BGF Hongdu/Solex

I actually hate driving which is why I gave my car away to my daughter. While I'm sorting out the Solex I've still got my bicycles to get around on and if the weather isn't good for cycling on any particular day I'd rather stay home and wait for better weather. It does help that I'm retired of course and that I have very few commitments that require me to be somewhere on any kind of strict timetable.

I'm sure your DIY drive system will live again Otero once you're able to make stronger parts for it. When I was younger and lacking for tools and equipment I made all manner of parts armed with just a hacksaw and a file; - mind you I had a lot more energy then too so I suppose that was the difference.
hmmm so i guess id just have to get luckey and hope somone puts em forsale

i wonder if i send BGF a message on FLEABAY if he still has any left?

i have a 33cc 2stroke bike, its my baby.
ive never found another one like it, so i dont like to ride fearing id brake it.


so if i can find a new clone that would be wonderfull.

as for rollers, i like 1.25"
Xingtai Runwell manufacture them, and i suppose there are others in China. Xingtai do a Morini FM28 hub motor copy as well.

POC, I love that bike, it looks like slow and irreverent fun.
POC, I love that bike, it looks like slow and irreverent fun.

thanks Ludwig!

actually its faster then my china girls!

i love to sit at red lights doing front wheel drive burnouts

heres my buddy doing a fly by before it had an exhaust lol

Anybody ever see a Bikamatic? CA made, i cant find any information or ads.


i hope i can find some local solex motors, i just want a pair of putt putt bikes for nice days. not a racer, i have too many racers haha xct2
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Because pictures on ebay disappear after a while,,,,,,,


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It looks like I'm not getting a decent spark, or enough of a spark with my Solex engine. The fuel side is all good with the pump working well and the main jet is clean, but when I try to roll start it on the long sloping footpath outside our gate the engine sounds like it's not firing at all.
Tomorrow I'll pick up a Bosch spark plug from the auto electrician down in the township and see if that helps. Otherwise I guess I'd better order a flywheel puller so I can check to see if the keyway is Ok and if the timing is correct.
I have found the OEM plugs to be erratic in quality, that's a great starting point. I have a puller, but have never used it as the flywheel comes off quite nicely with a quick rap from my raw hide hammer, nut protecting the threads of course. Maybe you will get lucky with the plug. A simple test for a crankcase leak is a squirt of fuel down the plug hole. If it hits and runs out the fuel, it may have a CC leak, as it cant charge the fuel mixture.
hmmm so i guess id just have to get luckey and hope somone puts em forsale

i wonder if i send BGF a message on FLEABAY if he still has any left?

i have a 33cc 2stroke bike, its my baby.
ive never found another one like it, so i dont like to ride fearing id brake it.


so if i can find a new clone that would be wonderfull.

as for rollers, i like 1.25"
That looks similar to a Bumble Bike set up I had. Uses the TML 41cc engine. Made great power and speed. Very reliable.
The local auto electrician is a Bosch agent, but didn't have the right spark plug in stock so I ordered two. When he asked me what the spark plug was for and I said, 'A Velosolex moped,' he gave me a look that said, 'Why am I not surprised.' That's part of the delights of living in a small country town I suppose. :D

While I was there I bought some spade terminals and other bits so I can properly wire up the lights and tailight so it wasn't entirely a wasted trip.

I rode my 1950 English ladies Hercules into town and I'd only just dismounted from my bike when a wee kiddie going by with his Mum pointed and asked, 'Mummy is that a bike from the olden days?'
Just small jobs tonight on the Wu Yang/Solex. I'd been able to get a skirtguard for a 28inch wheeled frame from a bicycle specialist who deals in bankrupt and NOS bicycle parts so even though it was a really quick job to fit it I'm very pleased to finally have one on this bike.

Next job was wiring in a tailamp and while at first I was annoyed to discover that the Miller tailamp I'd put by for the Wu Yang had gone AWOL, further hunting around turned up a nice old Chinese tailamp made by Phoenix which was much more suitable. I found a length of fairly vintage twin conductor electrical wire to do the honours. Some fabric insulated wire would have been nicer, only I'd have to order it in from overseas as nobody seems to carry it here in NZ. Not even Kiwi businesses specialising in vintage restoration supplies stock it which just seems plain daft to me.

Clever me forgot to pick up the Bosch sparkplugs I'd ordered for the Solex engine so now I'll have to wait until Monday :(


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