Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Did you check this place out Jeff? Exhaust Conical Steel Products, Conicals, Tips, Steel Megaphones, Transitions, Reverse Cones
Only thing is you need a 1-1/2" inlet.....shouldn't be to hard to remedy that.....I can visualize a reverse cone megaphone pipe on the market soon, made by you!

Only thing is you need a 1-1/2" inlet.....shouldn't be to hard to remedy that.....I can visualize a reverse cone megaphone pipe on the market soon, made by you!

I called RailMakers today, real nice people. I will try to get that way soon. I am also trying to find a reverse cone megaphone small enough for this motor with a 1 in inlet. Any help please.
Pat: I use the rope off the pull starter to start the bike, old school style. The good thing is you won't be able to steal it very easy. But then again I don't plan on leaving it, I plan to ride it... Lol