Clutch Pucks upgraded anyone?

There is a strong suspicion that the stock pucks may contain asbestos. That is why it is recommended to use a razor blade to trim them to shape rather than use any device or method that could create any dust that one could inhale.
Asbestos, yikes, highly likely though since it's a cheap chinese setup and there are probably less regulations on these engines than there are on hunting endangered species...
asbestos is DEADLY! picture tiny tiny razor blades in your lungs till you die. because they keep scaring your lungs till your dead. can't breath,slowly. my aunt and uncle [god bless them] died of this, my aunt first. she was a housewife and shook out my uncle's clothes before washing them, unknowingly breathing in this deadly substance that would take so many life's. so be carefull if their is asbestos its harmless in solid form its the dust that will kill you and your loved ones! dennis
Very True but thats why modern brake pads don't contain asbestos. I dont think anyway. As far as the rubber pucks it wouldnt surprise me.
they're still working great. no slippage, no problems. sometime soon i'll take pull the covers and check how they're wearing.

so far, though, looks like a winner!
Alright, I'd be interested in a set if they come up for sale, any pricing ideas? I have to check my puck shape when it stops raining. Time to conquer the hills without inhaling asbestos dust.
I highly doubt there's asbestos in the puck rubber from China. It does no good in a tire and is an expense un-needed so I'm sure it would not be added. And unles they space their sidewall cords way apart like you see on the pucks I doubt they are even car tire sidewall. I think it's conveyor belting made with rubber and jute or hemp cloth that's very rough woven. If the fibers were closer to both surfaces they would last longer. I accedently bought a set of square ones from BGF. The weave is on the surface on one side of the puck. It's has 3 layers and like I said is a very rough weave like a burlap potato bag.
Well guys, here's what I think you should do, am I the only one here who remembers that asbestos is NOT flammable? Therefore I think someone with major balls should soak a spare clutch puck in gasoline and light it. If it is just jute and rubber, it will burn completely, if it is asbestos, there will be a fine weave of fibers left in the ashes...Just a thought...
i'll be taking a look at the pucks mappbike gave me to test out tomorrow.

i put them through some serious torture testing at the deathrace. if they held up through 30+ minutes of full throttle terror in the main event, they'll hold up to anything.

they worked awesome. never slipped, never squealed, and i couldn't smell them, and i did a lot of clutch slipping, i came through most corners (the ones i had to slow down in, anyway) with the coaster brake dragging, the throttle on, and on and off the clutch to keep the rpm's up. seriously, it woulda destroyed the stock pucks...

i'll let ya know how they're holdin' up soon.
Thanks for the update Bairdco,

I look forward to hearing how they have held up in the wear category, also sounds like you had a great time.

finally got around to doing some work on my race bike, and when i pulled the clutch apart to check the pucks, they still look perfect. the only noticeable wear is just from them conforming to the discs. there was a tiny bit of dust inside the cover, but that's it.

also, i haven't had to adjust my clutch at all since i installed them.

i "slip" this clutch all the time, take off from dead stops without pedaling, and squeeze it when speeding up to get the RPM's up, and it's working awesome.

seriously, mapbike, these things are the s***!