The Chinese copy the "Fred Head"!


New Member
Boom! It happened!
Not much of a surprise.
About 4 months ago, gasbike asked me if I would wholesale them my "Fred Heads", and I agreed.
They purchased the minimum order and promptly sent one to China to be copied.
Of course, this was done without my permission.

No worries folks: I'm not going to let gasbike and kingsmotorbikes shut my shop down!

I've been preparing for this sort of thing for some time now, and I'm ready for battle!

I will be significantly lowering the price of all center fire Fred Heads.

Now, making the right decision will not hurt your wallet.


Thank you all for being awesome!

Sadly, this sort of industry back stabbing does not surprise me. I am sorry to hear that it happened to you too.
Do you have a web site/ storefront?
What other products do you offer?
I have a 66cc sitting on my work bench that I am slowly upgrading to be as efficient and bullet proof as I can make it. Port matching and polishing only do so much...
Sadly, this sort of industry back stabbing does not surprise me. I am sorry to hear that it happened to you too.
Do you have a web site/ storefront?
What other products do you offer?
I have a 66cc sitting on my work bench that I am slowly upgrading to be as efficient and bullet proof as I can make it. Port matching and polishing only do so much...

You can check out Freds page at and check out his facebook page, China girl lovers club. Lots of good info traded there daily. Ive purchased my stuff from him on his ebay store seller name turrettooling

There are two things against the heads that Gas Bike will be selling. They're being sold by Gas Bike and they will be made in cousin Lim's closet in China.

Not your guarantee of quality.

I just placed an order for clutch pads from GasBike. I'm thinking this will be my last order form them. I'm also thinking that we, someone, perhaps me should reproduce the china girl here in the states. Call it the "American girl"? Show them how it should be done, can be done... Can you imagine that a high quality reliable 49cc and 66cc 2 stroke right out of the box. Now there is something the Chinese manufactures can't duplicate!
usflg .flg.
I would think that to duplicate also means to be competitively priced in the same market. But that's just my opinion...
I own one of the Fred heads, yet to try it tho. Can I get a rebate since you lowered the price.... Lol


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You can check out Freds page at and check out his facebook page, China girl lovers club. Lots of good info traded there daily. Ive purchased my stuff from him on his ebay store seller name turrettooling

100% Made in USA and priced dropped from $85 to $68

Motorized bicycle Stage 2 high performance 7.2 cc cylinder head 66 / 80 cc

Motorized bicycle Stage 2 high performance 5.3 cc cylinder head 66 / 80 cc
Well after learn this unfortunate treachery now all my Lightening CDIs are in case in black epoxy just like the Chinese cdi is. We couldn't get theirs open and their sure as he!! not getting into mine. On this last run I almost used Red&Green dye in the epoxy just keep to it Christmasy☆☆☆☆☆
Thank you very much, Danschutz!
I too will support Fred as much as I can.

Sure thing. Fred is a great fellow and a major spokesperson for motoredbikes and one of a few vendors that keeps this hobby moving forward. Now I wait for my 5.3 head to arrive :)

My understanding was these heads were selling for $200 plus dollars.
Now they are $68 with shipping?!?!?
Much as I love American made quality, they were just far too expensive for me to ever consider. Now, due to someone else copying and selling it for less, the price drops almost $150 bucks?
That is strange.
Whats the deal here Fred?
My understanding was these heads were selling for $200 plus dollars.
Now they are $68 with shipping?!?!?
Much as I love American made quality, they were just far too expensive for me to ever consider. Now, due to someone else copying and selling it for less, the price drops almost $150 bucks?
That is strange.
Whats the deal here Fred?
Your understanding is incorrect.
You already asked this question once and I straightened you out. Did you forget that fast? I can find the post if you want? :)

The standard Fred heads were $85 and are now $68 with FREE shipping to compete with a gasbike Chinese knock off.

That would be a $17 price drop.

there are still more exotic Fred heads selling for a couple hundred dollars.

This is the ebay link to Freds store so you can see for yourself all
the heads available.
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Must have been thinking of the "exotic" head.
I DO remember thinking how I could buy several kits for the same money.
(I'm still recovering from the 70's)
What a shame.

I have seen this happen in the large scale rc community over the past few years. I have friends that are/were manufacturers. Most everyone has been ripped off.