Building a work shop

Paint or stain?

  • Barn red paint

    Votes: 13 39.4%
  • Clear stain

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other color Paint

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • other stain

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
Another road side, your trash is my treasure, find.
Saw this very old and ornate mirror on the side of the road. It had a soaked and illegible cardboard sign on it.
I hope it said free and not some thing like "$5"
Do you have 'bulk trash' days where you live?
We get a week 3 times a year to drag most anything we want out to the street and the city picks it up for free.
Appliances, furniture, tree trimmings, electronics it don't matter except for things like tires, oil, etc.

My shop desk is a 'bulk trash' day item and their are guys with pick-ups and trailers that make a living driving ahead of the City stuff.

This is a win-win-win.
Drag whatever you want out to the street, a bunch of people come and take bunch of it, then the city comes and cleans up the rest, street sweeper and all.
Do you have 'bulk trash' days where you live?
We get a week 3 times a year to drag most anything we want out to the street and the city picks it up for free.
Appliances, furniture, tree trimmings, electronics it don't matter except for things like tires, oil, etc.

My shop desk is a 'bulk trash' day item and their are guys with pick-ups and trailers that make a living driving ahead of the City stuff.

This is a win-win-win.
Drag whatever you want out to the street, a bunch of people come and take bunch of it, then the city comes and cleans up the rest, street sweeper and all.

No, unfortunately.

Been meaning to do this for a while. Build a pusher trailer just for these curbside finds.

It would be really funny to take a HF trailer made for cars, make it look like Russell's Radio Flyer trailer. Bolt a 4 stroke to it with a torque converter/CVT and make it a pusher.

And have one of those pick-up truck campers that sit in the bed and can be removed, camper shells for it. Funny and functional.

I did resize em....I can't post pics here normally without a struggle. So I dont

Is really frustrating, fer sure.
Got my bench built....too hard to attach pics here....I give up
Racie, don't you have any internet server space to store and share pics?

If it has an http: web address like this...

You can display it in the forum by just putting IMG tages at each end like this.

[ img ][ /img ]
Note the spaces between img and the [] brackets, take those out to actually display the pic this.


And your pic displays size to ~700 pixels wide and if it's wider a click will give full screen.
Well I'm not one to pick on those kit's but they are more expensive than taking the time to plan what you want. I'd take a second look at that before deciding.
You should save with an advantage on concrete floor is a must second the framing can be done with heavy metal studs also a must if you live in an area that demands R-20 or better value. What's is nice about these studs is you can set them on 4' or 8 ' centers and sheet both sides without much cutting. Most don't frame this way but it's balloon framing used to build barns back in the day..Most of the less expensive manufactured homes where as well built in similar fashion ..
Your right BGF, ayup!

Got sick of walking around and ducking under the bike in the hoist. So I raised the hoist and it is awesome. Should have done this first.

Opened up 20% of the shop and oh so less annoying. Really cool.



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Hey I thought I'd let y'all that live up north know that I'm sitting on the deck after washing my truck, it's a nice warm day. I'm thinking of going for a short ride. Living in the south has it's advantages.
62° here at 3:40 pm, I would have responded sooner but decided to wash my old GMC too. Its strange how it gets so dirty sitting in the shop.
Greg, found out there are 2 Fastenals right next to me. Seems pricy (not crazy for good) but how is the quality?
Dan we get all our fasteners from our local store, all nuts bolts keys you name it. The guy comes by twice a week.
Sorry Dan I never did answer your question, the quality has been excellent. The local store is small but can have just about anything in a day or so, the local guys go out of their way to help us.
Awesome Greg. Hate waiting for tools. When ya need em, ya need em. Beats the heck out'a waiting for a brown truck.

The broach bushing is coming out great. Thanks again!

(Greg emailed, texted and talked me through a problem making a part Friday. I was McStumped big time)
Loven' the bike hoist and can't recommend them enough. Might rig a stand to steady the bike when working but not a necessity. The bike is out of the way with a pull of the lanyard. And at optimal height to work on what ever part with letting it down. Great way to spend 14 bucks or what ever it was!

Now ya see it. Now ya don't


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The guts spun off and shot south & down, taking out a tool box latch, ricocheted up and off the wall. Then shot directly into a north wall at great speed. No idiots were hurt in this folly..... But did have a good laugh after climbing out from under a bench
Wanted a shelf or a draw under the lathe so used some scrap lying around. The guides are 2x4s used on pallets to protect contents from metal bands. Worked awesomely.


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