6 broken ribs and broken collarbone

Life is too short don't need a Nam Vet taken out by one one of these crazy motor powered
bicycles, You take care of your self deacon . This place needs you.

That sux!!
In my last MC accident 8 years ago I broke my ribs, collar bone, scapula, cheek, tore up my hip & had many stitches; but I'm back on my bike!! (^)

Get well brother & get back on your bike!! ;)
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Life is too short don't need a Nam Vet taken out by one one of these crazy motor powered
bicycles, You take care of your self deacon . This place needs you.


As my daddy always said, "You pays your dollar and you takes your chance."" lol
That sux!!
In my last MC accident 8 years ago I broke my ribs, collar bone, scapula, cheek, tore up my hip & had many stitches; but I'm back on my bike!! (^)

Get well brother & get back on your bike!! ;)

Got get back on the bike or die. It can be the wasp though and I will be just as happy, Not sure i would have made any difference how big the motor was.
I should have mentioned earlier that I was wearing a bicycle type helmet. Giant coffee cup thing. It is scratched all the heck on both sides and in the front, I have on bruise over my eye probably from the helmet. I always said it wearing this because a good bike rider can go as fast as I do, It worked perfectly this time.
Glad to hear you were wearing a helmet, but so sorry to learn of all the damage. That isn't what I would call a small accident. That kind of breakage is bad enough when you're young, but as elders everything takes a lot longer to mend. As a buddy of mine said to me recently, "Gittin' old ain't fer sissies". He got that right. Take care, Bud.
You might have sworn off motored bicycles, but how about a trike?
not off bikes just that 99 cc bike. STill going to ride the Ebike and 30odd cc bike. I was thinking trike tonight. I might have to build my own though. I need one I can get through a standard doorway into my shop.

How about a trailer that attaches to each side of the rear wheel. I have one that would just need a second tongue to attach to the right side. I had done that before but it was a pain to attach and take apart, on a daily basis.
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Bummer dude.

Especially since you don't even remember what happened.

There must have been witnesses, you got to the hospital somehow. Perhaps you will learn some more.

Yeah, heal up baby and ride again!
Ha! I just saw a message with my avatar and was signed Steve. Huh? Then realized Steve, (Fasteddy who's visiting from Canada) borrowed my laptop and the machine must think he's me. Lucky for him he's him.
Yeah, some kind of trike would be good. Maybe a rear axle from an old riding mower would work... something to think about while you're laid up.
Not Steve,
but SB
ah ok sb

witness said I wobbled some before I went down. I didn't talk to them thats second handed. Nobody hit me though it was all on me.
My first MB was a trike. The only problem I had with it was making sharp turns. Typical of a trike, it would be very unstable doing it. I started picturing what would happen if a dog ran out in front of me and I had to swerve to avoid it. Not a pretty thought. So I got my current bike!

My first MB was a trike. The only problem I had with it was making sharp turns. Typical of a trike, it would be very unstable doing it. I started picturing what would happen if a dog ran out in front of me and I had to swerve to avoid it. Not a pretty thought. So I got my current bike!


trailer attached on both sides was good but hard to get in and out of the house, turns a little funky wheel hit the tongue
Having been in an accident and had a few bones broken, I feel your pain pal. I hope you recover soon. I advise giving careful thought as to whether you ride again and why. If it's what you want, I say "Go for it." After all, you're a grown man and your life is yours to live. Nobody should be telling you what you can and cannot do, except the laws of the country you live in. If you're not hurting anybody else in the process, how you have fun is up to you. If it stops being fun, nobody will blame you for stopping.

Right now I'm dealing with meddlesome busy-bodies at work who have no problem with scolding me for wanting to resume riding a motorbike. They warn me that it will get me killed, as though they have some foreknowledge of the upcoming event itself. BUT...they talk about the bicycle riders in this town in glowing terms. "How green an idea that is" and "...saving gas..." and on and on.

They are two-faced hypocrits. When I pointed out that many of these bicycle riders don't wear a helmet while riding in downtown traffic (I wore one) and most can go as fast as I am legally allowed to go (around 25 mph) and quite a few of them are in the habit of ignoring stop lights and stop signs, well...their comments grew much harsher instead.

For some reason, they have a perception that bicycling is wholesome, but motorcycles and motorbikes are inherently dangerous and anybody who rides them is a reckless idiot. I can't seem to convince them that their close-mindedness blinds them to the real factors that cause danger, such as wearing of safety gear, where you ride and when, how you ride, maintenance, etc.

This town has little love for those who go on two-wheels. But if I listened to half the people around me, I wouldn't be riding. Can't let that happen.
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I am very sorry to hear that you got hurt, deacon!
Take things easy and try to not breath too deeply for a month or so.
Oh yeah, and no jumping jacks for exercise either! ;)
I hope that you will see the humor in that last statement........

A trike is not a bad idea, and tadpole trikes are very stable in sharp turn situations.
You can make 'em as narrow or wide as you want to. They only have one wheel out back so doing one up with a friction drive is very easy.

I will be watching this thread for updates and praying for you.
Take care, deacon.

I broke my rib once. Like you said, it hurt when you breathed deeply or moved, especially getting out of bed.

I used a neoprene chest wrap, which had velcro, the type that people trying to lose weight use. It worked VERY well to stabilize the rib and reduce pain.

Well wishes to you, and I second the tadpole trike.