Thanks Monark, youre thinking is much in line with mine.
I was planning a total teardown, i have bought the manuals, but my only experience with engine rebuilding is the top ends of the 2 stroke motocross bikes i used to own. A LOT different to this complex 4 banger. The exploded view in the manual made me soil my pants LOL. It seems a stretch for my abilities so im considering just trying to get it going.... it wont be used much anyway.
When i said bigger diameter wheels i really meant bigger diamter rims. The overall diamter would only change very slightly but makes a huge difference visually.
The 21" motorcycle rim is probably my cheapest bet, would make the strongest wheel and have many tyres available at a reasonable price, and i already have a 21" rim.
Theres always the worksman rim, but may not be strong enough and would cost me a bit to get here to Australia, i would use Simplex tyres like Cobrafreak uses..... the cyclone replica with Briggs VTwin uses worksman rims
Then theres the 23" Honda XR rims, they are hard to come by and from what i can gather the tyres are even harder.
Then theres the original style 28" rims, im not sure where i would find them and tyres look the best but WAY out of my price range.
Im thinking of contacting Timeless Bikes to see if they can help me out.
Progress is extrememly slow but im OK with that. Im still just planning at this stage.