Custom Build -2 Speed RC Motored Cruiser

Thanks Allen, i had a couple of days break from this build due to new motor coming in for my other cruiser, been fitting that up and redoing all the wiring last couple of days, all complete now, have ride day with another Endless Sphere e-bike enthusiast tomorrow arvo will up ride video of that, then it will be full steam ahead, i anticipate the 2 speed box is only days away from my letterbox too left a week ago tomorrow from ThudSTaR in the USofA...

So i hearz a car come into the driveway around midday today, didn't recognise the sound of it
i was out of the desk chair into my wheelchair and out there in a flash to see a courier walking towards me
with a BiG box i knew it was THE ThudSTaR 8) 2 Speed Box!!!!


Words can't describe the elation when i unpacked the box and first sighted this box! The pictures honestly don't do
it justice it is SO WELL MADE its ridiculous, solid movement not a millimeter of slop in any of it, looks amazing
feels amazing IS AMAZING!

Come Thursday i will have funds to buy what i need to continue the enclosures i.e Carbon Fiber!! I should also have the wheels back
from Tim at Kalamunda Cycles, he has had to special order the spokes i wanted, i have gone with black spokes and anodized blue nipples
to stay with the black with blue accents through the bike as i said to ThudSter whatever colour the drive is will be what
the colour como on the bike will be, black and blue anodized parts go together like peas and carrots IMHO...Should look THE ****!!!

Thanks again Todd... shall put the box to good use promise you that, hopefully you will be happy
with the new "home" for the 2 Speed box when its complete hehe...

Ciao for now guys...back with update very very soonz ... (top enclosure plugs are pretty much completed aside from

Tiz indeed a lovely piece of Kit...Liveforphyseics on the Endless Sphere forum requested i spin it up and show the gear changing mechaism, i was also itching to try the new motor hehehe -->

OK...Luke, ask and ye shall receive buddy :wink: as requested video of the 2 Speed ThudSTaR box spinning up using hv160 44v 20ah lipo pack from my cruiser...

I was too scared to shift it under full power so i hye..., i mean i girlie shifted it, letting the power off slightly
Thudster did advise to do this when running under load in the bike, once i have the spring loaded
servo setup and get the hang of the throttle/shifting mechanism/speed i will have fast changing with
minimal throttle lift.

I was pleasantly surprised, the no load speed is a ful 2amp LOWER than with the stock Turnigy 80-130kv
when mounted on Recumpence reduction drive :shock: Please explain Luke or Thud how you do that :shock:
It still makes the cool start up tunes and BEST OF ALL!!! it SCREAMS like it used to WOOOOOTz :-)

EDIT: just checked video on YouTbe thanks to their compression the amps aren't viewable on the Turnigy meter
it read 5.4 stock it was 7.6ish amps...

Back soon fellas...

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i saw the video, definetely a work of art in action, a very unique ideal, i like it. does your friend sell others like it and if so how much, im very interested in it...
To my knowledge no more are being made for purchase, however, the plans are available for anyone to download for free and take to a machine shop and have made if you willing to do the leg work. Thud is big on R&D and as we have seen bloody good at it, but doesn't get the same satisfaction from mass production of the products he designs, i can totally understand it people with this much skill and creativity rarely settle, they are continually designing and working on improving the last effort, these are the ones that advance this hobby we owe alot to these individuals without them it would be stagnate and everyone would still be using 10year old design mostly poorly made overweight under-performing hub motors, not that there is anything wrong with that, they are a perfectly good solution for many people, some though want that lil bit more from their ebikes and the frock motor just don't cut it.

do you have the link for a copy of the plans - im willing to build it, which would work out better for me so i can match it to the bike. i most certainly will give him full credit for his design - as a designer and fabricator i understand how he would and you would feel about it...

the company i work for has been real supportive to this project as well - allowing me to use the welding and metal cutting equipment. - im a designer at a sign shop here in oklahoma city by the way.

we do the big light up signs...
thats funny about the 3D - i use 3D programs for all of my designs, everything i have in cycles all started in the 3D world - you and i sure have a lot in common, except i'll have to say you are the supreme, you totally rock dude - i'll ride with you anytime, i just have to find a way to Australia...

but a extra thanks for your help - if i can ever do anything for you, just let me know... AJ...
hey kim - i thought id leave you alone for a couple of days, so you can enjoy your new baby, but i couldnt wait anymore, so have you installed it yet?

hope it works to your expectations buddy - cause it sure looks like one of those cool new inovations for cycles. one that will make the history books... you rock dude...
hey kim - i thought id leave you alone for a couple of days, so you can enjoy your new baby, but i couldnt wait anymore, so have you installed it yet?

Sure have buddy, finished the mounting today-->

Today i fabbed up some aluminum mounts to hold the 2 Speed BoX to the frame
i have used 10mm aluminum 5mm stainless steel bolts to hold the mount together and
10mm stainless steel bolts to bolt the mount to the frame. Unfortunately i didn't have any 5mm
counter sunk cap screws and have had to use button heads, i will rectify this Monday and
acquire the right bolts, the 2 speed will then fit flush on the mounts surface. Heres
a few pics of how i made the mount-->


TiP: For those that haven't worked with thick aluminum before, when cutting it
if you rub some bath soap on the sides of the cutting disk, it cuts a lot easier as the disks' sides
dont 'grab as much once it was all cut out and the holes drilled, it was time to mount it to the seat tube of the frame


All lined up beautifully... happy with the mounting I broke it down again and gave it a quick polish...


Saved some higher rez pics if anyone wishes to take a real close up gander of the mount :-)

I may still get this mount anodized blue or black, unsure yet, still IMO it looks pretty neat
and the ThudSTeR 2 Speed has found its home at last :-)
...all up the mounts took most of my day up making, with a long lunch break
to watch MotOGP Qualifying, racing in OZ this weekend WOOOtZ

...shall be fitting the lower aluminum
panel tomorrow ...getting a lil excited i seez it coming to gether!

Back with more soon chaps...

That is elegant, a thing of such precise and functional wizardry. Even if it did not go like a hurricane and just sat there, it is a thing of beauty. It is hard for me to fathom how a little bitty motor like that and the wee little shifter can produce so much power... awesome. For those of us back in the stone age of gas bikes we tend to think in terms of more power = bigger motor. This high end electrical world is like magic. Any you my friend and Mr.Thud are the grand master magicians. Quite a show you two are putting on. (I'm the old long hair clapping out in the third row.)
Cheers Silverbear, hope you continue to get enjoyment from the build as we progress :-) heres a small update for you all-->

Spent much of the day watching MotoGP Casey Stoner FTW WooTz :lol:

This afternoon i re-sized the bottom bracket mount and welded it in place
i have still to order an extra wide bottom bracket (not making one this time)
From Choppers US either way, the plate to mount it to is now installed after
much cutting, grinding, more cutting, more grinding etc etc My mates
are urging me to forget pedals all together and just put on footpegs
unfortunately its my only argument its still a bicycle if pulled over LoL


As can be seen, i also have trimmed the lower aluminum panel to fit the opening
shall pick up some fasteners tomorrow, along with some right angle aluminum
for the lipo mounting i have planned ;-)

Hopefully by tomorrows end, i shall have all brackets welded in place, the panel mounted and the lipo mounting
organized....back soonz fellas...

KiM, I personally feel you and Thud should put this bike in a mechanical arts exhibit if one exists. Sheer poetry.

I must say Kim that your project has come on in leaps and bounds since I last looked. In a short period of time you have - made a frame - picked out some fancy forks - had your motor rewound (vroooom :)) - got a Thudstar gearbox (clunk vrooom clunk vroooooom) ..... and started framing up for the batteries.

The only thing im not to keen on isthe 3 holes that you drilled into the seat tube to attach Thud's box? I allways thought drilling holes in metal weakened it!! I hope the tube holds up with all the stress and your dead weight on it. I was thinking after seeing this on ES that you could have used one of these to attach Thuds box.....


ES thread... • View topic - new-old build

Anyway all is looking good m8, keep up the good work. Wont be long now before your zoooming up and down those big hills :D

Too tired to do an update, spent 8 hours in workshop 32C heat today, suffice it to say, next lot of pics you will see the seat tube and the holes is not an issue, the seat tube is braced top and bottom, even if it wasn't this isn't thin bicycle tubing it's wall thickness is ~double the thickness of bicycle tube. You know, you could probably completely cut the seat tube from a frame and it would still hold up if you sat on it, the top tube and the seat stays form an arch...anwayz... Im off to bed...look in for update this time tomorrow :-)

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