Tom from Rubicon
Well-Known Member
Pat posted some photos of a 250cc Bonneville Flyer campaign. All photos from the left side. Must be some secret chit going on the right side. That said, the left side photo shows two tubes from the engine. Big one exiting the oil fillt plug and going to the top of the custom catch can. A smaller one returning to the crankcase. Without a right side photo, hard to prove but expect is a pressure release vent. The return line to the crankcase? Why didn't i think of that?
Bonneville Salt Flats Racing
As many of you know my Bonneville Flyer model has been raced a number of times on the Bonneville Salt Flats within the SCTA racing organization. My brother and I do not get out there every year, and sometimes after a huge effort with testing and travelling we get rained out. That's what...