So I have been anodizing ...let me re-phrase that...i been
trying to anodize these past days with some success. The
dyeing of the parts however zero success. I had been
using PC PSU and they are great for anodizing parts if you
don't want to dye them, lower current is needed when
dyeing anodized parts apparently, SO i received back a
lead acid battery charger i lent out few weeeks ago to
a mate of a mate after not using it for 6 years at least
only to find a use for it with the anodizing as it is a 4amp
charger not 16amp psu like i was using ...I shall hopefully
now i have been schooled by the ThudSTaR 8) himself
in his wayz of anodizing, have better luck, the Thudster
has generously sent me out some of the dyes he uses
also! BIG THANKYOU again mate ;-)
Shall keep all informed with how this pans out.
I have also received some deliveries, late today one of
the pieces that i need to continue on the frame, the
linear actuator! I also received several days back the
Larosa 4in CNCed shocks for the seat, seat still missing
in action unfortunately...Matt.P generously donated the
Bullhorn bars to me after having them sandblasted
and powder coated Satin Black by
his "
powder coating guy" Another BiG Thankyou
to Matt for this very kind gesture
very much
appreciated buddy
White Industries 16tooth freewheel also now adorns
the ThudSTaR 8) 2 Speed Box thanks to Timma225
selling me a spare he had, shall fix you up this weekend
when you is in town again my friend ;-)
I will continue work on the stabilizing setup now i
have the actuator in hand, the build is back in
progress chaps WooTz!! I expect the delivery of
Recumpence SiRs 8) L337 CNCed disk brake to
freewheel adapter any day and also the bobber seat
hopefully will coincide nicely with the completion of
the stabilizer mount so work will continue flowing
Haaaanging for Thursday (pay day) i have AMAZED
myself in keeping 300 bucks in the play money back
account this fortnight! this added to some $$$ from
coming pay will see the purchase of a pair of
Hope tech m4 hydraulic brakes and a 203mm and 180mm
set of Hope floating rotors, I have been perving on
these brakes on Chain Reaction for the past 10 days
soon my precious soooon you will be mine
muuuuahahaha [/sinister laugh] :mrgreen: OH haha...cept
I'm buying them from ebay as recommended by Matt.S :wink:
new buy now $AU440 a pair with rotors 45 delivery)
Tiz lil cheaper than Chain Reaction on this occasion...
Back VERY soon with more progress pics...
p.s West OZ Group ride was Sunday past, cept for
an accident to forum member Laland on his very nicely
turned out delta recumbent that put a lil downer on
things for abit there a great time was had by all i think...
Can catch the pics and vids on the Aussie Roll Call Thread...
Get well soon Lawrie