the summer race! LOL

OK you had me at hello! WHERE do I get that from? I tried last year to contact Pipelyne and never was able to reach a live body. Do they have a website yet? I went with the Scooter Guy/Dax set up and I do like it! But this is out of the PARK! I must get one. Any help would be appreciated!
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Now I have two tanks and I can go on some nice long adventures. Ace had a three-way fuel valve but too pricey for me so I just got another in line valve and a three way brass T. I also added a fuel filter.

I had to mount the tank a little above the top bar to clear the pipe. Now when one tank goes empty, I just shut one valve off and open the other and continue along my way.


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re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Well, I had my first run in with Mr. law enforcement.

I was cruising along about 18mph near gates pass when a Sheriff past by me. I waited a few seconds and looked behind me and sure enough saw him making a U-turn. I just kept going and like 2-3 minutes went by and thought, hmmm, where is he?

I looked behind me and there he was just like 30' behind cruising at my speed. Of course as soon as I looked behind me he gave a chirp of his siren and hit me with his lights.

I stopped and he came over and said "What the heck do you think you are doing?"

Excuse me? What do you mean?

He goes off to tell me I cant ride on the road. I always carry the Motorized Bicycle title 28 with me and pulled it out of my pocket and showed him. "Officer it's a motorized bicycle and it falls under title 28".

He took it out of my hand, read it for a few seconds, then looked at the bike, then read it a little more. Then looked at my bike more closely and longer.

" I dont like it" he said. I explained that I was not breaking any laws. He then said "Get this damn thing off the street and walk it home or I will get a tow truck out here and impound it" with a very loud and forceful voice.

I wasn't going to push my luck so I started walking. I walked and walked, I must have walked a mile and then I said screw this! Just as I was about to fire it up he must have looped around cause he came in the opposite direction and pulled on the shoulder of the road.

I got off and starting walking again. He must have followed me on the shoulder of the road for at least two miles before he final took off.
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re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

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re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

could have at least pedal! that stinks that Mr law enforcemnent had to be a stooge! the nerve of him to not know his local codes. it's sad to say, but my ride is better than some cars as far the mechanics go! Ive seen worse going down the road, thats for sure. but nice ride FR31 keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down! (hindsight)dont you wish you would have made a couple of slick moves in and around some obstacles and lost him!
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

I was ghost pedaling the second I saw him crest over the hill, apparently he does not care that I was breaking no law. But I have learned in the past it's better to let it go then get myself into more trouble. Good thing he did not see me when I was making the video lol
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

I am not a big fan of the sporty, motorized-mountain-bike look, but this design pulls it off. I like it a lot. I want to know how the rear suspension is? Have you taken it into the desert yet?

Also, does anybody know if a KTrak system can handle motorized speeds? If this bike is compatible with KTrak, I am going to get one for next year's snow season. That would be so sick to ride around Flagstaff with one of these sexy *****es...
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

Wow thats a bummer dave, i saw your video of the boXer the other day and the thought ran across my mind that the cops arent going to like that bike much, haha it sounds like an old CR80 we used to ride as kids, at least you still have it. Thats to bad about the race, i was trying to figure out how to squeeze it in to a buisy weekend with taking the dirtbikes out as much as posssible with the weather being so nice this time of year!!!!
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

You might avoid problems by talking to someone higher up at the police station. This could of course backfire if they don't like it either, but legal is legal. If the chief gives the word to leave you be...you will be. You were correct in doing whatever you needed to do to get home. The side of the road is no place to argue. But now you are safe, it is time to try and head off future hassles.
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

now that cop thinks he was right and will continue to be a dick. he wouldn't have shown up for the court date if he even wrote you up for anything.
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

I am not a big fan of the sporty, motorized-mountain-bike look, but this design pulls it off. I like it a lot. I want to know how the rear suspension is? Have you taken it into the desert yet?

The suspension is like riding in a Cadillac on the street. It is very comfortable and smooth, I can't imagine going these speeds on a bike with no suspension.

I have not gone to the dirt yet...stay tuned. I have already picked a nice place to go in the Santa Rita Mountains. but I am waiting to get more miles on it to be sure I don't get stranded out with the coyotes. Just going to do a little dirt road riding the first time out before hitting any ruff stuff.

I have no ideal if the Ktrak will work on the bike.

I would like to register it for the street but the reason I got into motorized bicycles was to avoid that. I might have too but that will be a while until I can afford it.
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

I never knew what you were talking about when you said ktrak but after seeing this video, YouTube - Ktrak
That would be hella sick flying on the trails with that back wheel and ski in the front set up on your BoXer Bike!
re: Dave31 scsw BoXer

I never knew what you were talking about when you said ktrak but after seeing this video, YouTube - Ktrak
That would be hella sick flying on the trails with that back wheel and ski in the front set up on your BoXer Bike!

Yes, sir! I am very curious to know if the components are compatible with the BoXeR's design/power. It actually just makes me happy thinking of the possibility...