Having been in an accident and had a few bones broken, I feel your pain pal. I hope you recover soon. I advise giving careful thought as to whether you ride again and why. If it's what you want, I say "Go for it." After all, you're a grown man and your life is yours to live. Nobody should be telling you what you can and cannot do, except the laws of the country you live in. If you're not hurting anybody else in the process, how you have fun is up to you. If it stops being fun, nobody will blame you for stopping.
Right now I'm dealing with meddlesome busy-bodies at work who have no problem with scolding me for wanting to resume riding a motorbike. They warn me that it will get me killed, as though they have some foreknowledge of the upcoming event itself. BUT...they talk about the bicycle riders in this town in glowing terms. "How green an idea that is" and "...saving gas..." and on and on.
They are two-faced hypocrits. When I pointed out that many of these bicycle riders don't wear a helmet while riding in downtown traffic (I wore one) and most can go as fast as I am legally allowed to go (around 25 mph) and quite a few of them are in the habit of ignoring stop lights and stop signs, well...their comments grew much harsher instead.
For some reason, they have a perception that bicycling is wholesome, but motorcycles and motorbikes are inherently dangerous and anybody who rides them is a reckless idiot. I can't seem to convince them that their close-mindedness blinds them to the real factors that cause danger, such as wearing of safety gear, where you ride and when, how you ride, maintenance, etc.
This town has little love for those who go on two-wheels. But if I listened to half the people around me, I wouldn't be riding. Can't let that happen.