Hello Dan, Dave 31, Tom 2 Doors and Elmo.
Checked in a couple times, otherwise it has been a long time gone. Do remember when you started your work shop, the days and years have slipped past.
Went into a physical therapy clinic on March 2, 2016 for 100 days. Could not even get out of bed by my self. Now scooting around with wheelchair and use a walker to get to and into my 4x4 pickup and cruise around. Should be able to walk unassisted if exercising enough (lots of work.).
Have a auction by Auctioneer`s for personal property and a separate auction for the land.
Should have close to $200,000 to move back to Wisconsin. Have a 34 ft Motorhome that needs master brake cylinder and maybe bleeding or more.
Will pack it full of treasures (MAB parts etcetera) lol.
Had thousands of dollars worth of chain saws, MAB engines and various other things stolen when gone for 100 days. Had bought and posted no trespass and video camera warnings.
Have a Swing Blade Saw Mill mostly built. They cut logs into lumber smooth like cut on a table saw. It is the same track system similar to D & L Swing mill on U Tube Video. Two men with good logs can cut 1000 BF of lumber per hour.
Still hope to build the stretch cruiser. Bought 2 new 5hp B&S flathead engines to fit into the stretch frame, but they walked away also. Want primary and secondary belt drive. Probably not able to ride it in present physical condition.
Sorry for the Rant
Ron/Neat Times