100:1 Mix

I've run Opti-2. It ran fine. But I make more power with my special mix.

I've never made any secret that I am an Amsoil dealer, have I? It's in my signature for goodness sake. I harbor no ill will to the company, so please don't try to say that I have or do.
I've run Opti-2. It ran fine. But I make more power with my special mix.

I've never made any secret that I am an Amsoil dealer, have I? It's in my signature for goodness sake. I harbor no ill will to the company, so please don't try to say that I have or do.

I indeed do not imply that at all, and i am sorry if i did. I in no means want to step on peoples toes. I would actually like to try yours. I am up for new things, but I know that I have had good fortune with Opti-2.

Are there any race teams using opti?

I've been into powersports my whole life and never heard about opti till i became a member here. i go to tons of events never once seen a banner nothing, Just the usual banners bel ray, spectro, amsoil, motul never opti2 tho. and luke stens mix comes from stens obviously they are my supliers for my landscaping parts. funny u mentioned that we ran stens mix untill i started working there and had to litterally chisel out the exaust ports on all the 2 strokes. clogged with carbon flowing out a hole the size of a straw lol evr since I switched tem over to the amsoil sabre that problem went away mixed at 80:1. I had the chance to tear down a few of my 80:1 mixed 4stroke machines to decarbonize the heads besides a little gunk on the top of the pistons the insides of the motors were clean and juicey. I dont care what oil you run your gonna get carbon and ash buildup. all I can say is there shouldnt be such thing as a 4 stroke that you have to mix oil, carbon buildup isnt bad on the head of a 2 stroke but when it builds up on the head of the 4 strokes it starts holding the exaust valve open and there goes all the power. wow what a rant its just i've been slammed at work dealing with this issue i have 20 engines i have to tear down sometime this month.
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I've been into powersports my whole life and never heard about opti till i became a member here. i go to tons of events never once seen a banner nothing, Just the usual banners bel ray, spectro, amsoil, motul never opti2 tho.

That's probably because racers are a bunch of idiots, but motor bicycle riders as a group are highly intelligent genius mechanical engineers.

real nice, thanks for that personal insult.
You seemed very interested in Opti-2 oil even though you have
never tried it.
I sent 2 packets of Opti-2 oil to your address that you PMed me
so that you could try it out and report back to the forum with
your test results.

However a few days ago I see you posted in the chat box that
you used the 2 packets of Opti- 2 to start some camp fires.

My only question is why did you do that?
Lets get back on subject and stop the petty squabbles and arguments. This has been a good discussion for a long time. Don't kill it with adolescent behavior.
Another guinnea pig

I'm in. I just finished a rebuild last night. Motor is a skyhawk gt-5 that I had to replace the top end due to prior damage. I decided to give Opti a shot after reading this epic thread so last night i mixed up a 1.8oz pack to a gallon of gas and fired it up for the first time.

First start was quick and it ran pretty well but I still have some tuning and break in to go through on the new cylinder, piston and head. It seems to be running a little rich so I may play with smaller jets as the clip is at the top.

I gotta say this stuff will win me over quickly so long as the motor doesn't totally fry. The lack of smoke and oily splatter from the exhaust is priceless.
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Re: Another guinnea pig

running a little rich so I may play with smaller jets as the clip is at the top.

I gotta say this stuff will win me over quickly so long as the motor doesn't totally fry. The lack of smoke and oily splatter from the exhaust is priceless.

I use a #73 wire gauge bit to redrill my jets after I solder them up and place my clip on the second from the top notch, works great on mine with the Opti2 @ 1.8oz per gallon

Yep the things you just said here are a couple of the best things about running the Opti2, my engine make good power on it as well and I have close to 1300 miles on one of them and still running strong

Peace, Shan
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M/B are you using the nt or cns? 48 or 66cc? i'm running the cns2 on my 48cc, just drilled the main to a 66. It gave me more top end but still flatens out so i'm going to try a 65 friday. Running the SBP air filter lets alot more air in.
I have the NT carbs on all my engines right now, they are all tuned real nice, they will all hit 38-41MPH jetted like I described.

I have a DAX rt carb. thats going on one of them as soon as I have the time to do it. Had a lot going on here lately and not much time for my MB stuff.


M/B are you using the nt or cns? 48 or 66cc? i'm running the cns2 on my 48cc, just drilled the main to a 66. It gave me more top end but still flatens out so i'm going to try a 65 friday. Running the SBP air filter lets alot more air in.
Doesn't take long, the only stinky thing is getting the auto choke right, my only advice is assemble the carb with the filter OFF so you can see what you're doing, saves time and confusion lol :)
Doesn't take long, the only stinky thing is getting the auto choke right, my only advice is assemble the carb with the filter OFF so you can see what you're doing, saves time and confusion lol :)

I've looked at the RT carb. and I can make that choke a manual choke pretty easy, I cant remember exactly what my plan was but I remember that I saw how it could be done without to much trouble even if I had to build a new block off plate to relace the one that comes in it.

I've looked at the RT carb. and I can make that choke a manual choke pretty easy, I cant remember exactly what my plan was but I remember that I saw how it could be done without to much trouble even if I had to build a new block off plate to relace the one that comes in it.

There's a thread on this carb but I'll share this here.
Just remove the return spring and file off the little 'leg' that engages the choke plate. Install a compression spring where the original spring used to be to add friction and now you'll have a manual choke. I did this to one but the others I left the 'auto' choke operative. I don't see a lot of difference.
Now back to the 100:1 subject.