Anybody name there bike. ;) I know you did.

:eek: kathy rose which is my wifes name so she didnt (can't use the word but you know what it is lol) about me spending so much time on my motorized bicycle
I have not named my MB, but my first dirtbike was Spike, my first three-wheeler was Corky, and my #2 IMCA modfied was the Lonesome Racing Car ( My girlfriends seem to get very jealous of it) I always ended up Lonesome at the end of the racing season. rotfl
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I have never been into naming bikes but sometimes after wrenching, ridding & learning the bikes charactoristics they name themselves and it sticks...Kelly
I just now will name my bike "Xue Hong" which pronounced or written in Mandarin correctly means Red Snow (lit. snow red). It's a girl's name. Usually a very pretty girl. But a girl that sleeps a lot and can hang around with a fast crowd.
I name EVERYTHING!! My trucks, cars, motorcycles & bicycles!!
Older vehicles really develop a lot of personallity & character, You can tell what they like & don't like. When they're feeling good & when they're not.
Sometimes you can even tell if they don't like someone... They might run like crap every time a certain person is around!? (it's true!) :D

My bicycles are named, "Bomber" & "Rat Fink"; My wifes bike is unofficially named "Cream Puff"!! rotfl
I hate being supestitious, but I guess I am, But I never brag on anything because it will go bad as soon as you do. Like saying I never get a flat, and the next time out you get one. Another thing is, if anyone says to wear a safety device like gloves or goggles when I am working, I stop and put them on, because if I don't the next thing I get burned or something. I named my bike the Indian.
I named my twin-engined monster "The Iron Dragon"

I named my girlie cruiser "The Dragon Lady". She will either sport front and rear fiction drive or front electric hub and pusher trailer.

The mythical dragon is noted for its tremendous power. It is also a monster that is very rarely seen..wee.
'Halloween Gal'...for a couple of reasons. It's orange and black and the break in period was done a few days before that holiday. Funny, I never use that name except here on this forum. Usually I just refer to it as "my motorbike".
I've named boats, Tropical Tramp, Illusion, etc, but never named any of my cars. Vehicles seem to display certain gender qualities however. My 1930 Ford sedan is definately male but the MB is surely female. Airplanes seem to be a little different for me. I had a beautiful little Cessna 140 that never got a name and I had some very fond feelings for it.
Machines, any kind, can be good or bad. Some are downright evil. I had a 79 Ford van that I wanted to set fire to. It lost two transmissions and had a complete melt down of the main wiring harness; left me stranded in the mountains during a snow storm. I had a name for it but the moderators would boot me out if I typed it here.
I named mine 'Merri', short for 'Merida'. I really had some difficulty finding a frame like this, and if I had'nt looked at the back of the bicycle store with cobwebs and everything, I would not have found her.

My wife is sometimes is jealous of her, because I always take her out, and sometimes spend more time and money with her... :)
The mb that is my main rider now was named Hemrod shortly after i got her running.Now that the engine is running smooth and i put on a motorcycle seat,I now rename her Betsy.