Custom Build -2 Speed RC Motored Cruiser

Aaaalrighty then ...I have called it quits for the day, after a long day yesterday i am beat, got heaps done none the less,
just about wrapped up the battery mounting compartment, all that's need is a lower and upper plate to which 4 threaded rods will be placed in
each corner and tightened to compress and hold the packs in place ...sorry to disappoint
frock fan duct tape on this build...again :P :lol:

Here's a heap of pics i took today and yesterday, i think they are all pretty self explanatory, the whole lot has
to come off again, prolly several times, as such its all finger tight and no washes used, before someone
starts asking "why aren't you using washes blah blah blah..." I assemble, break down everything many times, washes
and loctite are only added on final assembly...


Yes...i have altered the mounting bracket, bought it in closer to the seat tube to gain a lil more room, i also ****ed
up the base, KNOWING the counter sinking needed to be on particular side I EVEN CHECKED it twice and STILL
got it wrong another base plate first thing in the a.m no biggy really i guess straight cuts & can use the old
base as a template..Welding of the brackets, this went well, i have added shots of the bare welding, scrapped and wire brushed then
a lil work with the die grinder to show the work involved to get the final result, you shouldn't need much attention to decent flowing weld
primer filler will cover most of these with a swipe of knife putty for any 'ruts' still visible.

Next...this morning i tackled what i didn't quite get to yesterday, the means to hold the planned 12 lipos packs, they
will run long ways from front to back as depicted in (pic 11) below they will also be 'two a breast' ie 4 on each layer
3 layers high...


Left to do on this, add another bracket to the lower seat tube, add an additional plate to hold the aluminum panel to the bottom bracket (you may see it drawn in on pic 10 if your eyez are good enough) also will round all the corners of the angle as depicted in (pic 8)
lil 'trimiing and finiahing work on the aluminium plates to even the gaps up ...Prolly a few other things i forgets now...
shall be back with another update tomorrow arvo...later lads..

i have folks talk about dont weld on the frame or drill holes it will weakend it - im as bad as kim when it comes to drilling and welding to frames, and have never had a frame snap bend or falter - i've had worse luck with walmart frames doing that without touching them, like the pacific bike..

kim rocks and knows what he is doing, hes an engineering genius, who likes to think outside of the box and thats what makes him my hereo...

rock on Kim... the project is looking awesome...
No Spkes & Nipples TiLL Monday

@ allen_okc - Cheers for the kind words mate ;-) I would be very apprehensive drilling into cheap china made bicycle frames and bolting on this much power to them WITHOUT any sort of extra bracing, then haha i would be apprehensive bolting a happy time onto a wall mart bike and doing 45mph on it with caliper brakes too...which i have seen alot here doing... I want a strong frame i know will support me and the force i put on it travelling at higher speeds than most bicycles will see, weight ISN'T as big a factor with motored bicycles as it is with manual pedal bicycle, build
them strong and sacrifice some weight if need be....

@Goat Herder- Tru Dat... china bicycle tubing in general is ..."**** "
there are some exceptions i guess, but its same old adage ain't it, you get what you pay for :-)

Since i had to come in to get the dreaded phone call from the Bicycle Shop re:spokes, thought i would have a break, bite
to eat and unload few pics of small job i did on the bike this morning...the final bracket!! (oh...actually, one
veeeeery small bracket remains to be done, mount for rear disk brake caliper..)


As can be seen in pic 4 I have repaired a hole i blew, it was tiny , the lil dot you see on the repair ISN'T the original hole but
the result of a bubble that popped in the weld :-S Would of given it another blat but that was the end of the freakin
welding wire nearly got the frame done on one and a bit rolls!...Seeing the frame is just about complete, thought i would
see where we iz at weight wise, was quite happy to see ~7 kilo the result...with additional bracket for brake caliper, frame
prepped undercoated and painted i think we will hit ~7.5kilo all told (no seat) Considering the wall thickness of the tubing used
and the steel plate for the brackets is 4mm i think we have a pretty damn solid frame and IMHO not too heavy, i will
definitely feel alot safer knowing i have a strong frame under me when i am scooting about at 60km/hr+

Back later with update of afternoons progress...

Ok...having rubbed the finger prints off my thumb and two
fingers along with colouring the water red with blood I
used to wet sand the aluminum parts, thankfully ALL
aluminum is prepped ready for polishing :wink: ..
SO today...i think i improved my 2 speed mounting
setup... I was concerned with the whole show moving and possibly
elongating the holes in the seat tube, regardless of how much
i tightened down the 3x 10mm bolts on the mount...SO, i took
some 3mm steel plate and did this-->


I knowingly destroyed the 10mm stainless steel bolts & nylocs i used
to hold the plates in place and square, no biggie ill pick up
new ones before final assembly, as a result though, all
above pics the mount is just sitting there not tightened down
as i don't have any 10mm bolts long enough to screw a nut on
even so haha it doesn't have more than a couple of millimeters
sideways movement with the bolts just sitting without nuts on
the bolts! When tightened, the only way it can move is if it
rips the 6x6mm high tensile counter sunk steel bolts out of the
mount...i am well pleased with the outcome.. Take that Rodgah :mrgreen: :P :lol:

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I know you do this more than I ever will have a chance,,but an observence here,,,the curved down tube is out in the open as far as side torque twist and I was thinking a stiff brace across the top or bottom mounting holes of the gear box plate extending slightly forward to a upper tube to stop torque twist upon acceleration,,,top tube is closest right ahead of the battery plate holder tab,(JMO)
Thanks for the input... The fact the seat tube is bent, made from 1.2mm walled tube, reinforced top and bottom along with the 3mm side plates now added, it is more than over kill already... The gearbox will pull the 4 mounting bolts before it will twist the seat tube :-) After building 4 e-bikes from scratch and seeing how much twist even the lil 1000watt Unit motors produced on motor mounts i have learned to beef things up a lil to avoid 'redo's ' when the bikes "finished" What you see in the above pics is an example of that ;-) cheers again for your input, please keep coming with the suggestions/questions always welcomed. :-)

hey kim - this is probably gonna sound stupid, but im very curious about your location. i have another hereo from your neck of the woods, Burt Munro, im sure you might have heard of him, he broke the land speed record on a 1920 modified indian motorcycle, he lived in Invercargill, New Zealand, are you close to that location, if so do they have a museum of him and his bike, i would really like to know how to visit...

your project is really coming along - from what i can see it looks solid and i really like the way the two speed unit is set up. i dont forsee any problems with it handling the torque, the curve in the tube will definetely give the post extra strength...

im still looking at the schematics of your two speed, you really need to patent it bud and maybe start manufacturing it - a single speed electric motor just doesnt have the top speed. average speed is 20mph, 32.19 km/h, your two speed should double that figure, am i correct?

one other thing ive noticed that they have a new electric motor, 60 volt 1000watt, any opinions about them... im thinking about going to that set up... my drag bike is at the point of testing, i'll be getting the batteries in couple of weeks... the bike is set up to handle six 12volt batteries...
For sure KiM,
you need to pattent that little tranny LOL. (if you get rich, I will look foward to all the royalty payments)

allen asks:
one other thing ive noticed that they have a new electric motor, 60 volt 1000watt, any opinions about them... im thinking about going to that set up... my drag bike is at the point of testing, i'll be getting the batteries in couple of weeks... the bike is set up to handle six 12volt batteries...

Who are "they"?
Allen, here is the tranny design in a hacker frame I slapped together for testing & a run at the thunderdrome:



& a little chase video of the bike on the way for a practice session at the parking lot road race course
(the bike tiped 52 mph on hot batterys 49.8 volts) but ran 40+ for the 18-20 minutes on track & back to the house 1/2 mile away)
CIMG0248.mp4 video by tmoto - Photobucket

Just to be clear: I don't think there is anything "pantent-able" about a dog clutch transmision. the design is as old as time & used on every constant mesh transmision on the planet. I would build these & sell them all day long for $900.00 (what my labor works out to with my current equipmet) but relly who would buy it? Add that I despise production...ugghh who wants to make the same thng over & over...not me. You can't make enough money to be bored doing it.....but thats just me. go ahead & make one up, I think you will like it.

that frame above handles very well & may soon be the base I put my morrini motor in for kicks. We destroyed a freash set of front pads at the track. so discs will be required. (not bike calipers but Kart calipers for heavyer application)

now if you really wan't to get your eyes opend to the world of extream hub-motor performance you need to check out ES for some af Arlo1's video of his 100v bmx bike or Stevo's 100+ volt trials.....these guys are pushing the limits to the max on the "1000" watt motors LOL. (no such thing)

back to KiM's lovey build... which is about 3k miles from new zeeland :P
i would buy it - i have about 2000 dollars in both of my 400 dollar stretched beach cruiser alone and the chopper, which by the way i built the frame for the chopper. the thing is todays economy and fuel expense, alternative transportations are becoming more of the norm. a vehicle like electrics, are even tax deductible giving more of push to that direction...

its just a thought...


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lol, Allen, your responding to the USA (michigan specificlay) :)
Kim is 12 hours ahead of me on the opposite side of the earth. 2 or 3 hours more if your an Okie.

I know Kim has low opinions of any brushed motors. I think if your serious about setting records or even being competitive in E-drag racing, your going to need a bit more research.
The motor you linked too would be fine for a low efficancy neighbor hood cruiser geared for 10-12mph.
Here's a motor far better suited for your application.
Motor Mars ME1003 Permanent Magnet DC Pancake Brushed Double Magnet 200A cont

It will take somthing on that order to run with the record holders. Currently (electrical pun alert!) we have a rather large hole regarding controllers to operate the large scale brushless outrunner motors to their full potential. I have been blowing up all sorts of stuff in a quest to build a competitive electric bike for the upcoming spring death race.

I have bikes that are Killer off the line....& bikes that will run at good speed, but so far finding the ballance of speed/accelration + duration to get the 12+ miles of the death race is proving to be a challange. I will be ultra competitive for (maybe) 4 laps....(BFD) then its the "engined" bikes race for the taking.

as far as the tranny goes, if you have the skillz to build one, its there for your conveinace. If your serious about buying one from me. I will pm you when your turn in line comes for a Thud built unit. (I am working on 3 units ATM) & no I am not charging $900 for a tranny. LOL (but unless I get much faster at manual lathe work & a real cnc machine....)

KiM, since this is your build thread, please feel free to jump in any time ;)
(& no sugar coating your feelings on the unite wonder motors!)

Allen, you should start a thread on your drag bike build. We could get into specifics there without polluting Kim's Build log.
yours truly, THUD.
sorry and i apologize, i shall keep my okie business to myself from now on, and thanks for the heads up on the electric motor...
No appoligy required bro,
Its good to ask & learn, I am a dullard in most things ellectric in reality. My input was a responce to a pm from KiM.
But seriously, you should check out endless sphere. There is a ton of alternative energy info, electric EV's & some real rocket sceintists who are allways willing to explane any legit questions any one has. Its a unique comunity where I enjoy the "open source" attitude....this site is a huge improvmet over the other "bicycle" oriented boards. There is a lot of bad info & guy's trying to make a buck on the www....I would rather teach a man to fish...than sell fish. (KiM loves his fishing!)
Thankyou Thud, i knew you would answer the questions better than I :: wink::

back to KiM's lovey build... which is about 3k miles from new zeeland :P

HAHA you baaaastard ROFL... hows the weather up there in Canada today Thud :-P

FYI: guys i am from Australia not New Zealand...Calling an Aussi a Kiwi is fightin words... LoL...I think we also have more Kiwis in OZ than there are in New Zealand, i think its because we have more sheep here and they are sick of sexxin up the ones in NZ :-P

I know Kim has low opinions of any brushed motors

Definitely, and that Unite linked to is the same as the two i burnt out in my trike even when rewound with thicker magnetic wire, they are absolute garbage...

allen_okc...I have no probs with you asking questions but i think you need to slow down a little your asking the wrong person the questions, take Thuds advice and join up on Endless Sphere its a wealth of information...

Thanks again for taking the time to 'set' the record straight Thudster ;-)

Kim, when I read "what part of New Zealand are you in" I was waiting for the answer

Worked with a bunch or Aussi's in eastern Canada in the early 60's and heard about the
New Zealanders in great detail including thier desire to better themselves by moving to OZ, much to the disgust of the Aussi's.

In a some what boozy moment I asked why. "Better looking sheep" was the answer.

At that time I made the startling discovery that beer, propeled out your nose with extreme force, hurts but not as much a 6 Aussi's smacking you for spraying them with the above mentioned beer.

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again i do apologize - ive been creating motored bicycles ever since my dad gave me his burned out lawn mower and i tried to mount it to schwinn stingray, a complete disaster...

anyway ive just recently gotten into electric bikes, so im very mis-informed about it all, the only thing i have ever had experience in was my electric RC car, and placed a 9 wind drag motor in it with a 24 volt battery pack, at 132 feet she pulled 54mph...

just understand i have no other to converse with about building a succesful electric bike, and watching kim build his has gotten me so jazzed about it all to the point i get carried away.

Thud was in his right to back me down a bit, and kim your right i do need to slow down and listen more and speak less... im in a learning curve and i really appreciate you fellows and all the advice i can get...

but kim your project here is the most awesome thing i have ever seen, and i really appreciate your sharing it with us...
No probz at all allen okc ... ;-)

I been busy last few days doing some prep work on the frame.. still needing to attach
spring mounts when i can afford the seat/mounting hardware and dual shock setup i'm wanting, along with a
disk brake caliper mount, OH...and the extra wide bottom bracket i still need to weld in place...when i get
one from ChoppersUS.
..As such, had to leave the inner seat stays 'ripples' alone... and the rear dropout
not that it really requires alot of attention haha..First picks are with a lil body filler ...


Actually required very little body filler once all sanded down, the above pic was actually all yesterdays goingz onz haha...

Below pics...are what i got upto today ;-)-->


I said i would have a rolling chassis Monday...lil late but as they say, better late than never unfortunately
though no freaking tubes i have just popped the tires on the rims anywayz, they are 24x2.5in Maxxis Hookworms -->


Lotsa room for chain ThudSTeR ;-) ... I have bought a disk brake sprocket adapter from Mr Recumpence to fit on the
Sturmey archer too..should be here soon i hope, but i think we can see there looks to be plenty of room ;-)

Next pension check i will place an order for a stem @ Chan Reaction Cycles, shall add some tubes to the
order when i do... I have also asked good ol Matt.P to pick up some bars (same as i have on blue cruiser)
Matt will be dropping them at the powder coaters for ,e also, there they will be sandblasted before podwer
coated in Satin Black... (they are originally chrome bars)

...There is stacks of sanding and painting still to do on the bike, rember the pics you see above is a just a
quick coat of etch prmer after a few coats of primer filler and some wet sanding i think she will be good to
go with some colour......

We aren't doing to bad it does look vaguely similar to the 'plan'
i painstaking and at no expense to the management! drew up LoL...



Well pleased thus far anwyaz :mrgreen:

Back Soon..

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