*grabs some gum* can't wait till you start makin' them......hope i got plenty of gum though... XD
I've ordered a strip of that McMaster stuff the other guy mentioned too. Highest friction level available. These things don't really need to slip at all IMO, and it's so annoying when they do.
If anyone just can't wait(like this guy I know of) it's only $4 a foot before shipping. Worth a shot.
Yes, what he said. 1/4" x 1" x 1' long will do a couple clutch upgrades.
Thought I needed to put this out there so maybe someone might be saved soem time, money and grief if they dont understand what they are getting into with working with the friction materials.
Cheers Map
Aww! You mean I can't cut it with scissors?
That's a joke man. You know, a funny haha.
I was considering rough shaping them with a dremel cut off wheel and finishing them with a belt sander. I will wait though for you to come up with a price on yours first. If the price is within my budget, you bet I would support your efforts before supporting McMaster Carr.