For Old Guys Only


Feb 1, 2010
Yeah right, party lines & an icebox with a block of real ice.
Texans are still in the neolithic era.


New Member
Dec 24, 2011
Ruston, Washington
I once had Andre The Giant as a cab fare. He was very nice and HUGE! His hands were so big he could easily hide a beer can with his palm. I found out later he was in severe pain from health issue related to his size.
I do remember he seemed very gentle and aware of how big he was.
My favorite wrestler by far.
I met Andre when I was in the 5th grade (1975) Back stage at an event my Dad took me to; he was a photographer. I will never forget the size of his thumbs. They were looked as thick as an axe handle.

Ludwig II

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2012
Andre suffered from acromegaly, a pituitary disorder characterised by looking like Andre, being huge. Apparently some pain can accompany it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
You 100% spot on KCvale!!!
Sun creates vitamin D I do believe and a vitamin D deficiency has been linked to high bp as well as depression and several other stress causing ailments .

I bet they will find out in the coming years that the chemicals in the lotions people put on their bodies to ward off the uv rays is more harmful to them it than the sun is ..especially in kids Remember asbestos and how great that was back in the day .
Actually it is the NO in the skin not vitamin D from it...
Excerpts From:

Research carried out at the Universities of Southampton and Edinburgh shows that sunlight alters levels of the small messenger molecule, nitric oxide (NO) in the skin and blood, reducing blood pressure.


The results suggest that UVA exposure dilates blood vessels, significantly lowers blood pressure, and alters NO metabolite levels in the circulation, without changing vitamin D levels. Further experiments indicate that pre-formed stores of NO in the upper skin layers are involved in mediating these effects. The data are consistent with the seasonal variation of blood pressure and cardiovascular risk at temperate latitudes.


Avoiding excess sunlight exposure is critical to prevent skin cancer, but not being exposed to it at all, out of fear or as a result of a certain lifestyle, could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Perhaps with the exception of bone health, the effects of oral vitamin D supplementation have been disappointing.

Another story about sunlight and BP.

It's a bit nippy here today but mid 70's next week for some more winter sun bathing and as a habit in all my years I never have have used sun screen and no skin cancer.


Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Oct 8, 2011
memphis Tn
So what I'm getting from all this discussion is that there is scientific proof I can show the hottie next door that sunbathing nude is good for her health.
Who knew I was so compassionate? :)

Mike B

New Member
Mar 23, 2011
Central CA
I need sunlight, I know this for a fact.

Every winter when the days get short and cold I get a rash. Nothing serious that a little balm doesn't take care of, but never in the summertime. When I work around the house with no shirt and shorts.

My wife looked this up and found it was common with people of Norwegian decent, who are also blessed with long summer and short winter days. Pops used to get it too.

I don't lay out in the sun, I hide from it in fact, but when I'm working around the house I'm "half naked man"

I used to drive a lot when I was in sales, and then I was "1 tan arm man" or "one tan armano" for you Jose Fernandez fans - :)


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
I've always thought that maybe I'm solar powered. Subject me to three or four days without sunshine and I start a steady deline. I get grumpy, and don't want to do anything or go anywhere. I hide inside and peer out hopefully at the overcast looking for just a hint of sun. Summer is my time when the days are long and bright. Winter, with the cold and cloudy days wears on me and I start to 'run down' like any solar powered machine.

:( and it's only February. I'm getting slo.....w......e.....r



Feb 1, 2010
Sunlight? It's just a rumor here in the rain forest. I think
I did catch of something blue in the sky today. The last
time it came out I spent a few minutes squinting & shading
my eyes with my hand before scurrying back into my cave.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
So what I'm getting from all this discussion is that there is scientific proof I can show the hottie next door that sunbathing nude is good for her health.
Who knew I was so compassionate? :)
Sure, just put a lounge chairs in your back yard and invite her over to 'lower her blood pressure' ;-}


Feb 1, 2010
Nice stuff, KC,
Makes my DIY belt drive look a bit primitive, but then so am I.
Wish I had the money to get a nice shift kit, but then I'd have no
excuse for not riding over 22 mph.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
I've always thought that maybe I'm solar powered. Subject me to three or four days without sunshine and I start a steady decline. I get grumpy, and don't want to do anything or go anywhere. I hide inside and peer out hopefully at the overcast looking for just a hint of sun. Summer is my time when the days are long and bright. Winter, with the cold and cloudy days wears on me and I start to 'run down' like any solar powered machine.

:( and it's only February. I'm getting slo.....w......e.....r

I am solar powered as well (it's getting creepy Tom hehe), the thing is my batteries are so old I have to charge them a long time and they just don't have the juice they used to.
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Moto pope

New Member
Mar 26, 2013
St. James, mo
You may be making lite (no pun)' but This is not a joke, you guys should take a vitamin D supplement and spend a few minutes a day under a sun lamp, with lots of skin exposed, we'll not too much! Many people are blue in winter from lack of D.


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
I am solar powered as well (it's getting creepy Tom hehe), the thing is my batteries are so old I have to charge them a long time and they just don't have the juice they used to.
I had to drive 40 miles, one way, today to thaw my mother-in-law's water lines. It was cold, -4, and cloudy and snowing. By the time I finished and got in the car to come home I was ready for a hot bath and a meal. No sunshine to rejuvinate me, no warmth, just a cold dirty crawl space that isn't insulated against the winter very well. I felt guilty calling a plumber to do something that I knew how to do and pay him $100 an hour so I decided to do it myself. Next time, the plumber gets the money.

Gosh I hate winter. And to think I moved here from south Florida :( What an idiot!



Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
Weather in Northern California has been dry and warmer than usual, but most significant rain may be starting right now. I was just finishing working outside fixing up an old generator and the rain started lightly.

I had just got it working right but had to put stuff away in a light drizzle. I changed a few days ago the magneto that has internal electronics built in for pointless ignition. The sparks was intermittent then not at all. The measurement on an ohm-meter showed all the windings OK, but there is no way to check the electronics epoxy potted inside.

Putting it all back, was expecting to be done sooner, but when the mechanical governor was not working after putting the linkages back, I was just going to set the speed in one position. I decided to pull the starter cord with ignition off and reposition the shaft that is from within the crankcase and it was back working as usual. The I also needed to adjust the carb air fuel needle valve that now has it start on one or two pulls.

Now for the rain for a week maybe. If it brings enough wind I'll be windsurfing this weekend!


Mike B

New Member
Mar 23, 2011
Central CA
Supposed to rain big this weekend and well into next week. I heard the radio sayin' that 20% of the drought could be gone inna week.

I like it here. Not too hot, not too cold. House is paid for. I'm done workin' end of this year.

People keep askin' me where I'm gonna move to. Nowhere, just gonna stay here. In my free house. 3 hours from Reno, 11 miles from the Delta.


Feb 1, 2010
That's comforting; that leaves only 80% drought. Your glass
isn't empty; it's 1/5 full. So. Cal. won't be getting much water
from Colorado. Since bug kill got so many trees, the upland
water table is shot, no residual evaporation to entice snowfall.
Denver & Colorado Springs have sucked the Frying Pan/Arkansas
project & the San Luis Aquifer dry.