Age poll - how old are we?

How old are you?

  • Under 20

    Votes: 29 13.4%
  • Under 40

    Votes: 65 30.0%
  • Under 60

    Votes: 87 40.1%
  • Over 60

    Votes: 36 16.6%

  • Total voters
The ageless quality of all this experience, experiences, talent and knowledge that I see here sometimes astounds me. My goodness, if it could all be captured and bottled and sold, what a product we would have to offer.
I've said this often and it is not a rationalization of my age but a comfort, and true:
"I'm glad I'm as old as I am." I wish every person could feel the same.
Here's a toast to all my old friemds here...:) (2door raises his glass)
Tom, I raise my glass as well. Now it's rum and diet coke but better than the old days of lemon gin and Zing wine chasers. Well the gin was $1.95 and the Zing was 99 cents a quart.
I wouldn't drink that today if you had a gun to my head. Can tell you though that if you muzzled your way through that lot you were 8 ft tall and bullet proof at the end.

Of course you may have had a long talk with God on the porcelin telephone as you said "God, I'll never do this again'. Found out he knew you were lying.

Tom,you are so right. We saw the sweet life when the war and depression were over and our part of the world was fat and happy, our icons were straight and true and never lied to you and the music was sweet and low and if you could sing along the girls loved you for it.

I don't imagine that there is anyone on this thread who would want to be young in todays world unless they have no choice.

Well got to go. Saw some pop bottles down at the constuction site and got to go get them.

"On the inside I am still the same 12 year old boy who looked at Whizzer ads in Popular Mechanics and pined for a motorbicycle, as if I am a boy wearing the tattered overcoat of age, pretending to be an elder. And it is just a disguise, a cloaking device, as no one but me knows my true identity." silverbear

I have a hunch that twinkel in your eye gives you away.

I hereby nominate you for "Post of the Year" ... shear poetry.

Thanks, Mike.
One of the things I like about this internet is that our voices are more clearly heard without the distractions of the "real" world. Sometimes it is difficult to hear what a beautiful woman is saying because I am so distracted by her appearance. Sometimes we don't hear the wisdom in a child simply because they are young. We turn off our ears because someone is of another race or is disfigured or in some other way discounted. And I think we all do it. We listen to what the movie star says, but not the homeless old woman who probably has seen more and better knows the world.
So I like this cyberspace and have made friends here with people who I might not have in my day to day world. It has nothing to do with how someone looks or their age or race. In that sense it is a kind of spiritual domain where we come closer to being equal and can better appreciate each others' light. Wishing you a very good day, Sir.
Thanks, Mike.
One of the things I like about this internet is that our voices are more clearly heard without the distractions of the "real" world. Sometimes it is difficult to hear what a beautiful woman is saying because I am so distracted by her appearance. Sometimes we don't hear the wisdom in a child simply because they are young. We turn off our ears because someone is of another race or is disfigured or in some other way discounted. And I think we all do it. We listen to what the movie star says, but not the homeless old woman who probably has seen more and better knows the world.
So I like this cyberspace and have made friends here with people who I might not have in my day to day world. It has nothing to do with how someone looks or their age or race. In that sense it is a kind of spiritual domain where we come closer to being equal and can better appreciate each others' light. Wishing you a very good day, Sir.

Thank you .... and many, many good days to you too BrotherBear.
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Wow, that is called wisdom SB.
Great thought to stash away and try to recall frequently.

You are kind, Sir.
Some years ago one of my X wives accused me of being a wise ass. I thanked her and said wisdom has to start somewhere so begin at the bottom and move up as you can. Better than nothing. Ha! My granddaughter wistfully confided to me that she was "gonna be a dolt someday". I said, "God, I hope not. I'm already a dolt and it's no fun". I guess we're all works in progress.
It doesn't get worse, HAHAHAHAHAH! I'm 67 just got through laying a tile floor in the kitchen and dining room and don't have anything that doesn't hurt. ****, even my eyelids hurt. Another bad thing about aging is one can remember how much stupid stuff we wasted our time on. Youth is wasted on the young!
Exavid, I heard adults say that all the time when I was a kid. Now I'm not, I know what they meant.

I used to complain but my 98 year old mother told me the other day that I have no idea what is coming. The worst part is she is in better shape than I am.

i love this thread and it didnt surprise me that we are 40 percent over 50 5 months and i turn sixty never thought that would happen, butprobably gonna take the dredge down to the river and jump around in ice cold water for a few hours will i be achy? ya! but i may make some gold see ya all frank
THIS is whats coming + double if you use maryjane


  • alzheimers.jpg
    30.7 KB · Views: 147
THIS is whats coming + double if you use maryjane


I just hooked up a pair of vintage 70 GIANT speakers to a 1966 Altec Lansing stereo unit *160 watts per channel* and I am going out to blow the top off the shop!!!!!

What's that ya' say kid? I got the stereo cranked!
36 and no longer feel like the cool rebel I once was.Even my tattoos and metal music not helping.And I know I am having sore bones.Please tell me It does not get worse

1.) Get new tattoos.
2.) Get bigger speakers/more wattage. (you loose the top end of your hearing with age)
3.) It does get worse, but more slowly if you keep yourself in good shape...the only problem is it takes three times longer and costs twice as much to "stay in good shape" than it did 25 years ago.
Mid 30s is have'n the best 20 just com'n up. "Old enough to be good at what you do, and still young enough to do it ALL." I'm old & sore & weak, but I hear well. All my friends that played that METAL are DEAF, even the ones who just listened too much.

"Good judgement comes from experance, experance comes from bad judgement."
Getting old is so hard at times...

Yesterday I got Preparation "H" mixed up with Poli-Grip.
Now I talk like an butthole... but my gums don't itch

Have a Great Day!