Blood Thursty!


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Chain & Mr. B.
I'm with you guys. I like the early ones, even a little more bare bones than the one you show. Before all of the chrome and skirted fenders... it all just got to be a it much for me. Sometimes more is less than and sometime less is more than. I'll go with less 'cause I like it more. Ha!.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
Guy's lets face it beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we all see a lot of beauty in these bikes My personal opinion is there are only a few brand name bikes that capture the beauty in the mechanics and an Indian is un-deniably the 1st of all those beautiful bikes,they are works of art in they're own right, by the way have you guy's checked out DD's latest post WOW! another beauty!(but it needs a rear fender LOL!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Hey you challenged us to find a better looking Indian, wasn't very hard LOL. I'm with MrB and Silverbear that I like the older bikes, but honestly I'd rather a stocker then the photo you supplied Trukd. I don't think he made ANY visual improvements over stock. IMO he was way off with his styling...... An example of a nice customised classic is Billy Lanes Henderson.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
In America we call that a Paya Hatta (english translation Player Hater) I like the Oldies too, but every once in a while you see a bike extordenaire and that Green & White Indian was too WOW! for me,
Have you ever fallowed the build of Billy Lanes Henderson (absolutely beautiful)Tribute 4 banger/BTR? very interesting can anyone tell me what kind of tranny he used in it ?
too bad that guy went to prison he was an awsome builder/designer anyone heard about lately ? isn't he from Australia?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
No he's not from Australia, and I don't think I'm a player hater (LOL) for not agreeing that bike was the nicest Indian in the world, and that IMO he has devalued the bike while not improving its looks. I have nothing against modifying an automobile, even a classic. But when the modified bike doesn't improve on the original I fail to see the point.

Each to their own I guess, as long as the owner likes the bike it shouldn't really matter what I think or say :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Billy Lane is still in jail but just completed a board track style build for the armed forces. I like the bike but not overly fussed on his tank. Try searching "Billy Lane jail build bike" or something and you should find it, I can't link as I'm on my phone atm. The bike is polished alloy/blue in colour, shouldn't be hard to find.

Ludwig II

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2012
What did he do anyway to end up there?

EDIT: found it, killed a motorcyclist while drunk driving without a licence.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
Drink driving and killed someone. Not good at all but he is since very remorseful and I've read have actually befriended the victims parents. Still inexcusable but I still feel a little bad for the guy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
Upper Mississippi River valley
truckd, No hating here brother, taste is subjective! :)

If money was no object my personal favorite choices would be a Thor from the early teens or better yet, a pre 1910 Curtiss! Street bikes, not racers.

Billy Lane's Henderson:

Yep, Billy’s circumstance is rough- However I tend to look at things like this from the perspective of “had he killed a friend or family member of mine”...

If so, I don’t imagine I’d be too forgiving.

At least he seems to serving his time productively.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
I would have a better atittude toward forgivness knowing it was an accident insted of intentional,I have also heard that it was a close friends of Billy's who died, so that must weigh heavily on his heart too, combined with incarceration I would say his debt is being paid for the rest of his life behind or out side of those prison walls.
Billy did not run,hide or deny the facts surrounding those unfortunate cicumstances, he took responsibility and did not cower away from it unlike a majority of those in this world who shirk away from any wrong doing, he will be released one day soon and when he does he will be right back to Designing,Fabricating and building bikes.
Sometimes God has to seperate those he needs to work on, so lets hope that God has opened his eyes and can use him and the situation to help others avoid some costly mistakes in life.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
Has any one read Billy Lanes interview from Nov.2011 pretty good short read and sounds like he's going to do good!
Here are a couple of pic's on my idea for a magnito dog house,it is a 1 1/2" aluminum electrical cuppler, two of the four screws will be removed to run my wiring to the coil which will sit insde then two flat "L" brackets will be mounted to the other screw eye lits then to the top of the crank mounts which will also raise it a little and then two end caps will be placed on both sides with an eye lit hole for the spark plug wire.
Sorry about the quality of the pic's just got a new card for the camera and haven't dialed it in fully.



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
Thanks! Biknut..
Many trial and error designs considering the area/space I have to work with, my first desire was to take two Magnito covers off a Chinee engine point the rounded end up and modify?cut to fit the square to fit but not enough room for the coil so after about an 2hrs. of scouring Home Depo this came to mind, AH!HA!(light bulb over head) easily polishes out to a great shine, so do the end caps
Here is a pic of the compenents to better help understand/visualize
CDI in oil box
Coil in dog house & plug wire out
Mounting Brackets to engine mounts
Red wire(example) for routing to coil



New Member
Jan 15, 2012
Sweet idea for a coil mount.
It is amazing what you can make from stuff at Home Depot if you just do that creative staring at things long enough.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
I was starring at the stuff so long that 5 clerks asked me if I needed help? I just told them "not if you don't know how to build a vintage motorcycle?"
I'll have to modify the inside of the Dog house so the coil slides all the way in and snug too as there is no attachment anchores for the coil itself.