The wheels are 26x2.5 that came from and the tires are Fat Franks. I am not too happy with either of these purchases. I don't like the wheels because they are aluminum and the spokes are only 14g. They also had some Issues with the spoke coming loose when I first started to ride them. But I think for your average mb they would be ok, I'm just really really picky. The tires are good tires but I hate the reflective stripe. I will be buying Felt Quick Brick or Cooker race tires for my next bike. As for the rest of the info on the bike, just read the thread, most of it should be there if not just ask I will be more than happy to answer.
The wheels are 26x2.5 that came from and the tires are Fat Franks. I am not too happy with either of these purchases. I don't like the wheels because they are aluminum and the spokes are only 14g. They also had some Issues with the spoke coming loose when I first started to ride them. But I think for your average mb they would be ok, I'm just really really picky. The tires are good tires but I hate the reflective stripe. I will be buying Felt Quick Brick or Cooker race tires for my next bike. As for the rest of the info on the bike, just read the thread, most of it should be there if not just ask I will be more than happy to answer.