One last ride.
I was wheeling it out to remove the motor and it kicked. Amazing.
So I hopped on and sure enough it putted right off like it always did. A bit sluggish though, but it went down the road. Circled back and parked. A drip was coming out. Never saw that before.
Allright, one last ride! Put the helmet & glasses on, put more gas inna tank and we're off. Need a lot of "start" position to run. Only when it was real warm did it like open. Got back and yup, gas is dripping out the opposite engine side of the shroud. Going back up the driveway hill the motor was running fast and the bike was running slow. When I parked it, many drips of gas came out.
I know, I know...crankcase seal is leaking. Yup, that's it!
Not gonna fix it, motor is going inna trash. I'm done. Not going to buy new seals, not going to de-oil the clutch, just going to remove it and throw it inna trash. Yup, it looks cool and was a great piece of nostalgia. Ran quiet and smooth. Going in the trash -
The Staton mount came in and it looks like a real good fit. I've got a couple of Tanaka 33's that I got during the incredible $75 sale just sitting inna box. Out with the old and in with the new!
I did enjoy our last ride together, but now it's time to say goodbye.