That's what Fasteddy and I did on my Indian Hiawatha to extend the handlebar. The extra few inches makes a world of difference and the price is right, too. After cutting off the extensions from a donor handlebar we cut off another section after making a longitudinal slice in it with the sidegrinder and a cutoff wheel. We cut that off into two shortish sections, squeezed them a bit so that they would fit inside the old handlebar end and into the end of the new extensions. So the little sections were then inside the handlebars which gave a lot of beef at the union where they were welded. Steve beveled the edges to be welded first and left a wee gap so the weld could penetrate down into the sliced "connectors" inside. It is also a good way to align and hold the two sections to be welded. All you need is a donor, a little time and a welder. Yes, and it is covered up by the hand grip. Sometimes using what you have at hand is better than what you can buy and it is always less expensive with no waiting for the part to arrive.
Your bars have a nice reach and should make for a comfortable ride. Keeps looking better and better.