Blood Thursty!


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Sounds like a petty tyrant. Given a little authority, it makes him somebody of importance. If you don't comply what does he suggest will happen? Will he report you to the fun police and have you arrested for having responsible fun? I suspect what happened somewhere along the way in this guys "growing up" is the boy in him died or has been shut off in a closet someplace. He is aggravating, but also someone to feel a little sorry for, because when the boy in him dies there isn't much of a living man left. That's what's so great about two wheels, it gives us a kind of inner balance between who we were and who we are now. It is why I am both 67 and 12 when I ride, smiling, smiling. I'm guessing this guy doesn't smile much. And that's sad.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
Yer a pretty smart guy SB, thats what the bible calls wisdom and what I hope to obtain.
Velo Bought a 1956 Schwinn Travler today for $27.55 well most of it, needs wheels,seat,fenders and handle bars, but I have another varsity to part out,I'll send you some pic's later.
Nice indian but it is all reproduction just the engine is real, this bike was for sale last yr in England
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Ludwig II

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2012
In the UK we now have a blanket law that covers discrimination of any sort under the umbrella of "hate crime". Is there anything in state or federal law you can hit the dumb bunny with?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
Hate crimes in America are prosicuted under circumstances either Ethnic,Sexual orientation or Religious Belief, I believe this one is just down right Discriminitory on the basis that our rights differ from others, I'm still check'n thing's out and will hit City Hall shortly


New Member
Jan 15, 2012
You told him you would be licensed as a motorcycle.
13 E says motorcycles must be driven by the most direct route from the entrance to your mobile home.

It says nothing about licensed motorcycles subsequently then being driven to friends inside the park or in circles at the bottom of the lane for that matter. Keeping the rules of the road in mind.

As long as you have first driven directly to your home, it does not specify if this requirement is repetitive or just a one time only event. What time of day was the direct drive to have taken place and did it need to be witnessed by others, maybe CNN.

What an A$$.
He needs to have a flood of questions pepper him in writing regarding the arbitrary application of the rules. I see their fax number is available.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
There is no 13-E rule or code in my rule book that was issued by the park at the begining of each new year and I will take what ever chosen route I desire, not in retaliation but just because I don't take the same route every day, people throw away bikes all the time so I seldom take the same way everytime.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
SilverBear that is one sharp bike the Deco theme sets it off!, Ludwig & CF, we found out for sure that only the motorcyclist's recieved them, no one in our community rides mini bikes,gokarts,motorized scooters,mopeds exc.exc. the mngrs will not even allow bicycles to be ridden near or in front of the club house, rules state that you must dismount your bicycles at 100 ft perimiter around the club house, although this is a very safe community to live in there are some really bumb *(&^%- rules.
Hi truckd,

I used to live in a condo. I had to be on the board of directors for 12 years just to keep them off my back lol.

I've almost finished my new bike. Take a look. It's not as fancy as yours, but I think you can appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
Saw that bike a couple of days ago on another thread, sure is a super nice looking bike, are those 24" wheels? a set of 26'ers would look nice too, and is that a felt Hot Wheels seat? I like it


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Saw that bike a couple of days ago on another thread, sure is a super nice looking bike, are those 24" wheels? a set of 26'ers would look nice too, and is that a felt Hot Wheels seat? I like it
Thanks truckd. It's a Felt Deep 6. Those are the stock 24" wheels with black tires instead of the white ones that come on it. The seat is the stock seat, but it might come on different models.

It turned out nice, but it's all really just bolt on stuff, not the high level custom work of you builds.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
You gotta Felt to begin with I'd say thats up there with the high end stuff Bro and I'm pretty sure you'll be adding even higher end stuff as time goes on.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
You gotta Felt to begin with I'd say thats up there with the high end stuff Bro and I'm pretty sure you'll be adding even higher end stuff as time goes on.
Yeah that's probably true. I never really stop building on any of my bikes. I guess a lot of us have that problem don't we lol.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
Here is a pic of my new Well old Badger/Solar Carbide Lamp, I knew there were some little issues but I was sorely dissappointed when I recieved it today and found out that there are severe cracks where the caister attaches and no front lense, seller made no mention of the dent in the generater and that the spring and wick were missing as well, adjuster key is off but re-pairable as with the cheminy, the seller did a fine job of hidding the issues and made no comment of the other damages even after I got ahold of them with questions
Guess I'll be looking for a doner



The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
You'll make it right. I wonder if the dent can be pushed out some. At least it is on the underside. Cutting and shaping a glass lens won't be too bad. I used to make stained glass windows as a business. If you need tips on cutting out the circle PM me. Probably good stuff through google too.
It's a good looking lamp. If it ended up on my bike I'd be thrilled. If I paid good money expecting one thing and got another through deception I'd be upset, too. It's going to look real good on your bike.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
That sux. I've bought a lot of stuff on eBay, and only had issues a couple of times, but they were doozys. Luckily it doesn't happen very often.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
palmdale calif
I purchased a 1956 Schwinn Racer for $17.50 and = $10.00 to ship then the day it was supposed to arrive I get an e-mail stating that the seller is refunding the money because it would cost her more to ship then what I paid, So What ! honor your agreement. even if it ends up costing you.
I have four cases where the seller was Jenky! the lamp is #4 but Ya Know I'm not going to worry too much it is repairable it's just going to take longer than I thought.
The lamp lense is exact to a Magnifying lense, and that is to magnify the the light source, a flat piece of glass won't allow the lamp to gain in light size, now if it where just for show YHA Sure! no problem but I will not put a none functioning part on any of my bikes, the dent can be pulled out I'm going to take it to a paintless dent removel body shop tomorrow and see what they can do? and what they charge, they use a series of small suction plungers linked to a vacum system.
It just gripes me that there is so much deception in this day and time when it isn't necessary,
I bid a job at a set price two weeks ago and got the job,but when the customer got overly picky and demanding I still finished the job at no extra cost to the customer, I ended up sucking up $40.oo I do not carry a business card and my business is through word of mouth, 33 yrs I have been doing business that way and for the very most of those 33yrs I have supported my family and made a good living, why can't everyone else opperate with the same morals?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
Upper Mississippi River valley
Too bad about the Ebay deal...

These lamps are pretty common, but one in excellent condition isn’t. The really good ones are usually are priced much higher.

Your bike is so fine I really think it deserves one of the good ones...

At any rate before you taking it to the body shop why not simply try removing the reservoir cap and pushing the dent out with your finger? Either way the nickel plate may already be fractured?

Good luck.

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New Member
Sep 10, 2010
This lamp is a beauty, nice to see one more guy who mess around with carbide lamps !!! but it's too bad that the wick ( burner = Brenner ? ) ist missing. if you can get a new one, take care of the right nozzle size, there are different sizes ( depending from the lamp's size or with / without taillight ). What's it like with the needle of the watertank's valve ? a very important part to make a good function of the lamp, also there must be a good rubber gasket between the watertank and the carbidecontainer to make it sealed. To recreate a cracked lense or a reflector isn't a big problem, but to find missing needles or right sized burners may be luck of the draw....
There are some guys in germany who restore and sale lamps and parts. At this link take a look under "Restaurierung LUXOR", you can see how this guy works ! Sorry, but this site is in german language....