Building a work shop

Paint or stain?

  • Barn red paint

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Clear stain

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other color Paint

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • other stain

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
Yep i will have to get one of them boards and hang it. Another thing that works good is the big office calanders the kind that has day to day squares. you just take it out turn the papper upside down and you have good scratch papper to draw and right on,take a # and trar it off sure is handy..............Curt

Good idea, Curt. Makes it savable, too. Like a presentation. Fold it over.
Don't think i made myself clear. I meant to say the kind that lays on the bench with the four tuck in corners. What you do is take the paper out and turn it upside down. you end up with a nice white clean work surface,note pad,drawing board. Now is the time to go find them insurance offices or i got mine from paint store. They just toss last years ..........Curt
That's what I thought you meant, Curt. And really is a good idea. I was thinking put just that on an esile like painters use. So ya could muse mobile around the shop and progress ideas and show folks an' "soundboard" off 'em.
I have been using the back side of housing blue prints for decades as a big paper surface for drawing out design ideas, and then you can just roll them up.

They are also great for our form of Pictionary...
Usually guys against the gals and a player from each team draws at the same time on the same big sheet and everyone can guess as they draw.

I stop by a local engineering firm I did computer service for and they always have a few rolls of old plans they give me.
Might have found a nice little project for you, Dan.

Raked fork cups...


Should be fun to set up on your machine!


The are for pretty good sized mcs, but same could be done for a MAB.

If you need another project for the shop...

Purty awesome, RC! Thanx. Just gout a bore head too.

Replacing the blocks on my bike hoist right now. One of those things I really should have already done. When I got this set up, only had lite 2 strokes. It is rated for bearly that weight much less HF 79/99cc's. Really pushed my luck there.


Either the ramp is growing or the shop is sinking. Doors are not closing on the lowers any more.
Been a while, so i will do my bestest to catch up. Quit my day job and work at home now. Redid my shop floor with a drain/sump for snow runoff.
For doodling, i got some rolls of white paper a buddy had when he worked in a paint chip factory. Thick like playing cards and no bleed through. Used a base from a swivel chair and it holds roll perfectly.

8 months at home and paying the bills. Makes me happy.
Good to hear you have decided to head out on your own.
It's the best way, if you are creative, and aggressive.

Sit down with the telephone and contact everyone you know.
Tell them you are doing great, and ask how they are doing.
Perhaps they could use your professional help to get over some impediment to success.
(OK, nowadays they call it networking.)

Schedule your time off and keep that date!
If you cannot make it, working 5 days a week, you won't make it working 7.

Go fishing at least once a month.

You have my vote of confidence!
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Yo Dan, just saw this thread and wanted to congratulate you on the fine job you've done building a shop for yourself. Lovin' the little plaque on the wall.. "I'll do it tomorrow... I'm in the MAN CAVE today!!" :D

I can imagine how much work it took to build it.. I was all set to build a barn-roof shed with twin doors.. first built the frame from 2x4s on four blocks set in concrete.. then just ended up getting one of those lifetime shed kits which went together in a single weekend. Behind the shed is a fig tree, and makes a great shady secluded smoking spot most of the year. Really wish now that I had gone ahead and built it from scratch.. and bigger than 8x10!!

Your shop looks like it was really worth it. Lots of space to move around in, solid construction, enough space for one guy. What is that, about a 12x16 or so? Me likey.
tooljunkie- rustycase just gave you advise similar to that which I have gotten from several successful/ happy people. Take it it to heart.

By the way, 8 months is better than I did! lol

Yes,Trey-Rustycase is right on the money. I work 7 days a week when i want to. I Fish and hang out with my friends and family.

Dan has done a lot of work to get Set up in the little shop that could, i was displaced for almost 6 weeks, no income and expensive materials to pay for. End result was worth it i think.
Been a while, so i will do my bestest to catch up. Quit my day job and work at home now. Redid my shop floor with a drain/sump for snow runoff.
For doodling, i got some rolls of white paper a buddy had when he worked in a paint chip factory. Thick like playing cards and no bleed through. Used a base from a swivel chair and it holds roll perfectly.

8 months at home and paying the bills. Makes me happy.

Sounds awesome, TJ!

Yo Dan, just saw this thread and wanted to congratulate you on the fine job you've done building a shop for yourself. Lovin' the little plaque on the wall.. "I'll do it tomorrow... I'm in the MAN CAVE today!!" :D

I can imagine how much work it took to build it.. I was all set to build a barn-roof shed with twin doors.. first built the frame from 2x4s on four blocks set in concrete.. then just ended up getting one of those lifetime shed kits which went together in a single weekend. Behind the shed is a fig tree, and makes a great shady secluded smoking spot most of the year. Really wish now that I had gone ahead and built it from scratch.. and bigger than 8x10!!

Your shop looks like it was really worth it. Lots of space to move around in, solid construction, enough space for one guy. What is that, about a 12x16 or so? Me likey.

Thanks, Beginner! It is funny, but I some times regret not going with a pre-fab. But do love my "little red school of hard knocks"

Yup, 12X16. Well, 12X15.8, I cut twice and measured once. Gives it character. As do the other 415 "opps" Snork

Thought i would check in, see how things are going in the mighty little shop.
Update on my end, been busy trying to keep up with all my work that seems to be non stop.
Had a small excavator here as well as a good size dump trailer,cleaning up trees and stumps -18 loads and about 40 trees cleaned up. Including stumps.

So, almost two years and still paying bills, too busy to go fishing.
Hello Dan, Dave 31, Tom 2 Doors and Elmo.

Checked in a couple times, otherwise it has been a long time gone. Do remember when you started your work shop, the days and years have slipped past.

Went into a physical therapy clinic on March 2, 2016 for 100 days. Could not even get out of bed by my self. Now scooting around with wheelchair and use a walker to get to and into my 4x4 pickup and cruise around. Should be able to walk unassisted if exercising enough (lots of work.).

Have a auction by Auctioneer`s for personal property and a separate auction for the land.

Should have close to $200,000 to move back to Wisconsin. Have a 34 ft Motorhome that needs master brake cylinder and maybe bleeding or more.

Will pack it full of treasures (MAB parts etcetera) lol.

Had thousands of dollars worth of chain saws, MAB engines and various other things stolen when gone for 100 days. Had bought and posted no trespass and video camera warnings.

Have a Swing Blade Saw Mill mostly built. They cut logs into lumber smooth like cut on a table saw. It is the same track system similar to D & L Swing mill on U Tube Video. Two men with good logs can cut 1000 BF of lumber per hour.

Still hope to build the stretch cruiser. Bought 2 new 5hp B&S flathead engines to fit into the stretch frame, but they walked away also. Want primary and secondary belt drive. Probably not able to ride it in present physical condition.

Sorry for the Rant

Ron/Neat Times cvlt1
For future reference to all my motorbiker friends out there: I BUILD HOUSES! Shops, garages, decks, you name it. I've got a regular job, which happens to be seasonal, so from mid October to March, I'm what you might call a "gypsy carpenter", I go where the work is. Shoot me a PM with contact info, attach a pic of your Motorized Bicycle, and I'll pro-rate a day's labor.

Dan, I only read the first two and last two pages of this enormo-thread, but your hesitancy at angle cuts made me smile, once upon a time, they intimidated me as well. It also made me realise that my friends in the community might need a little help. I also love my job, I enjoy building things! I'm glad you got your shop together, and are enjoying it. Sure beats taking over the living room with your current project, probably one of the bigger points of contention with my wife lol.

Most all the tools needed by a carpenter, will fit in a duffel bag. If anyone needs help, let me know, send me a greyhound ticket and let's bend some nails!
Hello Dan, Dave 31, Tom 2 Doors and Elmo.

Checked in a couple times, otherwise it has been a long time gone. Do remember when you started your work shop, the days and years have slipped past.

Went into a physical therapy clinic on March 2, 2016 for 100 days. Could not even get out of bed by my self. Now scooting around with wheelchair and use a walker to get to and into my 4x4 pickup and cruise around. Should be able to walk unassisted if exercising enough (lots of work.).

Have a auction by Auctioneer`s for personal property and a separate auction for the land.

Should have close to $200,000 to move back to Wisconsin. Have a 34 ft Motorhome that needs master brake cylinder and maybe bleeding or more.

Will pack it full of treasures (MAB parts etcetera) lol.

Had thousands of dollars worth of chain saws, MAB engines and various other things stolen when gone for 100 days. Had bought and posted no trespass and video camera warnings.

Have a Swing Blade Saw Mill mostly built. They cut logs into lumber smooth like cut on a table saw. It is the same track system similar to D & L Swing mill on U Tube Video. Two men with good logs can cut 1000 BF of lumber per hour.

Still hope to build the stretch cruiser. Bought 2 new 5hp B&S flathead engines to fit into the stretch frame, but they walked away also. Want primary and secondary belt drive. Probably not able to ride it in present physical condition.

Sorry for the Rant

Ron/Neat Times cvlt1

Hello Ron!

Good to hear from you, sent you a PM a few days ago.

Sorry to hear about your medical issues but glad and grateful you are starting to get around.

So you are moving back to!

Sucks about the thief's, unfortunately we will have more and more thieves if the economy doesn't improve.

Good to hear from you buddy!
Think I might just sit here until sunrise and re-read this thread. You guys rock!
2 funny!!

Making MB dashboards and MC like licence plate holders but for MBs. (it's for the "host a rally" kits ) I am using a jig saw to cut this alum. diamond plate. Works well but is there an easier way?

Really does work well with the jigsaw. Just wondering. Or, hehehe, looking for a tool shopping excuse.

OH! Our hosts are getting us brandy new forum software. I have no idea what that costs but is gonna be purty awesome. Dunno, just rambling. Read avoiding actually working
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Just saw the notification, thought i would check in and say hi. Been 2-1/2 years since i quit my job and have been busy in the shop. Refinished my small garage,drywalled and textured. Bathroom in the corner. Moved lathe and hyd press and a few less often used tools in. New (to me) tire machine and wheel balancer fixed up and running now. Figured i would be getting bored with this, but i have a little freedom to pick and choose my work. (Customers)
Shop improvements were a new slab with drain and a better overhead door with commercial opener. Door was 100 dollar never installed 10x10 insulated. Opener was complete and in a scrap bin. Took a day to get it working.

Anyway, glad to see you are still kicking,hope things are going well
Frank!!!! Hey Buddy! How the fork are ya? Dang, 2 an a half? Man it flys, eh? sheeet.

Was just putz'n in the shop. Well, working on a MB thing I hope to market. Eric is a new admin and looking into new forum software and ya can send files in PM. (I think) But will send ya some pics.

Are ya still happy ya went out on your own and joined the yearning masses hoping to be under employed?
I've all but gave up the courier thing and am doing Uber. It's a blast! Really fun gig. You meet some really great people. And some whack jobs but that's normally the Uber drivers, snork. (but seriously, folks who couldn't get into prison, out of mental wards or work for the post office seem to do it. wait.....)

We should change the name of this thread to "Dens of inequity"

Or "Work shops I have known and loathed" I'll feel better if I ever see black ink again but that seems a ways off. But really am loven' life. Not a thing wrong.

I had left the shop dormant for so long it was full of rust and mouse nests. Took me a week so far but cleaned up most of the rust and fed most of the mice. Really did. I figure they moved in fair and square and I am the interloper.

But please, lots of updates, TJ. Best of and great to see ya!