1950? 500cc BSA project

Hi Ludwid...I was a 4 stud hero..some one had converted it..very reliable..ran on methanol...was compulsory for the 500cc class I raced in.....DD
I've helped shove a few speedway bikes in the past, lovely sensation when the rider drops the clutch and the flywheels gather speed until the piston decides to join in the fun.

I wonder how many on this forum have ever seen a 500 being hand started on the paddock stand? Flug.....try again, fluggg...try, flugluglug....come on, fire, flugluglugluglugluglglglggaaAARRROOBBBAAAHHH! GAARRROOOOBBBBAAA!! GAAAAAAAAAARRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHBBBBAAAAAHHHBBBAABAHHHHBAAHHBAAHHBAHAHAfut.
Does kickstarting my "79 XT500 count?
That thing was a cold blooded SOB. It tried many times to send my over the bars and each time that left me limping for a few days.
Before I broke my leg racing, I bought an old XT. I could never get the hang of the silly valve lifter, so I kicked it into life without using it. I never got the chance to ride it on the road/start it when hot because trying to point your foot backwards while the rest of your leg points forward is unsuitable for riding an XT.
A size compaison with a Villiers engine




I have just bought the same motor and it came out of a swing saw called a HARGANS MOBILE SAW BY M.L.ENGINEERING CO. SYDNEY if I can get hold of the parts book witch the bloke who I bought it off has got I will post it on here. I paid $500 Australian
Hello Cutter, and welcome to the forum. Swing blade saws are not well known in North America and band saws are the norm or fixed blade circular saws. Great find with the engine. What are your plans for it?
The parts book will be a great help for anyone with one of these engines.

I have to tell you though that this thread hasn't be active for a couple of week under 5 years. If you look under the message you will see the date it was posted. Glad you woke it up. Harry76 posted a couple of months ago that he was hoping to get back to building after a few years absence due to having children and life's interruptions. Hope we hear from you and yes we love photos.

If you have photos stored just click on the Upload A File on the bottom of the page.
