Custom Build -2 Speed RC Motored Cruiser

hehe KiM,

I hope we can keep a speed controller from popin' like a flash bulb at 20k.....but really, this is going to be a ripper. I doubt any one around here (other than camlifter) has seen the transmision package yet. That is going to be the key to making this build work on both ends of the spectrum.

Chain snapping/wheel standing tourque in low, & some looong legs on the top end.
I can't wait to see it rolling.....bikes allways look better leaning into a corner to me.

Thudmiester! I had a long discussion last night on MSN with Edward Lyen about building me a controller that will do what is required, he checked the thread you have on the rewind and was blown away, he said anything under a 24fet Infineon hasn't got a chance of working...I thought a Kelly , Problem i see is the high rpm none of the Kellys are good for above 50 000 electrical rpm AFAIK? TBH though Thudster, the power it had before was excessive, the addition of the 2 speed gearbox on a 10kw capable bike will still have anything on ES chasing it around a track playing trying to keep up and not get lapped haha...The HV160s have a 160amp limit, hahaa although with it turned on a manged 240amp spikes before the esc kicked in and cut throttle (not noticeable it governs it so 160amp is max) Recumpnece warned me i was pushing the esc to hard i didnt realize for a few rides that there was a current protection feature hahaha...Maybe we should just be happy with making it reliable at 10kw :: slaps back of Head:: sorry Thud, had a moment of insanity MAKE IT PiiiiiSS (^) blow the reliability long as it can make 1/4 of a mile its all good hahaha

You clued Mr Lyenn in on the abuse we subject his creations too....I am suprized he didn't just disconect & call the men in white coats when he saw the motor.
These brutes (motors) are hard to tame & The kelly's that are so loved by the big brushed motor crowd (agni) are very weak on brushless controlling. Your looking at 4000 rpms max. You can order a custon Kelly controller that is overclocked But they start at 1k$ (out of my leage) I havn't looked at the sevcons very closly....Just for the fact that it is so far out of the bicycle realm. big, bulky, yuck, & yuck.
I have Lyenns 18fet controller a hub motor. If I start to push the amps the controller starts heating....these are not 500 max rpm hub motors...they'r tigers.

I am winding a motor for muti-controller operation. Once we optimize a pole count & wind for that set up I think the performance will be whats expected & reliability will be in sight.
Biff is modeling a few simulations to get us a starting point for the next step of this journey.

if you are really REALLY determined to run this thing beond reasonable (where the fun is) we need to look at a slipper like Matt is pioneering......I looked at a bunch of hydrolic couplings today at lunch....remeber the Losi "Hydro drive" on the 10th scale buggy's? Just thinking out loud:D
bed time, catch you later. T
Yes Mr Lyen thinbks we are all insane remebering he is a frock fan boi to Thudster :-P

In all seriousness mate as talked about in pm, make it run at 10kw and not expell magic
smoke hookz him to the 2 speed and i will be more than happy, when the controller become available in a size that doesn't rquire a trailer to cart them around i.e like the 24 fet double brick sized things haha we can change the game plan then, terminate it in Wye see how the controller likes it ;-)

Your off to bed i'm off to finish welding the frame up just finished my lunch :-)


EDIT: alternatively hehehe if you can make them run above 10kw using dual controllers im up for that, i have my hv160 in for paid warranty so ill get back a new controller, happy to grab another off Matt (recumpence) if it gets us the big power without magic smoke?
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I picked up another roll of welding wire this morning when out depositing some $$$
in my bank account to pay for the Marzocchi forks, this arvo i got to finishing welding the dropouts in
up and gave the frame/welds a bit of a clean up with flap disk, few pics of that-->




After the frame was fully welded i took it out of the jig keen to get some idea how
it will sit with wheels, I used the old springer fork tubes from the trike, i think they
are a lil shorter than the Marzocchi forks i also don't have a 26in rim to pop in
the front, not to matter-->



Only thing i am a lil concerned about is the seat position/height, if i put it back
where planned the reach to the pedals maybe to long as too the bars,
(i wont be welding in the bottom bracket until a later date either way)...if i put
the seat up on the top tube like the original Basman, it will be too high for
me to get onto the bike...i think :?: :? ... shall leave everything as is until i have
the wheels and forks here and on the bike, if its wrong meh, ill buy another
55 bucks worth of tubing mark it down as experience and start over hahaa...

Back soon...

VERY IMPRESSED with your fabrication skills. You are making this thing from scratch I absolutely love it!!! That frame is so smooth looking. Well next time I need something fabbed up I will have to get with you on the possibility of paying you to make something for me.

80cc gas mb and 500 watt solar electric chopper
Rear Redo

I have been trying to sort a neat suspension setup for the frame
alas it just didn't happen, i couldn't get anything that appealed to me
in the looks department so have gone with solid rear end again, with the big
bounce springs under the bobber seat pan i think we will be good to go...

I was lucky to have my good mate Snapper up today again,
haha lucky that i called him and asked if he would mind
giving me a hand LoL... :mrgreen: I bent the tubing notched
it and Snapper welded it up THX Mate :-) ...after a few
Bintangs (beer) He attacked it with the grinder/flap disk we now
have a complete nicely aligned frame again!


I have re-used the old droputs, after much cutting they were relieved from the old chainstays/seat stays haha


Can see in above pic, only one set of welds on the dropouts have been cleaned up, the welds were extremely good after hit with some grinder and flap disk love the turned out very nice ALSO note, there is no longer 'open' tubing Snaps turned the welder up to HI and filled the ends in beautifully! i am well pleased with the result :-)


With the anti spatter spray liberally applied cleaning up the spatter was much easier affair ...Of course after it was all nicely welded we had to see how it all sat upright with the forks in! Using the threaded rod from the jig we pressed in the cups/sealed cartridge bearings into the frames headtube before fitting the forks and mocking it up-->


The spacing between the rim and seat tube is more uniformed ;-) Rear dropouts are also now 180mm lots a a room for the big extra wide sturmey archer then some, need to be fitting sprocket AND disk rotor on the left side!


Snapper is cutting plasma cutting me some gussets at his work this week for the front of the frame/head tube for a lil more strength seeing the front might be getting a bit of a hammering on this bike haha... along with a big piece of 4mm flat plate for the bottom bracket mounting...

While Snapper was Merrily grinding away i thought i would take some video
shows you guys the amount of work that went into the weld cleanup i guess.. Towards the end of the clip theres some closeups of the finished
flapped disked dropouts :-)

YouTube - Weld CleanUP on 2 Speed Cruiser

I will get to the plugs needed to make the molds for the fiberglass enclosures this week, warm up today! i have a friend with a second hand surf ski and/or canoe coming up for some help with a hole repair using fiber glass hahaa...

I got word from Thud that he might be doing some Anodizing on Sunday! Hopefully might have some pics of that later ... eagerly awaiting progress update from Thudmiester today as he also was rewinding the motor again last night :wink: ..Hope all went well Mate

Back with more soon...

Hi Camlifter,
Thanks, I blew a week getting a table top CNC set up to help me make some parts....& I have burned up 2 routers surfacing the table & getting it all zeroed out..... but once thats online all the monotany & layout time drops by a huge factor.

You need to pick another weekend this fall for a get together.
Lets see if we can't get a few more guy's to show up. gas & electric.
I want to get some laps in on the track..(I have a china girl all broken in & a Morini sitting on the bench looking for a frame). & just finished lacing a new back wheel for another electric dirttracker I will unveil as soon as i Get KiM's package turned around.

back to KiM's awsome handy work..mbv.

What an interesting and informative thread this is. You guys are pioneers and it's fun to watch.
Thud, little did I know what I was looking at a few months back when you showed me your 2 speed transmission. Very cool, indeed.
Camlifter, if you come up with another race weekend this fall, let me know and maybe I can time my fall migration for a stop by. I'll have my four stroke 1950 Schwinn Motorbike done by then mounted on the back of the Cherokee. It would be great to see you guys again and this time not get rained out. Want to see Thud's bike do it's thing! I also want to check your HT clutch modification more closely. Hey to Kyle.
Thanks for the positive comments silverbear :-)

My mate Snapper Fish dropped off the gussets he plasma cut for me from 3-4mm steel plate,
snaps made paper templates last weekend to take to work with him, not all the plates will be
used, the front gusset for the head tubes a definite along with the plate for the bottom bracket
the rest unsure but have them if needed...



^^lil added security seeing the front might be taking a bit more of a hammering than your
average bicycle hahaha...

I have been working on mates 16 odd foot surf ski last few days sanding it and spraying it with Gelcoat shall take a few
pics later today of it hings HUGE...will get back onto the bike over the weekend...

ciao for now

Too keep the worklog upto date i will copy Thuds latest post from the original log on Endless Sphere-->

"Just droping by to polute AJ's build thread a little bit... 8)

doing a bit of anodising tonight.....turns out the black & deep blues are the toughest colors for an at home set up....may need to invest in comercial dyes & sealers if i ever set my heart on those.

here is a bucket with 20% SULFURIC acid solution, you can see the part already in there anodizing away..I have the bucket in a larger bucket with some water & ice to keep the heat in check


The haze in the fluid is a fine stream of hydrogen bubbles coming off the cathode (aluminum flashing)

I have found the icharger 1010+ is an excelent tool for a multitude of the hot wire function works wonderfully as a power supply for this set up.


I bought some liquid "NEGRO" dye on the recommendation of some one on the I can get looks like s a very deep patina on bronze or "browned" gun metal...not what I would call black....dark chocolate maybe.


personaly I like is what it is.
back to your regulary schedualed mega build update........... 8)
back to caustic chemicals for Thud..."

Thudster is doing a superb job, absoluetely RAPT with the colour, Thudster advised also the drive and motor will be in the post to me this week!

Back with an update on the bike this evening...

Revved up with the latest pics of the new 2 Speed Thudster Box i hit the garage
and got into shaping the polystyrene for the top tank/enclosure, i will likely
use this space for big mofo Infineon down the track, theres room enough there for
dual 24fet or 36fet i have Photochop re-installed heres
the 'usual' series pics of the next step in the project-->


Yes HiGHSiDE Hyena my frilly frock wearing ladyboy there are o scoops....YET ...but there will be... :mrgreen:

I decided i would make the plug in one whole, prep it fiberglass it then cut it in half and pop the
foam out, trim my mold to size then ill be right o lay up the carbon fiber :-)

The shaping was done with an old rusty saw (seen in pic above) and a worn out piece of
sandpaper i used on the surf ski last week, (and yes before anyone suggests it i know you can use a
12v car battery and wire to cut polystyrene but i wasnt about to mess about for 20 minutes
knocking something up when it took all of a minutes to cut it with a saw LoL
) i need to pop
to the hardware store in the a.m to get a few things before i can continuez...back tomorrow with an update

So i finished the surf ski over the weekend turned out really well looks alot like a GIANT banana hahaa
either way my mate is very happy with the job, took me best part of two days to sand the bloody thing and thats WITH an orbital sander
all good, mate Mick is a top fella always doing me favors, I didn't hesitate to offer to do the surf ski when he asked if i would give him a hand.
No payment for the work, hes a mate i dont charge mates for my labor but next time i break down i'll be calling Mick
as he has a big van LoL...

So with my workshop back i went out and continued fab on the 2 speed cruiser particular the aluminum
plates that will hold the electronics...GOT Lipo? Got room for 22 packs within your frame? I HAVE :mrgreen:

Firstly though the front gusset needed trimming to remove some weight, i am ever wary of that 75lb weight limit :-P


After the front gusset was added i simply laid the frame upon the 3mm aluminum plate and marked
out the aluminum that will be the mounting plate to hold lipo packs/electronic speed controller etc...



Same procedure for the lower aluminum mounting plate...


The top aluminum sheet I can go ahead and mount, i will use steel tabs welded to the frames tubing to secure
the ali plate to the frame. The lower sheet i will obviously need to cut out sections to allow for the 2 speed Thudster Box
bottom bracket and stabilizer /actuator setup. I did a quick sketch onto the plates to see how we are looking for room hehehe
keep in mind, the lipo 'rectangles' inked on the aluminum represent TWO LIPO PACKS as i will be using 2 packs side by side :-P


i used an old 22v pack as a template to draw these so they are lil larger than pack size :-P

Jealous much Hyena? thats room for TWENTY TWO PACKS within the frames triangle my dress wearing lippy applying, frock mounting friend :mrgreen:

Just having a bite to eat and heading back out, hopefully have the top aluminum plate mounted by days end...
Once i have all the tabs welded to the frame i will be moving to the construction of the carbon fiber/fiberglass
tank and lower battery enclosure...

Back soon

I have a few more pics from this afternoons happenings, not alot but took me all afternoon grrr...

I made 4 aluminum 'tabs' i guess you could call them? to fasten the top aluminum plate
to the frame, i will be fixing another two plates to the frame towards the center of the ali plate
to complete the fastening.

2 of the 4 tabs bolted and matched...


2 down 2 to go...two tabs are used front and rear to fasten the plate, could of used the one but i am fussy
even though when the fiberglass/carbon fiber enclosures/tank is made none of this will be visible :-S


Positioned these on the ali and drilled and fastened using 6mm stainless steel button head cap screws/nyloc nuts-->




The aluminum mounting plate still requires a lil 'love' on the edges so the gap between frame tubing and plate is equal
all the way around the plates perimeter...

I plan to use a 10mm threaded rod through the single hole (the hole drilled into the gussets of frame) this threaded rod will
fasten a sheet of thin ply wood in the shape i wish the base of the top 'tank' to be,
when complete this threaded rod will be replaced with 'stand offs' similar to those used in your pc case to
fasten your motherboard to the case...cept ALOT bigger, i will then use ~8mm
stainless steel button head cap screw to fasten the tank/enclosure to the frame, should be a neat solution i think.

Back with more soon

Sorry members i posted the last 4 or so updates in my other thread, the above posts are a lil out of order sorry about that, i have this worklog on too many forums i think :-S

I have a couple of things to report this morning,
firstly a lil something our own Jeremy Harris has very very kindly knocked up for me
and secondly a few more updated shots of the enclosure.

I had the idea to use a high torque metal geared servo to operate the 2 Speed ThudSTaR 8) Box
but other than a dial on a servo tester no means (i could come up with myself) to
operate it with a simple push button switch, enter the electric guru Jeremy Harris
I asked Jeremy last Friday? i believe if he would be able to, well i knew he
would be able to haha the question really was if the man had time to with all his other projects
thankfully he did! Jeremy has built me a lil 'doohickey' that i will plug
into my dc-dc converter (same one that will operate the linear actuator for stabilizers)
and with the push of a button change gears, Jeremy even sent me a lil video of it-->

LED is to show which gear is selected! How neat is that haha

The high torque servos used on the cyclic of rc helis are ooooober strong
i plan to set linkages up same as throttle/brake linkages are done on
rc nitro cars i.e spring either side of the lever the rod pushes, this compensates
for any extend push pull rather than straining anything... I'm extremely happy with the result a
HUGE HUGE thank you to Jeremy for taking time out from his own projects... aaand
apologies to Mrs Harris for taking her hubby away from the many chores i am sure she must
be finding for him to do around the house now he's recently retired hehe...Thank you Jeremy :D

I have also managed to get the top enclosure to a shape i am happy with
also, we changed tack a lil as to how i explained in my previous posts Knoxie
the enclosure will be constructed and mounted. Rather than glassing the enclosure as a whole
and then slicing it i have now decided to cut the enclosure in half now its shaped
and mount both halves to make sure they look and fit EXACTLY right. The plan now is to use
some more 3mm aluminum at either end of the enclosure, these mounting plates
will actually be glassed into the finished enclosure, for the actual fastening the
same method will be used as previous explained in the worklog.

Few pics of of how the enclosure is now shaped


Johnrobholmes said:
So you want to race to completion of a tank? You win :lol: I forgot how much I absolutely hate sanding and shaping. Almost as much as I hate painting and fiberglass work.

LoL@ Johnrobholmes Sounds like you like fiber glassing
and sanding as much as i like playing with anything electronic. Have you not
heard of orbital sanders John they really cut the sanding time down :-P

I'll have some money tomorrow so i can pick up some more resin lil short after
fixing mates surf ski for him last week (OH FYI: Mick was out last weekend on
the surfski when we all went fishing, it looks awesome in the water he is very
pleased with the result:-)
) today i plan to coat the foam with a combo of body
filler and spray putty to get both a smooth finish and protect it from the resin
eating it away...Come Thursday i can get to glassing the two sides up to make
the mold i will use to lay the carbon fiber in that will produce the smooooth
finished enclosure we are looking for this time round...

Shall be back with more soon..

Just finished plastering spakfilla all over the top enclosure
it says it takes 20 minutes to dry, i'm guess its going to take a **** load
longer as i layered it on a lil thicker than you would when using it
to fix cracks in a plastered walls haha...


So ... i have no freakin idea if this will be successful i prolly should of tried
it all out on a scrap piece of polystyrene but i'm the all in type haha..

Once its set ill rub it back to get a smooth finish then lay some coats of primer filler
down and continue to prep as one would when painting :: fingers crossed::
it will do the job of sealing and protecting and won't have a reaction
with the primer filler ...shall see soon enough...

Back soon
FULLY Assembled 2 Speed Ready To Ship

ThudSTaR has just upped images of the fully assembled
2 speed box, we have been waiting on a few sprockets
to complete the assembly, the box and motor are now ready to ship!!!
WoooohOOOOOOOOOOOOO....checkz this out boyz -n- Girlz


I iz one happy camper now i tellz you fellas, piece of cnc pron
right there combined with the ThudSTaR Turnigy this
will be a ball tearing powerhouse waaaaaaa :: click ::WAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Thankyou Thud you IZ the man huge thanks to you
buddy....looking forward to update on that lil
project you got brewing for the up coming Death Race too
themz smokers ain't gunna know what hit em hehehe

Shall be back in a feew hours with an update in proceedings
with the top enclosure, it is coming along very well right pleased with it thus far, about to mount it to wooden backing board and apply
the last of spakfilla to the sides which will create a nice
straight uniformed edge

Bit of an anti climax after the above pics but i managed to get the
top enclosures mounted and all the spakfilla work completed


I'm off fishing 5am tomorrow morning but shall spray the primer filler
tomorrow when i return, i think 2-3 good coats then ill rub it back with wet and dry
to get a nice smooth finish...

Back then
