Custom Frame For Thumper Motor

It's all good guys...did my research...and know how things can get mixed up...

Purchased my breather hose for the gas tank (made for a dirt bike and has a check valve in it) and installed the tank back on the bike. Cleaned the carb and replaced the plug. New Blendzall oil and it B ready to rock and roll.

I will be setting my kid up with some new safety gear so he can put the heat on some of the other out


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re-read the entire thread wile the X-games are on tv. the motor will be fitted this week and i'll go from their. thank's guy's dennis
really! that would be great! and i promise no fire's like the other's that happened the last few year's... they weren't my fault. how would i know they had wood house's? thank's bro. dennis
talk about a deal. jeff's 1st complete frame build that he gave me. and i take it over to his house and he works all weekend working on the bike wile i stand around watching him cutting, grinding, welding, making parts...i really dont know what to say...thanks alot..whats for dinner? see ya bro dennis
More info chit on the thumper...this time it’s a new exhaust. My neighbors will be relieved.
This is my simple design which allows me to repack if needed. The result as far as sound, it’s now a nice deep tone till you jump on it…then it barks hard…

I plan on building one more exhaust…just need to find 1 in. tubing with a 4 in radius…good luck

Ya like Scotto said...what are you waiting for?

hey Jeff, I'm reliving this thread, and its still just amazing! So. as you know, I have the 200, the cheetah, and If you dont have time to build a frame-I did finally decide on what I believe to be a usable stocker. (and suited for my petite 6'3" 220lb frame.) I will be back in L.A. tomorrow and will be ordering more stuff! But what I want to know is- did you actually ever find 1" tubing with a 4" radius?! or was that purely felicitous? (i've only ever found 5.5") I hope Nebraska was a hoot. JEALOUS! keep the photos coming!!
I havent been this excited about a build in quite some time!
using brake cleaner can KILL you if used as a cleaner prior to welding


Phosgene is formed by decomposition of chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents by ultraviolet radiation. It reacts with moisture in the lungs to produce hydrogen chloride, which in turn destroys lung tissue. For this reason, any use of chlorinated solvents should be well away from welding operations or any operation in which ultraviolet radiation or intense heat is generated.
thats INSANELY scary