The Chinese copy the "Fred Head"!

It is indeed a great video. I watched some of the other videos that show up on the side and my favorite one was where they are making copies of watches that cost huge dollars and they are so good the original makers can't tell them apart.

These then sell as real and make the fakers millions at the expense of the original makers.

Fred, are you going to mark yours, "The Original Fred Head, Made in the U.S.A."?

I agree! Very good video Goat Herder.
I have actually dealt first hand with counterfeit brake parts on motorcycles. It was an EBC branded banjo fitting for brake lines to be exact.
It really amazed me at the time. We called the vendor and let them know what we found. About a year later ( a YEAR!!! for cryin' out loud) they sent out a recall notice on a bunch of brake related parts, both name brand and vendor label brand.

To think that I nearly installed a part that had the potential to kill. A part that came from a reputable source, that had a reputable manufacturers name, that had totally legit looking packaging.

Counterfeiting is horrible! It is really sad that most folks I know will just shrug their shoulders at the notion. "What can I do?" and sweep the problem "under the rug".
seems there may be a diff between counterfeit & a cheaper alternative

if I buy rustler jeans at $10 instead of levi jeans at $50, I don't feel cheated
You copied the 'Fred head' design, - have you no shame! I wouldn't buy anything from you if you were the last motorized bicycle parts supplier on earth.

I made use of the 'Review' tab on that page and posted the above. I know it's not going to get approved, but at least it helps to drive the message home.
I trust your Work and Products Fred so don't worry about who's engine head I'll be getting my next one from.

I know how P!$$ed off you feel about your design being swiped and then they changed it just enough to avoid copy right, patent and design infringements.

Keep up the good work Fred I'm with Ya!
as soon as I start my winter builds Ill be ordering 2 heads from fred just cant decide if I want 1 twin plug and one single plug or 2 twin plug or 2 single plugs now lol

Yes, the joy of international shipping. A $15 pair of handle bar grips shipped from the U.S. to Canada cost me $14 in shipping charges. A head to Poland for $45 seems pretty reasonable to me. Probably $25 to $30 to get it shipped here.

My opinion any way.

I just paid $57.oo on shipping and currency exchange rate for both product and shipping from Germany came out to be $162.32 USD for a $80.oo item

I guess if you want it you'll pay for it and a QUALITY Product is always worth the price.
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You guys are funny.

Riding around on Chinese copies of Russian motors and Chinese copies of Solex motors and Chinese copies of Honda motors and loudly condemming the Chinese for copying.

Well Mike it's not the fact of what engines we have that are clones but rather the fact that a fellow member who makes a quality product and is trying to run a legitimate business has been taken advantage of by a company that is trying to sell his design to us and undercutting him and his lively hood.

Yah there are subtle difference's in the cooling fins but in general Fred got RIPPED OFF! Imagine for one moment, you design a car then build it and another company comes along and promotes your car then under-handedly and intentionally with No! regards to or for you builds one Exactly! like yours but the only difference is they added wind wing's wouldn't you be telling yourself the obvious "YOU GOT JACKED!" all around .

Some how in this day and age too many people have come to the point where they just don't care about the other guy and or who they hurt, that to me is jacked up!
He got a good deal. They could have bought 1 and sent it over.

Business as usual. What's new?

I detest gasbike. I bought 1 item from them that was "stock"

Yup, stock in China. Shipped - "info received"

I got it 8 weeks later. And sold it w/o using it. Nope. Never gasbike again. I wonder why they are still around?
Unfortunately the only way to avoid being copied in a Global marketplace is to file for international patents, and then the design can be slightly modified to sidestep patent law.

The only way to be competitive is to offer higher precision, better quality materials, and good customer service. How do you think Honda, KTM, Blata, and Polini feel about their engines being copied? Well they're not worried I suspect, since they offer a product that is commensurate with the price they charge, and when the clone parts start failing at the grain boundary level, you end up buying replacement parts from the OEM manufacturer. Case in point: the KTM50 clone cylinder heads are made out of pot metal and warp, eventually leaking no matter how much you lap the gasket surface, the only real fix is to get a genuine KTM50 head which is made out of better metal and comes with a nice hardcoat black anodized finish which cools better than any black paint will.

As a fellow New England Yankee I commend CRMachine for building a small business in an area that has been hit hard by the recession, I remember there not being any interesting jobs back before the bubble bust a decade ago, I can't imagine how it is now.
wow a lawyer of therapist and a motor bicyclist your a bizzy guy.
No its like this the Chinese do what ever they feel like.
I am Guessing that Fred's Philosophy is "one hand washes the other" he produces a quality product and we pay him a decent (FAIR!) price for it, what Fred builds he builds for the M/B enthusiast's first and the profits come second.
If Gas Bike would do that to Fred think of what they have and will do to us, I for one will never trust them and for that reason I will never purchase from them, they do not care about us they see an opportunity to rape our pockets, spit at our integrity and take every advantage of people like Fred and us as they believe it is their right and with out protest they will continue their business as usual.
I just gave there head a "nice" feedback lol "This is a rip off of the fred head. Well Ive been on your mailing list for years and I now I ask to please remove my name from your list as I wont be buying any thing else from a dishonest company like yours". Ya think if enough of us leave "nice" feedback they'll get it? (not)
Nah, they don't care. They wouldn't cancell my order that was not "in stock" they don't answer the phone and they don't reply to email. I allready told them that I would never buy again and I'm still on the list.

They only care about the money. Show me the money!

Yup, never again.