1950? 500cc BSA project

Thanks Ibedayank, I just started my shift at work so am on my phone again so I'll have to check out the picture in the morning as its not real clear on my phone.

I appreciate the input and will take it into consideration.
Ibedayank, I did get your PM, I'm not interested in PM'ing back and forth. Sorry.

But I did notice in the PM that you said the size of the trans isnt important. What is important is the size of the teeth and shafts...... No disrespect but it sounds like you are going back on what you said about needing a 7inch wide clutch. And what you are now saying is EXACTLY what WayneZ was saying all along.

And that's what I have asked the seller of this box to provide me with. Thanks for the headsup.
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OK im back again with more questions.... sorry guys, you must be getting sick of me.... too bad LOL.

I showed this box earlier http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/200716909250?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 and i messaged the seller and asked for the width of the sprockets.

The seller replied and didnt give me the measurements but said he didnt think it suited my purpose, and he also wanted it to go to a restoration and didnt want to sell it to me to "destroy" it. So either this box is in fact too small like Ibedayank said or hes a die hard BSA guy that doesnt want it used for anything other then its original application.

Regardless i am back on the hunt, and came across this heavy duty box that i think is beefier enough. Its a lot more then i wanted to pay, im not sure if its worth the money but i am considering it. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/250996463228?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

It is however missing the clutch and sprocket part, as well as gear shift and kickstart. But im mainly concerned with the missing clutch/sprocket. I messaged him back asking the availability of the clutch, he replied that hes not a BSA guy but thinks they should be easy to find. I did a quick search on EBay and nothing came up. Im wondering if anyone knows if theyre easily available or is he passing on his problem.

The auction only has 2 days left, and i will be doing further investigating to see if i can turn one up, but i thought someone here may know. Does it seem like a good buy?

I asked him for rough measuremnts of size, he said he will get back to me but did say it has a 1/4" drive sprocket and it is a 4 speed.
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I don't realy know but that looks like a clutch lever on the side plus a shifting shaft stiking out and a sproket shaft.?........Curt
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Yeah that's right, it's missing the shift lever and kickstart. That's fine as I've seen them on eBay rather cheaply. My concern is the missing clutch and larger sprocket (primary drive). I'm just wondering how available they are. If they are available I can buy this box and then buy the clutch at a later date..... I just want to make sure I don't buy this only to find the clutch and sprocket arent available or extremely expensive
My question was is that a clutch lever there on the top side with a internal clutch. Almost look like a bigger version of a China girl clutch...........Curt
Yeah sorry Curtis, it's much the same as the one I was looking at and simar to that small one I bought..... The problem is the owner doesn't know the origin so I wondered if anyone knew what it was or the availability of the clutch and sprocket that mounts on the end of the shaft like Wayne Z said.

I'm going to do a lot of looking when I finish work in the morning. If I can find out their availability ill buy it.

I also messages the other seller saying I have no intention of breaking his box as I may buy that as well. He's not real keen on selling it to me, I shouldn't have mentioned what I wanted it for. Or maybe I'll just buy it on my girlfriends account :-)
OK I don't know that much about transmisions ( bike that is ). Seem to be learning now. What is that lever for shifting with a cable?
Hey I'm learning with you Curtis, id imagine the lever actuatesthe clutch. I'm not sure how but will figure that out if and when I get it
Hey I'm learning with you Curtis, id imagine the lever actuatesthe clutch. I'm not sure how but will figure that out if and when I get it

That lever actuates a rod that runs thru the center of the mainshaft, and the rod dis engages the clutch plates on the opposite side of the tranny, just like the China girl clutch.
I was always interested in how an Indian motorcycle clutch release mechanism worked...
they seem to have an external activating rod that runs down to a lever on the outside of the clutch housing, depressing the clutch, somehow.

...Never took one apart, or had a chance to look at the components.
I was always a harley rider, and they use a rod through the tranny shaft, pushed from the opposite side, like a chinagirl does.

I think part of the difference might be that some clutches use a diaphragm spring for pressure and others use coils springs... but i dunno...
something to think abt. :-)

I never saw an Indian clutch but it sounds similar to an automotive clutch, prolly with pivoting fingers and coil springs, with a throw-out bearing against the fingers that is compressed with an external lever.

Newer tec auto clutches use the diaphram spring in order to eliminate the 3 pivoting fingers.
All else fails,maybe you could adapt to the BSA tranny a small dia automotive clutch and lightened flywheel, with a large sprocket or cogbelt mounted on the flywheel, with the clutch assy inside it's diameter. Could prolly figure out a kickstarter or recoil starter on a small jackshaft that would engage a briggs type electric starter bendix into the flywheel teeth.
I'm pretty sure though that you can prolly find the stock parts that you need. Just takes patience, perseverence and money LOL
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All else fails,maybe you could adapt to the BSA tranny a small dia automotive clutch and lightened flywheel, with a large sprocket or cogbelt mounted on the flywheel, with the clutch assy inside it's diameter. Could prolly figure out a kickstarter or recoil starter on a small jackshaft that would engage a briggs type electric starter bendix into the flywheel teeth.
I'm pretty sure though that you can prolly find the stock parts that you need. Just takes patience, perseverence and money LOL

Thanks WayneZ, that sounds hard though, could you imagine how many questions id have if i tried to tackle that? Youd grow tired of my questions before i was even half way LOL

I meant to do a little digging today but slept most of the day after night shift. But i did see another box as well (its also missing the clutch) and he said it was used on early Matchless 500's, i only just received his reply but im considering that also, and its a little cheaper and supposedly "rebuilt" and he claims to have spent $700 on the rebuild

So like you said im sure i can find those parts, probably through BSA sites etc. Ill probably just have to buy one and track them down later. These boxes seemed dear to me but even in England similar boxes are up around the 600 pound mark and the auction wasnt even finished. So these are probably worth the money, especially over here.

I just need to pick a box and make it work i guess. I plan on building a lot of bikes in my future so im sure surplus parts will be used eventually.... if not im not against hording..... besides i think a lot of old cool parts is more interesting then cold hard cash in the bank, and probably gains as much $$$$ interest over time.
Well i just bought a gearbox, paid waaaaaaaaaaaaay more then i wanted, the box cost me more then twice the engine did, and i still have to find a clutch, but it should be up to the job


In the next month there is a vintage bike swap meet about an hour away, im going to go and have a look around and hopefully make some contacts as i will most likely need them down the track for this build. I might also take my Villiers bike and see what reaction i get

This build is going to be a long one, and probably a fair chunk of cash (to me anyway), and im getting the itch to get building but dont want to jump the gun on this build, i wanna do it right. So im gathering parts for my 160cc Victa, ive bought a piston set, electronic ignition and gasket set, i will use it with that small Albion box. Im deciding on whether to use it to replace the 66cc chinagirl in my first Kroon build or put it in the Indian build i never went ahead with. I may play with this build while doing the BSA


The Kroon, i would add an inframe tank


The Indian, i need to redo that downtube as i dont like it, needs to follow the wheel more and be tighter on the droploop bit.... this was my first ever attempt at using a pipe bender

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