Re: 2Door's Titon Trike
Finally got my disc brake parts. Its a neat little mechanical caliper and 6" rotor from Airheart. Actually they've changed the name or merged with another company, Tolomatic. I mounted the rotor on a hub with a 5/8" bore scrounged from some old machine parts and figured a way to mount the caliper to the trike frame so it floats. I pulled my back yesterday and I'm layed up today and probably for most of the weekend so I might not get to do much work on it. Oh well, it snowed again last night anyway and the high today is about 12 degrees so I won't be doing much riding or testing.
I'll take some pictures after the disc brake is finished.
Oh, I had the trike at my work place and drove it around in one of our largest warehouses. On a smooth concrete floor its not so unstable as it is on the street. Even small bumps will keep you on your toes keeping it under control.
Hey, do they allow trikes in the Death Race?