Building a work shop

Paint or stain?

  • Barn red paint

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Clear stain

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other color Paint

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • other stain

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
Dan good to see you've got back to work in your shop, I've been in mine quite a bit but not working on bikes. I've been working on my 50, its at the upholstery shop. Its going to be too sharp to drive! All I have left is replacing some of the grille pieces that won't polish out and the truck, its funny that people want to see the trunk at car shows. Not that I'm going to show mine but since I've done everything else I might as well do it too. Then I'm going to ride my bikes.
Greg!!, I was trying to get a hold of ya. Ran over my phone and lost contacts. There was flooding down your way and was hoping you and your's were OK. (?)

LoL, I know what you mean about "car guys" I know a few and they look at the strangest parts. I really enjoy classic cars and trucks. But not once thought "Hey, I wonder if the ashtray is original?" Or the like. And man do they get into detail. Sound worse than us with boost bottles or the great dino vs synthetic oil wars '09, lol.

Man. I really missed you guys.
(or as they say up here; "use gies")
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Hello Dan,

Great to see you back here. Always amazing how fast rust and rodents move in. From what I've heard the Uber might be better than courier service job. A lot less stress not having to find parking spots where you have to worry about parking tickets and trying to find the people to deliver the parcels.

Well i have for the most part really been having a good time. Pretty much in shop 7 days a week. Weekends are for my projects or shop /tool maintenance. I try not to work for money on my selected days off. I spend way too much money on tools, but its a necessary evil. Being able to diagnose current model vehicles is a necessity,but i had to pay the price. Was slow jan/feb but work hasnt let off since march. Im ok with that. I had a yard full and other shops were slow.
Snow is gone,river is open and now that we had a couple heavy rains the grass is starting to turn green. Grass cutting season is coming up fast. Chat with you later.
Hello Dan,

Great to see you back here. Always amazing how fast rust and rodents move in. From what I've heard the Uber might be better than courier service job. A lot less stress not having to find parking spots where you have to worry about parking tickets and trying to find the people to deliver the parcels.


Steve, ayup on all yer points. The bull Male mouse who now resides in the file draw of my rolling upright tool box has mutant, almost cartoonish huge brown eyes. As far as mice go, really kinda cool lookin'

Your so right about the Uber thing.
This is funny and made me think of you. About 6 months ago a guy hops in the back seat and states in a heavy eastern Indian accent says that he is late and "We must huddy" So I reply "Vedy good, sir. And I will follow dat kar, veddy close"

Which I of course thought was hysterical and oddly enough, he did not.
(I was having fun not making fun. Honest)

Is this a "had to be there" sort of thing? hehe
Well i have for the most part really been having a good time. Pretty much in shop 7 days a week. Weekends are for my projects or shop /tool maintenance. I try not to work for money on my selected days off. I spend way too much money on tools, but its a necessary evil. Being able to diagnose current model vehicles is a necessity,but i had to pay the price. Was slow jan/feb but work hasnt let off since march. Im ok with that. I had a yard full and other shops were slow.
Snow is gone,river is open and now that we had a couple heavy rains the grass is starting to turn green. Grass cutting season is coming up fast. Chat with you later.

Awesome TJ. Sounds like a perfect balance.
Thursday I work in the shop 'till just about sunup. (wait, remember the big eyed mouse now living in the metal file draw?)

Having to relieve my self but the neighbors are waking up. So and having an old 5 gallon bucket, I don't bother going out behind the shop.

I forget to empty the bucket but I am the only one who goes out there to the shop so I don't give it a second thought.

Sunday morning about 3AM, I go out to finish a thing for the forum. Having a hard time with it and kinda dreading machining a part that just keeps coming out bad. (really a bummer) but unlock the door and see the bucket-'o-pee. Go to dump it but inside is the big eyed mouse laying like a dog with his chin on the floor. I nudge the bucket with my foot so he can scurry off in his bull mouse and manly fashion. But he doesn't move. I kick it a little harder. The rodent seems to be dead?

So I look a little closer. He is in the prone position and his nostrils are just above the "water" line. He didn't drown. The bucket was next to a bench that's about 40"s tall. So the fall didn't kill him. He didn't drown as his nose was above.

It had been so long that I had been in the shop, I figured he and the other critters had squatter's rights. So I was bringing them food as a sort of rent/thanks for putting up with the noise and light. But he,"the mouse lept to his death rather than living with me" I kiddingly said to Carol.

Carol replied; "I get that"
Had to find this thread for a thing and just as an update. It is now a fully functioning machine shop with 2 mills and one lathe.

Gonna rework the celling, MB hoist. Also am working on funding to start marketing/developing MBs, pusher wagons that double or can be used for first responders, food/hot-dog carts (self propelled) and passenger transport. V3's will be 3 wheeled mopeds designed for commuting. All using CVTs so will be automatic, multi-speed.

That's the plan so far, anyway......
Congrats! Sounds like a whole lot of work to me. I considered adding similar equipment to my tin shop after I ended my years in a machine shop, but decided against it. It would be fun, but there doesn't seem to be enough time to what needs done as it is. Bet you gain lots of new "friends". Good luck.

Other Brother, Dan
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It certainly is a solid plan. I look on with envy at all the light three wheeled vehicles being offered in Asia and wish one of them could be brought over here but the nightmare of laws governing that would make it impossible to put it on the road.

Made in America would put them in a much better light with the government and I'm certain would fill a vast need for them from people movers to hot dog vendors as you said.

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Reminded me of the thought, Steve.

First 3 wheelers are gonna be sorta dunebuggy made a baby with a moped. 2 or 3 sister's with tool cages. Like an attack aircraft or racing boat. The passenger compartment is designed to break and rools away in a car/truck vs MB.

But not sure how to make a shell yet for winter or rain.

Could ya on again how much fun an adult go kart would be in the snow!? Aside from the impending doom and all.....