Age poll - how old are we?

How old are you?

  • Under 20

    Votes: 29 13.4%
  • Under 40

    Votes: 65 30.0%
  • Under 60

    Votes: 87 40.1%
  • Over 60

    Votes: 36 16.6%

  • Total voters
Hate to tell you 48. Am going blind & not from what I was told would be the cause when I was younger. My eyes are just wearing down.'(
I remember BBS's !!!
I also remember the web when it was all typing (no graphics/pictures)
trying to find a syntax problem was the worst ;)

yup...I am an oldie laff
fasteddy is that where the phrase 'sitting the woods on fire' comes from?
Maybe Jackie Gleason had a little ripple in that tea cup. I loved it when he played Joe the Bartender. Lucile Ball selling 'vitevegin' that was practically alcohol. All in black and white TV. You don't find comedy like that any more. The younger genereation don't know what they missed.

I remember Red Skeleton and Casper the friendly ghost gave ya a warm fuzzy feelin or wholesome laughter. Remember a soap called Doctor Kildare? and Ironsides the superman of lawyers. This whole country was way different in the 60's. Our gang wasn't about thugs doin drive by shootings it was about silly stuff like the he man woman haters club...biggest rivalry was Waldo and Alphalpha goin after Darla.
I remember logging onto BBS with a 300bps modem on a commodore 64 can read at 300bps with not much effort ascii text coming down and never have to scroll back. I also remember spending $600 on 16 megs of ram to be able to run win95 twice in 1996 now a gig is about the same price as a meg back then...that's 1000 times the ram. You was in tall cotton if you had a 80 meg hard drive back then too!
just turned 18 and am now setting a new trend of motorized bikes throughout Westminster and Huntington Beach California
I remember logging onto BBS with a 300bps modem on a commodore 64 can read at 300bps with not much effort ascii text coming down and never have to scroll back. I also remember spending $600 on 16 megs of ram to be able to run win95 twice in 1996 now a gig is about the same price as a meg back then...that's 1000 times the ram. You was in tall cotton if you had a 80 meg hard drive back then too!

Well I'm thinkin a terra is more of an equivalent now, to what a meg was they still make megabites? Aren't those way obsolete? When will enough ever be enough? Never?

My first computer was a Mac IIci, and that wasn't too long ago. I tried to hold out till I died to ever getting a computer or learning a thing about them....I honestly did. That old Mac taught me any and everything I know about PC's today. It ain't much, but it sure is enough! And that's all I've got too say about that. Life is like a box of chocolates.....yeah, right!

fergot what the subject was here....I'm older than 50, younger than 60 and still act like I'm in my teens? Having four boy's must be doing that to me....I swear. Sure glad I didn't have any girls....I'd be dead by now!
Last edited:
38, 39 in Feb.
Still fall in the young catagory from what I see here. Referances to Fred FlintStone, and Patents on dirt....LOL!!!!
Wow, I forgot all about this thread (nothing unusual about that). Since it started I've retired and getting lots of small projects done around the house. I didn't go back and read every post but somewhere I think someone said they had a patent on dirt...Heck, I invented rocks, and we all know dirt comes from old rocks :)
Told my mom that getting old wasn't fun. She told me to hold onto my hat, the ride gets rougher.
She is 99 at Christmas. She was born 8 months after the Titanic sank which her father helped build.

Yo everybody Experience tells me the first 60 years are the hardest... once you're over the hill you pick up speed.
It's time to get some heat up in the shop and start working on the winter projects.
Have a good Turkey Day!
I do remember back to when rocks was still mud. Just turned 52.

Heard a good story – young guy is talking to an old man and says “You are so old.” Old man looks him in the eye and says “You and I are aging at exactly the same rate each day. You don’t realize it yet, but you too will be old someday. I simply started before you.”
in the word's of dewey weber surfing great ''i shoud'a treated my body like a temple in stead of a amusement park'' R.I.P.