Well-Known Member
Do you have 'bulk trash' days where you live?Another road side, your trash is my treasure, find.
Saw this very old and ornate mirror on the side of the road. It had a soaked and illegible cardboard sign on it.
I hope it said free and not some thing like "$5"
We get a week 3 times a year to drag most anything we want out to the street and the city picks it up for free.
Appliances, furniture, tree trimmings, electronics it don't matter except for things like tires, oil, etc.
My shop desk is a 'bulk trash' day item and their are guys with pick-ups and trailers that make a living driving ahead of the City stuff.
This is a win-win-win.
Drag whatever you want out to the street, a bunch of people come and take bunch of it, then the city comes and cleans up the rest, street sweeper and all.