Clutch Pucks upgraded anyone?

Well, Fella's as soon as I'm able to turn some of these things out I'll be making it known, I wish I could just blow and go with them right now, but I'm in the proccess of building a new work shop, and then I have to make some special tooling so I can turn these pucks out quicker, I have only made three sets so far and it has all been one at a time by hand, it's a slow proccess that way, but I do have plans to make tooling so i can make several sets a day if need be.

I also just took mine out of the engine that just crapped out on me and they looked almost like they didi the day I put them in the engine, just slightly marked where they had conformed to the clutch gears holes that they sit in, but know noticable wear other than that and they hook up real nice in my new engine too, these are for sure a winner in my book and that is why I started experimenting with them, I wanted a better clutch for my engines and by dangs I have one now. please be patient with me on this guys, I may be able to turn out a few before the tooling is ready, and if so I will contact some of you and let you know I have some made up and you can decide if you want or need any at that time, I was trying to kinda keep a lid on the puck info. until I was able to meet a possible demand but it's out there now so i figured I'd better address this and let ya'll know, that I do have plans to make these available as soon I can get set up for making them, I'm not for sure what the selling price for them will be yet but I will not be trying toi make a killing on them, just wnat to cover materials and wear & tear on tooling mainly, there will be a small bit included for my labor but not much.

Thank you and just hold tight until I can get set up please......


Just hang in there MB'er bud,

Time is something that I have a very hard time finding right now, working 12hr days, been getting drafted to work on my scheduled days off a lot and the weather here has put a damper on my shop building project......which is a key part of the proccess, I need the shop so I have the room I need for making the tooling and in turn being able to make the pucks on a scale that would be able to satisfy even a small demand for them.

But, I will overcome all these things and hopefully be able to produce several sets of these pucks before to extra long, some engines have the "square" pucks and others have the round ones so, I will have to make both of them which I can, one is more time consuming to make than the other to make but with the right tools I should be able to yurn them both out at the same rate or at least this is my hope.


*grabs some gum* can't wait till you start makin' them......hope i got plenty of gum though... XD
Take your time Mapbike :) Don't know about the rest of the fellas, but I gotta burn through the stock pads first! dnut After all, I don't think there is a time limit for quality parts. Best of luck with your shop-building endeavor!
I've ordered a strip of that McMaster stuff the other guy mentioned too. Highest friction level available. These things don't really need to slip at all IMO, and it's so annoying when they do.

If anyone just can't wait(like this guy I know of :) ) it's only $4 a foot before shipping. Worth a shot.
I've ordered a strip of that McMaster stuff the other guy mentioned too. Highest friction level available. These things don't really need to slip at all IMO, and it's so annoying when they do.

If anyone just can't wait(like this guy I know of :) ) it's only $4 a foot before shipping. Worth a shot.

What exactly did you order from McMaster? There sight is a bit confusing to me. . .
What you need to do is go to the power transmission section of the site and you'll find friction materials. In the friction materials there is one called semimetallic and I think guys here are getting the 1/4" thickness. Hope that helps
remind me when your ready I have a spare clutch I will outfit also. No hurry though my lil pk is not hurting for a clutch yet.
The friction material is very hard to work with guys so if you order what is being suggested here, you better know what you are doing and have the right tools for the job or you will be spinning your wheels and waisting money on something you may not be able to use.

I said all this because since I have made some pucks from a type of industrial friction material I know first hand how hard it is to work with and I dont want any noobs running off to Mcmastercarr and ordering stuff they dont have the tools or know how to work with, it aint like making gaskets, that stuff is very very tough and will even dull the crap out a piece of D2 tool steel in no time flat.....

Just a warning to the noobs and those without much knowledge of friction material.....the KEY word her is FRICTION......this stuff is made to eliminate slippage and create massive amounts of friction so when it is cut with a steel die or lesser tools it creates a butt load of heat on the tool and wears it out very fast....... Tungsten carbide would be the best material to work with in making anything from the friction material IMHO.

I have wore out some pretty hard tooling already just making a few sets of pucks, it's a very costly my experience so far and very time consuming as well.

Thought I needed to put this out there so maybe someone might be saved soem time, money and grief if they dont understand what they are getting into with working with the friction materials.

I'm not at all trying to discourage anyone here, just trying to be helpful and save someone their money and the trouble if they don't realize what this stuff is like to work with, it is very very tough stuff!

It's an I "been there done that"........kinda deal!

I will be making a few sets of the pucks up when I can get the time, when I do I will list them in the (Swap & Shop) for those who may need better pucks but don't want to mess with the trouble and expense to making them themselves.

I will price them fair, but they will be more than the china stuff that we get as replacements & come stock in the engines, no way they can be custom made for that price, but they will be affordable to most I believe.


Cheers Map
Aww! You mean I can't cut it with scissors? ;)

That's a joke man. You know, a funny haha.
I was considering rough shaping them with a dremel cut off wheel and finishing them with a belt sander. I will wait though for you to come up with a price on yours first. If the price is within my budget, you bet I would support your efforts before supporting McMaster Carr.
LOL...!!!! If those scissors you have are real..........big and powered by Hydraulics you might just be able to chop that material up with-em...!

Nothing at all wrong with your idea of how you could get some made up I'm sure, I haven't tried using a cutoff wheel to cut friction material but it might work OK, I have shaped it on a grinding wheel but not a belt sander, I know the sander would work though, It may destroy the grit on the paper pretty quick but I could be wrong on that, it's pretty amazing how destructive the friction material is on things when you force something to slip against it, I think the extreme heat that is produced ( friction ) is the problem.....LOL!

All in good fun GearNut.......Hee Haw..........!

And nothing wrong with supporting Mcmastercarr, they have good stuff that is hard to get anywhere else, some is a bit pricey but, that what happens with the specialty stuff everywhere we find it......


Aww! You mean I can't cut it with scissors? ;)

That's a joke man. You know, a funny haha.
I was considering rough shaping them with a dremel cut off wheel and finishing them with a belt sander. I will wait though for you to come up with a price on yours first. If the price is within my budget, you bet I would support your efforts before supporting McMaster Carr.
They're also one of the most (if not the most) reasonable web stores when it comes to not trying to bankrupt you on shipping. The "We'll add appropriate shipping charges after you agree to pay." thing made me nervous at first, but they seem the one in a million who are honest about it.

I haven't tried messing with the stuff yet, but I'd bet on not trying to "shape" it so much as roughing the shape well enough to fit just by chopping pieces off with a blade and a good sized hammer. Just speculation, though.