Custom Frame For Thumper Motor

Update on bike 6/27/2011

I put some real miles on the bike this weekend. Rode to Malibu Beach up PCH, what a ride with all the crazy drivers trying to run me off the road. One thing for sure is the surprise look on their face when I hole shot them off the line. I also went to Venice Beach and had a beer with VMB. Lots of Girls for sure….

The bike runs so well it is a pleasure to ride. I changed the oil to Opti-4 since this was a gift from BiMoped at willow, we shall see how it performs.


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Great to hear that Culver...she looks sweet. You did the catch can very well.
Just what engine is that any way? And how did you modify it to look like that?
I just horse traded myself a extra large size workman style frame and I'm thinking 4 stroke... any suggestions?
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Great to hear that Culver...she looks sweet. You did the catch can very well.
Just what engine is that any way? And how did you modify it to look like that?
I just horse traded myself a extra large size workman style frame and I'm thinking 4 stroke... any suggestions?

Here's a suggestion......what are you waiting for? 4-stroke it or go to bed :D

Just a suggestion......hahaha

More info chit on the thumper...this time it’s a new exhaust. My neighbors will be relieved.
This is my simple design which allows me to repack if needed. The result as far as sound, it’s now a nice deep tone till you jump on it…then it barks hard…

I plan on building one more exhaust…just need to find 1 in. tubing with a 4 in radius…good luck

Ya like Scotto said...what are you waiting for?


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Hey CCC, nice pipe. There's a couple of places local to me that may be able to make the bend you need. One in Costa Mesa called Railmakers. They make stainless boat railing. The other is Advanced Tube Engineering in Huntington Beach. I've used both for various things and found them to be good to deal with. Railmakers is by far the most reasonable but both have remnants and cutoffs they sell cheap.
Just a stupid question since I have not read through this whole thread, but how do you start this engine? I see the HF engine comes with a pull start.
Hey CCC, nice pipe. There's a couple of places local to me that may be able to make the bend you need. One in Costa Mesa called Railmakers. They make stainless boat railing. The other is Advanced Tube Engineering in Huntington Beach. I've used both for various things and found them to be good to deal with. Railmakers is by far the most reasonable but both have remnants and cutoffs they sell cheap.

I also have used both companies, Railmakers to roll some tubing and ATE for an aerospace job. Both are great to work with, though ATE will probably ding you kinda hard for a one off item.

Another couple of other sources can be found in the alleys and cul de sac's right behind Trader Joes on 17th street up on Goat Hill. There are a some small shops that are geared towards boat fab and don't seem to turn away little cash jobs.

CCC, i dig your safety wire coupling! I use that stuff to fix all kinds of things.
I called RailMakers today, real nice people. I will try to get that way soon. I am also trying to find a reverse cone megaphone small enough for this motor with a 1 in inlet. Any help please.

Pat: I use the rope off the pull starter to start the bike, old school style. The good thing is you won't be able to steal it very easy. But then again I don't plan on leaving it, I plan to ride it... Lol
Here's a suggestion......what are you waiting for? 4-stroke it or go to bed :D

Just a suggestion......hahaha


Very funny... I guess thats what passes for wit in So Cal.
It was a simple question-
What model engine is that, if you dont want to answer? fine, just spare us the half baked comments... the bike aint that nice.
Settle down my Pterodactyl, no need to get in a huff over this...It's a Honda 6.5hp clone stripped of all its sheet metal and tilted upright. Added some after-market hop up items and there she goes...

Ya.. it aint that nice but it sure is fun to ride...
Very funny... I guess thats what passes for wit in So Cal.
It was a simple question-
What model engine is that, if you dont want to answer? fine, just spare us the half baked comments... the bike aint that nice.

Oh.......wasn't that you FR? Asking for suggestions?

It was a very simple answer big apple......2-stroke it, we can take a joke as we're just nit wits out West :D Just speakin fer me stupid self mind you ;)


I've got a much better suggestion.....but I doubt you wanna hear
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I called RailMakers today, real nice people. I will try to get that way soon. I am also trying to find a reverse cone megaphone small enough for this motor with a 1 in inlet. Any help please.

Found this site while searching for one myself.Never did contact them looks like they don't stock one that small but i think they will make just about anything you want for a price of course

Megs Exhaust Warehouse-Exhaust Systems, Exhaust Collectors, Components, Exhaust Conical, Mufflers, Exhaust Tips
I too have been thinking about using a Thumper and would really like to thank you and the pioneers here for blazing the trail!

In regards to the oil blow by issue you solved so well in post #89 do you think this idea could also work?

There's already a plug at the end of the mounting flange so this would be a pretty easy fix.

But perhaps there would still need to be a vent incorporated?




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Hey CCC love the new pipe for sure. Have you thought of using a silencer from a dirt bike? Just like a slip on FMF or something? Just cuz thet way it would be repackable and rebuildable and have a nice tuned sound. The one I use is from a CR250 which has a 1" inlet so might work out well (way overkill for my 66cc HappyGoLucky motor but sounds sweet)

Just thought it would look super gnarly on that bike too! Amazing bike, made me start lookin into a 4-stroke build to start now.


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