what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

took a half a inch off my tuned pipe last night. Makes a Huge difference in the ride today. Now it revs freely from take off to over 6000. I haven't pushed any harder, but it seems to go like mad now. I don't have the four stroking I used to have at the lower revs.

I am glad I did not weld the whole pipe together when I reassembled my tuned pipe last time. I now have a bike that can get out of its own way.

I will check it out tomorrow with the GPS and see if my top end has improved, but even if it doesn't go any faster just the way it pulls really makes riding so much more fun.

Something else I did and have to note is that I have to put lock tight or double bolted all of my hardware on my bike. I had to find four more nuts for my gas tank because it came loose yesterday.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Something else I did and have to note is that I have to put lock tight or double bolted all of my hardware on my bike. I had to find four more nuts for my gas tank because it came loose yesterday.


nylock nuts. never had a problem with them at all. i even use them on the intake and exhaust studs.

also ordered a shimano freehub with disc provision for the rear wheel. don't know how many gears it's meant for though :/ didn't say but for $30 i couldn't pass it up. probably 8/9 speed hub.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

nylock nuts. never had a problem with them at all. i even use them on the intake and exhaust studs.

also ordered a shimano freehub with disc provision for the rear wheel. don't know how many gears it's meant for though :/ didn't say but for $30 i couldn't pass it up. probably 8/9 speed hub.

Personally I mount the tank on half sections of old handle bar grips (The squishy straight kind) sandwiched between the tank and the bar and use the original nuts to tighten the tank down then back them up with nylocks to reduce vibration from loosening them... Overkill I know... But I never use them on the exhaust because of heat issues...
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Personally I mount the tank on half sections of old handle bar grips (The squishy straight kind) sandwiched between the tank and the bar and use the original nuts to tighten the tank down then back them up with nylocks to reduce vibration from loosening them... Overkill I know... But I never use them on the exhaust because of heat issues...

hey better to know that it's not going anywhere than to hope the tank doesn't fall off.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

what did i do to my bike today ............. I FINALLY PUT AN NT CARB ON !!! and guess what .... it solved all my problems.... idles fine , no backfire , full throttle , quieter , and it goes up hills now !

no more struggling with the cns carb ! if you are still have probs , just get rid of it !
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Last night i used the app called: My Tracks to track my mileage, minimum speed, max speed etc. and I went 3.59 miles My max speed was 25.09 but that wasn't my fastest. My bike goes so fast at anything above half throttle i don't want to test it cuz if something breaks or snaps...there wont be much left of me or my bike once i stop tumbling and rolling down the road. I think my engine will go about 28-30mph wide open. I went 3.59 miles in a total time of 14:30 minutes. Moving time was 13:30. I was just going around my neighborhood though. My average speed is 15.90mph. Thats my speed with no throttle just cruising around without giving it any throttle. For a mountain bike, thats darn good!!!!! It rides good. It takes any bumps real good. I'm always afraid it'll break the mounts but so far its held up. I only have maybe 1/8th of a tank when i started, and When i finished, the tank was empty. Thats cuz my intake leaks. I'm waiting for my billet intake from pirate to get here. uhhh it was the quickest shipping(2day)cuz with the intake u get free shipping with whatever shipping method u choose. It should be here today, cuz today makes 3 days. It better be at my house when i get home tonight at 545...or i'll be pissed....I'm tired of my carb leaking. Once i get the intake, all will be weill(or atleast i hope).
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Started taking stuff off the bike in anticipation of selling off my Chinese parts for when I get a Morini. A barely used 66 and a fresh 49. SBP pipe, jaguar's ignition, just...stuff.

Keep an eye out in the next few days for the bargains in the Yard Sale section.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i fixed my engine which sheared two engine mounts bolts for a second time in the past year. unfortunately i was not lucky and i broke an easy out tap in one of the holes i was working on.

so, i used a tip from another forum member and built a new mount. i used 2x2 angle iron and cut it to same width as the original mount spacer and then drilled two new mount holes 90 degrees from the original mount holes (on top of the front engine mount all the way thru the bottom) i drilled 1/4 inch holes and used 2 1/2 inch bolts to mount the angle iron. the front piece of the angle iron also had 2 holes drilled in area as original mount (same width same diameter) and installed to frame as before.

i will now say i am extremely happy and i tell ya, i will never use the factory front mount again and will use this angle iron mounting system on all future builds for myself. no need worrying that dropping the bike will shear the front bolts anymore.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That sounds cool Drewd. Can you post pics or link? I've had 2 die young due to forward mount failures. What I was thinking was a mounting plate deal but your's sounds far simpler.

LOL, dang'it. Now looking for some scrap to try the plate idea.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Just got my new gas tank bracket and plug wire from Duane for my super titan...under warranty....Duane is great. For some strange reason the original snapped and cut the plug boot. I was able to "fix it" with electrical tape and two ss zip ties to keep it running till I got the new parts. On my other MB the rear hub failed. Called Huffy and got a free rim for my Karaoke comming in the mail. I am so happy I registered the bike with them. Just last week I put a new tube, tires and front pads on it. Go figure now I need a new rim...ha. Thats what happens when you buy a Huffy. All an all everything worked out...no money out of my pocket...for once.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

here is a pic of it. the top bolts are drilled thru the mount and secured with nuts/washers on bottome side. The metal square tubing is just a spacer I needed to get things to fit properly.

do not drill too close to the engine case for two reasons, you don't want to compromise the case and cause an airleak and if you drill to close, you may not be able to rotate the nuts to tighten the bolt.


  • resized ht front mount repair.jpg
    resized ht front mount repair.jpg
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Put some grease on my internal gears and broke my ground wire that was hooked to the other side of the housing. so I had to rewire it. Then I took it for a test ride and found out that my NT carb had a problem with the float valve and it dumped gas all over the next doors neighbors driveway. Lucy for me it was hot out and it evaporated. Then I took the bike for a ride around the block and forgot that I left my cheep 10mm wrench on my rear rack. I heard a "clink" but by the time I got home it was long gone. Walked around the block looking for it but no luck.

On the good side a old buddy of mine gave me a Columbus stainless steel tube set and about a half ounce of 40/60 nickel silver to put t together with. I fond out that today its worth over six hundred bucks.

Ya lose some, Ya win some!

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

On the good side a old buddy of mine gave me a Columbus stainless steel tube set and about a half ounce of 40/60 nickel silver to put t together with.

At that value I would say you won!
What exactly is a "tube set"?

My mind went to an old T.V. set with tube circuitry, but that wouldn't be made of stainless steel....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I received some goodies from AGK, so I installed them on my HF 2.5 (cover just resting on there) and took a picture:


  • HF+AGK.jpg
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Put some grease on my internal gears and broke my ground wire that was hooked to the other side of the housing. so I had to rewire it. Then I took it for a test ride and found out that my NT carb had a problem with the float valve and it dumped gas all over the next doors neighbors driveway. Lucy for me it was hot out and it evaporated. Then I took the bike for a ride around the block and forgot that I left my cheep 10mm wrench on my rear rack. I heard a "clink" but by the time I got home it was long gone. Walked around the block looking for it but no luck.

On the good side a old buddy of mine gave me a Columbus stainless steel tube set and about a half ounce of 40/60 nickel silver to put t together with. I fond out that today its worth over six hundred bucks.

Ya lose some, Ya win some!


My NT did that. There's the obvious, there's crap in there holding it open. Or, the issue I had.
Take the needle out, and the tube that the needle seats into.
When you look at the needle it will probably have a groove worn into it from the seat, that's why it's leaking.
Put the needle in a drill and spin it on sandpaper to smooth the needle out again, I went up to 2000, because that's what I had. Got it all shiny again.

Then to address the seat. The needle is (apparently) softer than the seat because the seat wears grooves into the needle. Looking into the seat you see a sharp edge, I took a small dremel bit with taper on the end to the seat to make it tapered rather than a sharp edge.

This mod worked great for me! I still had other issues with the NT afterwards, but sporadically leaking all over the place was off the list.

After you do this, you've essentially raised the float level, so you may have to drop the float afterwards.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

inlet neadle seat I alway use a Q tip with valve grinding compound.I put the Q tip in a drill and put the compound on the tip them polish away untill its like new.Saved a lot of carbs this way ,the Q tip will mold like the seat and the compound polishes it nice ,just make sure to flush good.
I didnt do anything to my bike but a kid in town liked mine so much he talked his dad into getting him one.His dad had asked me to help with the build so we stayed up untill 9 pm last night getting the bugs worked out,today he is ridding and happy as can be.I donated one of my exra hub addapters and we threw the rag joint in the garbage save a lot of time.His dad is going to try one next,cant wait to see that
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

While riding home from work, my engine drive chain grabbed my pants cuff for a second, shredded it a bit, then released. It was like a shark's warning nip; the next bite would grab hold, then throw me off the bike and kill me.

Death is my co-pilot.

When riding an MB with a shift kit, I try to remember to downshift before coming to a complete stop. If not, the cassette would stay in whichever gear I was in last. When my engine was idling low enough to disengage the centrifugal clutch, I'd manually downshift and pedal before coming to a complete stop. Now that my engine idle is high, the clutch is slightly engaged at idle. Thus, while coasting to a stop, both chains are moving. I just downshift and the chain smoothly shifts into gear.

Previously, I would always powershift after releasing the throttle a bit. I imagine that takes a toll on the chain and gears, but makes for a smoother power transition. Now I completely release the throttle, then shift gears. I guess it's easier on the chain & derailleur mesh, especially since the fast idle helps. Power transfer is more brutal now, so I have to be sure I'm hanging on tightly to the handlebar.

The two front mounting bolts and fittings on my new Avenir rear rack unloosened and fell off during my ride. The only thing keeping my rack from pivoting rearward and contacting my tire was the engine's rubber fuel hose(I have my 4-liter HT fuel tank mounted on the rear rack). The rack pivoted back six inches and the fuel line kept it from moving any more. Luckily, the front support rods did not fall into the spokes, or there would've been a horrific accident. I used a 1/4" nylon tiewrap to secure the front of the rack until I could ride to the bike shop. They didn't have any spare parts, so I was forced to buy another rack to replace tghe missing mounting pieces. If the owner can order the pieces I need, then he said he's allow me to return that second rack. In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out how to fab those pieces. If they can't order those missing pieces, I'm stuck with buying that second rack for those missing rack mount pieces.:-||
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It's always fun having the rear wheel lock up... Had it happen to me. Doing probably 30 or so down a very, very steep hill.
The chain bound up in the sprocket cover. Weird fluke accident. Locked up the rear wheel. I managed to control the skid, but since it was such a steep hill it took a long time to stop. Wore a hole right through a brand new tire, through the inner tube, and ate up the rim.... Wheels locking up is BAD. I tell you BAD.